
chapter 45

--Allison POV--

I can't believe that Kate died. I should have stopped her when she was going out.

If only I knew that it would have been the last time I heard her, I would have at least wanted to speak with her one last time, but I just stayed silent and immobile.

As I was crying in my bedroom remembering the sight of my aunt's body, someone knocked on the door.

"Allison, can I enter?" I didn't reply, but my father took my silence as an invitation and entered.

Behind him was my mother, who still had her arm bandaged.

When they saw the state, I was in they came beside me and hugged me from both sides.

"What you saw…" Tried to say Chris.

"I know everything, even what Kate did to the Hale family, but even then I can't accept what happened to her" I interrupted him and my tears kept rolling.

I was happy to know the truth, but it indeed hurt.

"Me too" We stayed like that for a minute or two.

"Did your friends tell you about us" he asked, with a frown.

Well, he just found out that all my friend are not humans, so his reaction isn't strange considering his job.

"Yes, and I haven't forgiven you for hiding all of this for my whole life".


"I'm not weak father! It hurts, but even then, I want to know the truth, especially when it comes to the people I love. Had I not been there would you have hidden to me the true cause of Kate death too?" It only took a look at his expression to understand he would have never told me the truth.

"From now on I want to know whatever happens. I'm an Argent too! I want to help too and redeem Kate memory" I held my gaze immobile, as I stared him dead in the eyes.

"Ok I'll train you to become a hunter".

--MC POV--

"I hope you don't mind that I revealed to them I knew about the supernatural" Said Allison.

"It was already out; you don't have to worry. So how is it going with your family?"

"Awkward and depressing" Kate death and other truths came all in one go, so I'm not surprised that they are having some problems.

"If you need to, you are free to come to my house to sleep" said Lydia.

"As long as you don't make me sleep in your boyfriend bed. Speaking of you, Thomas, the kiss you gave me… did it feel good because of some power?" asked a curious Allison.

"So you liked it" My words made her blush, but she still tried to keep her stern look.

"Just answer my question."

"Well, maybe, but I can assure you that one small peck never had much of an effect, so you if you liked it, it might just be because of yourself".

While we were speaking, I heard the sound of a wall cracking and I knew that Scott heard us.

Not like I care.

"What are we going to do about the school dance." Right, it is about to happen, I completely forgot of it.

"Are we still going after all that happened" asked Allison.

"Obviously we are, and you are coming too" stated Lydia.

"With whom? Did you forget I'm single now?" said Allison, and I heard another cracking sound from a wall in the distance.

"You can come with us. I want to dance with both Lydia and Malia, but that would mean leaving one alone while I dance, so you could stay with her. No commitment and just friendship." I proposed to her, and it seems that I nearly convinced her.

"What about, Scott it would be awkward to see him there" she said, but if this is her only preoccupation than there is no real problem.

"You don't have to worry, because of his grades he was banned from participating" and here comes another crack.

Is he aware that the budget of a school is limited?

"Then it is ok, let's enjoy the school dance together. I need something to cheer me".

--Chris Argent POV--

"Don't you dare come near my family, stay where you are" I spoke on the phone.

"Are you asking me to not come for my daughter funeral?"

"It is your fault if she ended like this. You instigated her in acting against the code".

"You still protect them after what they did?"

"The one who did it is already dead. I'm not going to commit the same error of my sister and bring danger to my family. That's why I want you to stay far away from here, I don't know what nefarious things you did, when I wasn't looking, but I won't let you make me part of it" I said and closed the call.

The code.

The law I always followed, and my sister death just was another example of what happens when you don't respect it, but now I'm in front of the hardest decision of my life.

"Don't worry I'll do what needs to be done, just give me some days to stay with you and Allyson a little more, I'll do it before the next full moon" My wife was bitten and she has become a werewolf.

What did I do to face this?

I passed my whole life protecting common people, and now I'm going to lose my wife and sister one after the other.

"You can't leave me and our daughter" I was crying, which man could accept the death of his wife?

"You know that this is what needs to be done, I don't want to hurt you or anyone else. I've seen what they turn into, and I refuse to become something like that" she stated as she caressed my check.

"There are also those who resist and live good lives. The code is made because there are innocents shapeshifter too".

"Even then we can't allow hunters and supernatural creatures to mix. We must remain partial to punish those who sinned. If we started to not follow the code there would soon be corruption" she said, and while there was truth in her words, I couldn't accept them.

"There already is, you have seen what my family has been doing behind my back".

"That makes it even more important for us to respect the code. Without you no one would be able to keep in check your father. The leader must follow the rules for his subordinates to respect him".

I can't.

"You'll have Allison with you".

"How are we going to tell her" she will never accept this, nor she should, she is already suffering because of Kate death.

"We need to hide this from her. I'll leave a letter with my last words for her".

"Please no" I begged her, but no matter what I did, we both have been trained as hunters since we were kids and I know that if I were in her place, I would do the same.

"Protect her, I'm sure that with you beside her she'll become an amazing person".

--Allison POV--

"… she'll become an amazing person" I felt guilty for not trusting them, but after finding out, that all those I cared for betrayed me, I had to take some precautions, after all I can't let something happens again without me even being aware of it.

I had hidden my old phone in the living room and made it record everything that happened and while I knew that I was invading their privacy, I now know I did the right thing.

The true question is what am I going to do now?

Now I know the truth, but even then, I don't have any way to stop my mother. I'm powerless.

I've grown with her, and I know that she won't change her mind, even if I were to beg her, I would probably just be ruining her last days and she could even try to suicide earlier.

Will I have to let someone else I love die, without being able to do anything?
