
Intimate night after long time

"What, You married Haman Princess and had a wedding in her In Hman kingdom." Rose became furry and almost lost her anger. 

I nodded and agreed with her question. She gritted her teeth, I saw her profound aura leaking out in outrage at the thought of Rani exploring my body with joy for the entire night.

"That woman, I will erase her from this world, how dare she touch my dear!"

"Hold your anger, Rose. I would suggest you not kill or harm her yet. There might be a reason why my Xzson chose to marry another inferior young girl even if he has you and me." Sendra spoke to Rose in a calm and cold voice, as she stared at my eyes with a determined gaze of the reason behind my act.

After listening to Sendra, Rose halted her dragon aura. She somehow suppressed her anger and waited to listen to my reasoning.

I briefly explained the whole story to them and told Sendra about my journey to my Haman Kingdom. She listened with a great smile and enjoyed her time spending me. However, as I finally mentioned about Rani, their expression became stifled as ice. 

I told them about, how I killed the Wyrm and that without Rani, I never could have come back alive, but I kept secret my unexpected meet with the Demon God. 

"That all happened there, but I want you to accept Rani as one of my wives. I have given her my vow to me lover and treat her as my wife." I asked them and noticed their sulking expression.

"You want us to accept another woman who shares you?" Rose spoke almost losing her tamper, she put her hand on her forehead and calmed herself down.

 "My Xzson, you sure about your decision," Sendra said and gazed at me with resolute looks.

"Yes, I'm sure about my decision, Sendra. I love her as I do you and Rose." I Spoke with my inner feelings and let them know how I love Rani. 

Rose and Sendra silently stared at me, envy and hatred rising within their heart when they saw me, being seeded by another woman and requested to become one of my wives. They both sighed and realised it would be useless to reject my request.

"I can't deny my love's request, I'm yours and you are mine."

"If that girl ever comes between us, she will be responsible for her own."

They said with reluctance visible on their face I smiled until I heard another voice in my head.

[Be careful of your body, those hungry women will dry you up for sure.]

"Frosty, When did you wake from sleep?" She surprised me with her sudden voice and my body jolted with sudden coldness. I turned my head and saw, that Rose and Sendra, were looking at me with a predatory gaze at any moment they jumped to devour me. 

"Dear, It's been a long time since we haven't spent intimate time together," Rose said walking toward me with a blushing face.

"My Xzson, I want to enjoy a great night with you in bed. I wish to explore your body from bottom to head, imprinting with my mark and love." Snedra mummer in a leisurely manner.

[I wouldn't think about my sleep, you should rather save your manhood instead!]

Before I couldn't react, Rose and Sendra threw me in her bed. They walked toward me as they undressed their body, revealing an alluring figure and pregnant belly. Their breasts were lactating milk and their lower lips were squirting. 

"Rose! Sendra... You both are pregnant, are you sure you both wanna do this?" I was worried about our baby in their belly, if we had sex who knew what could be happened?

Sendra chuckled at my statement. "Ohh~ My dear care about our baby, I love that you care for our family. But don't worry about it, our baby will be fine, I will deploy a barrier around my and Rose's baby so they are hurt."

"I greatly appreciate that now I can go on without any holding back. Dear, you ready." Rose crawled back toward me at bed and undressed my attire.

She pushed me against the bed, Rose rested her over me naked and I saw her desperate smile of intimacy, her two breasts dangling as milk leaked out. Sendra didn't wait much longer, moving her hand between my crouch she held my manhood and felt its warmness.

"Finally, after a long wait, I can enjoy myself with my Xzson, I need to wipe all the poison left by that Haman girl to make you pure once again." Sendra looked at my hard manhood in her hand and put it inside her hot wet mouth.

"Hum~ Mmm~ Ammm~" She released a moan in pleasure while sucking my manhood.

"Aahh~ Sender please be gentle... You are being so rough." 

Sendra didn't listen, she was lost in her own world as she continued to suck with the same speed, But Suddenly Rose kissed my lips and penetrated her tongue in my mouth. "Slurp~ slurp~ slurp~ slurp~... Dear, I can give you more pleasure than her and don't come yet. I'm just started, here drink my milk dear, you must be hungry."

Rose brought her lactating nipples toward my face, one of the milf drops escaped to my mouth as its sweetness sent me to heaven. "So sweet! It has become sweeter the last time I drank her milk.!"

Without any linger, I sucked her nipples, the milk rushed into my giving me the pleasure of nostalgia for being with Rose. I drank her milk like an infant as Rose observed me with a smile.

Soon I felt my blood cells rushing toward my crouch, Sendra had increased her speed rapidly, it made my manhood eject and my baby seeds rushed into her mouth.
