
Chapter 56 - The fight (2)

Allen walked toward the forest. But one thing was that he already knew that right now many people were stalking him. He could already feel their presence. He could sense some of them have a powerful aura and some of them have Weak aura. 

Most not everyone was powerful than him. But it was still dangerous for him right now. Most likely all of them are waiting for him to enter the forest and only then will they attack him. 

But Allen already prepared for that. He already bought a defense ring and not only that this time he bought a powerful defense ring that will last for 30 minutes. 

You can say that to buy this he almost needed to use 5 million gold coins. With that you can imagine how costly this thing was. Not only that he also bought an agility talasment. It will increase his speed five times. So with that he has the confidence to escape from this place but even if these do not work then as you know that he has his Trump card. 
