
Intermezzo 2

So short notice here. As far as I have seen from the comments on the last 'chapter', most would like to see some romance. While I did think about it for a short while, I put the thought away for the moment. But now I will try to find a way to implement it into the story.

There were some recommendations and I think some would work better than others, but the decision is yours. I am going to write down some and you can vote.

- Ancient One (Yao)(this one was a surprise to me, but there was more than just one who suggested her. After thinking about it, I also think this would kinda make sense as Ichibe is quite 'wise' or at least as 'wise' as me, the author.)

- Natasha Romanoff (she does not get enough love in fan-fics. Sure there are those that just have her be the MC's lust object but that's not something I'm going for. There is also a, in my opinion, cool way for me to make her the FML)

- Magik (don't know too much about her, but if she's chosen I'll do my homework)

- Enchantress (she might be interesting to write, but I'm not sure whether that would work out)

- Psylocke

- Ororo Munroe (she could work out, as she has already apeared in the chapters I've already written)

- Someone else:

Just a head's up on who I'd rather not choose as FML:

-Jean Grey (she would work but she's got the thing with Scott Summers going on and Ichibe (definitely not the author) does not want to deal with Scott Summers too much)

- Emma Frost (she is very calculating and would only be interested in Ichibe for his power and whatnot. Ichibe would also never trust her (probably))

- Scarlett Witch (she's crazy .... and they'll definitely clash sooner or later)

But again, if the majority of you want someone of the three below, I'll make it work.

Personally, I think the Ancient One would probably fit the best, but I don't know. Natasha Romanoff would also work as there is this idea I have to make it work.

As for general information about the story:

- the X-men are indeed included in the story

- the Fantastic 4 are included as well and therefore also the Silver Surfer and Galactus

- I'm playing with the idea of changing Thor: Records of Ragnarok slightly and making it more similar to the comics, but that's not sure yet.

Leave your thoughts and ideas. Vote for those that you would like or write your own candidates.


Cedric_7512creators' thoughts