
Chapter 68: What He Needs


Lying in our bed later that morning, I leaned back to scan Logan’s face, taking in the new lines of pain and exhaustion around his eyes. “What happened out there?”

His mouth flattened as grief welled up in his mind, mixing with fresh rage. “We ambushed the Shadowcrest Warriors’ Compound, but Marshall was badly wounded. We had to retreat and regroup.” His fists clenched at his sides. “But next time, that bastard Shane dies.”

I smoothed back a lock of his dark, wet hair. “You made it home alive. That’s what matters most.”

Logan turned his face into my palm, eyes closing. “Being here with you again is the only thing keeping me sane right now.” His voice was hoarse with emotion. “I was so afraid I’d never see you again.”

“Shhh. I’m here now.” I pulled back the sheets so I could properly assess his injuries. He moved slowly, fresh blood staining the sheets. My heart ached at the thought of him enduring such pain. “Logan, I’m sorry. I should have patched you up before—”
