
Election day for Sky Marshal

Its has been a few weeks since the Mars Conflict and in a cell is a woman is sitting in the bunk bed, disheveled and silent, it housed in 100x100 square meter with all the basic necessities of a political prisoner would allowed, a luxurious catering as most of the high leveled convicts were either turned to Servitors or be subjected to human experimentations by the Mechanicus, keeping the prison constantly empty. Basic meals that consists of a Corpse starch were brought in by the clock and she could only eat with a Spork as to not harm anyone.

She could tell from the prison guards of their emotions towards her is apathetic. And they refused to communicate with her.

She waited for hours for her benefactor to save her from her prison, and deluded herself that she could regain her popularity. She is not aware of the outside world as she wasn't allow to watch fednet or even a music player.

The door opened revealing the man that she despise the most.

"Alexander." She growled.

The man looked at her with stoic face as he grab a seat from the guards outside.

She couldn't do anything to him as far as she was allowed to read from her predecessors records, he was the most dangerous than a brain bug.

He took several seconds as he sat across her, examining the captured sky Marshall.

"Why?" Was the word he spoke.

She wanted to say anything but her jaws was gripped by him.

"Why do this Amy? Haven't I been faithful to the Federation? Haven't I been bleeding my soldiers for humanity? Why you consort with the terrorist? Why you allowed a bug infestation in mars that is no less equal to Klendathu,Tell me Amy, Why should I not consider putting you facing a firing squad?"

She remain silent...

"81 billion dead Amy, 81 Billion people died in Air Day for your petty grudge against me and a few trillion at the outer rim due to your fancy orders to get all the fleet not just Fed Fleet but also mine to the AQZ without defenses, Parents lost their children, children lost their dreams, Families that is broken, still searching for their lost ones and that's the ones we found. And 984 Quintillion Federation Credits on both Military and Civilian property destroyed and that's accounting the rapid inflation that you graciously inflated thank to your efforts, the people lost faith in the system, Are you happy now?" He released her face as he sat back.

"I had to do it! I had to because they will destroyed the Federation!" She scream at him. Unbefitting of a Sky Marshall.

Alexander eyes glowed gold. As if passing judgement on her.

"So what Amy, you fear the unknown than the one you know that would end you immediately!? Is your skull only still thinks about numbers on the poll!?"

He stood up and walked towards her.

"If you informed me and assist me instead of joining the hands of the traitors, I would have endorsed you as a candidate!"

"People didn't had to die for such a egotistical reason! I could understand if we suffer a military defeat but a severe loss of lives that had nothing to do with the war is wasteful."

'i hope they will bail me out soon...'

As if Alexander read her mind, he grew more furious.

"Don't think that your corporate buddies in Wall Street and those in the military will save you. You damage their interest to the point that you are quite literally a hot potato, Face it you are just a egotistical pawn that thinks they are in control! And they left you for dead!"

Amy eyes slowly show signs of panic.

"No this can be... happening."

"Yes, Amy, right now, they are running away from Terra right this moment, into the AQZ taking their assets with them... Ironic that they think they could escape from me? I already declare them as Bug Sympathizers as we found Controller bugs in their families member to coordinate with their decision of killing me."

"You can't do that! People need them to survive!"

The elites have already gotten plenty of companies to work for the Federation, but she ignored the one thing that she was facing to.

"I can and I will Amy... Your Elitist mindset have forgotten the people that helped our war effort against the bugs, is not those sack of shitty arseholes that yelled from the ivory towers and suck the vitality of the Federation, but the citizens that fought their way and doing their federal service. You just throw it all away. For a fear of the unknown...And besides my companies or those that associate with me will simply fill in the gap that the traitors have left behind."

"You don't understand, what I do is more important than the polls, you should have seen the vision of vast armies is heading towards us, killing you is more worth it for saving the Federation!" Was her answer towards her deeds, ignoring the fact she could have informed him...

Alexander stood up and watched at her actions disappointed.

"So this is the smartest woman in the Federation huh, if that is your solution, I am more disappointed. It is been rotten to the core, seeing people like you grew more and more prevalent, playing people fear, people that use their looks and diverting blame, corrupting the system, leeching it.. and I am tired of this, I will uproot the rotting foundation, reset the clock." He walked outside and Amy yelled behind him.

"What are you planning to do, Alexander!" She cried out as the door is about to closed.

"I have a Election to win." He coldly answered.

"Alexander!" She scream as she tossed the chair Alexander left behind at the door.

Where he stood was in his office in Terra, once more.

She was trapped in one of his Sub universe to be locked up till the day she died, and preventing any of her associates from breaking her out. In a sense she was the first political prisoner that Alexander have apprehended. And in a way he could just say that she is still alive... In a sense.

(Alexander pov)

I am tired... After berating at the fallen sky marshall it didn't made me feel any better... Only worse.

I did mention the death count... The blood is also on my hands... Had I station more troops and fleet, none of the deaths would have happened... No... The critics would blame me for overthrowing the Federation. And make my family life worse.

"The dead forgive me and the living berate me huh?" I struggle to pull out a cigarette and placing it on my mouth... The cigarettes I made in cyberpunk helps my mind of things... Funny, I am a Mass produced Primarch created by a Alternate Revelation, and still I have human needs and wants to smoke or drink my problems away.

The light of the cigarette glowed in the hallways as I made my way to the Valkyrie that is waiting for me to take me to my flagship orbiting the Federation headquarters.

The Journey was uneventful, just a shake and a tremors of the ship landing on the loading bays of my ship. I found many of my men looked at me and awe... Sometime I rather not wanting the hero worship about me... My years in service in the Imperium and As a Leader of a Vast Empire... Sometimes when you lived long .. you become more cynical of seeing human nature.

I found myself at my office in my flagship... Finishing my paperwork, that's been kept piling despite the burning of the outer rims is something I amazed with bureaucracy... Even when a planet burns down, paperwork and red tapes still exist...

I sighed as I watched the secretary barged into the room with paperwork by the cart.

"If Roboute is here... This would be like a vacation for him..." I chuckled at the blueberry primarch doing things fast around here. In fact if he was here it would be like a vacation for him since he doesn't need to meet the snobbish nobles or some deviant Xenos infestation in the halls of power. ..

I starting to think like Horus in a sense... About wanting someone that I don't have but need.

Why is it that I was given the traitor Primarchs?

Honestly, it came to a surprise that Revelation decided to send his redeem sons with me...

He spoke about making them grow...

What does he mean by that?

"I hope he means that I am just a brother than a dog keeper..." I muttered.

And those are 9 very friendly dogs indeed... Considering how much they ate, I am surprised how did the golden palace kept the budget not going under especially Leman Russ and his feast halls. The only saving grace was that the replicator that I "borrow" from Yuri have offset most of the cost.

I have doubts about winning the election.

Theseus rang up in a while.

<Congratulations, for being a sole leader of your home Universe!>

So what Theseus... I almost lost my family, and my home. And you seem to believe that I already won the election.

<But you managed to avoid the future of planet from being devoid life right?>

"True..." I think about it... The crossroad for my future was prevented.

From the vision from the future, I was simply content of being a director of M.A.Rs... until they arrive in full force, and mass hysteria of the people made me a scrapegoat to be sacrifice, I had to defend both external and internal forces until I was presumably killed. The only difference was that I went on to become the General Militant of the Imperium that was bogged down by the petty politics and power play, until Roboute arrived and gave me the position to lead the Astra Militarum which made my situation worse than before as they took me for a bootlicker to the surviving primarch and he refused to let me into the warp to fetch his brothers until it was too late, instead I became a High Lord of League of Ten Thousand that made them fear me... In a way... I have Mixed feeling about Tzeentch sending me to the past, was it unintentional or just part of his plot? Honestly I don't know. Or it he part of what Khorne pact with this "mother" of mine? Many questions... Few answers.

<Believe me when I seen the people that contend to be Sky marshall quite incompetent .>

A hud screen beside my eyes as Theseus began to explain my rivals.

"You should be my political manager at this point... And here I thought you are simply just the system." I joked as originally made it help with the paperwork like its predecessor, only to be more snarky and grumpy.

<Well if you weren't too busy keeping many projects ongoing that prevent from chasing the leaders of Numbers, and this universe in check then I would have been a normal system.> Theseus yelled in my mind

<Anyway, As you are aware there is a ongoing rivalry between the Mobile infantry and Naval Command ttht seems to go on forever?>

I am aware of them as the reason I made my organization is that I am not beholden by petty admirals that refused to evacuate my soldiers and incompetent Generals to die under .

<Now, they join a coalition against you although separate in public, since practically have the best both worlds, stable naval support and decent leadership, their command panicked as raised own candidates to Sky Marshal after Amy Snapps is prison, Psy Command refused Candidacy due Carl Jenkins refusing enter he knows will believes that not only expand even grander, would understand bugs by using warp, considering allow him train warp.>

"Same old Carl" I chuckled.

A Fleet Admiral was shown on the screen, It was Female Admiral with a extensive medals and a Face of a Middle Aged woman.

<Fleet Admiral Sarai is a candidate from the Federal naval command, Her resume impressive as she studied Havard and held several campaigns in AQZ. only talking points to limit your growth increase funding expanding Navy, however bug fleet invaded human control territory have impacted voters confidence organization that saved them lean voter side.>

"That'll means they are still leaning not towards me right? Same thing as the Mobile Infantry?"

<Correct, Despite the fact that they wanted to propped up Johnny Rico be a General again compete with you, have backfired for them as refused delve into politics and allow another candidate...>

A Scarred Veteran in uniform was in place.

<Major General of the Mobile Infantry, Major Major, He participated in AQZ many times and his record is not as bad Johnny Rico.>

"Holy hell, his father's a prick of naming him that." I am confused with the naming sense.

"But what is his proposal?"

<A 19 Full blown Wartime Industry and Heavy Taxation nationalized on your companies as long he is in office. All of the factories are to be converted war Effort, a Mandatory Breeding at age cloning soldiers available.>

"That is no different from a slow death, humans have wants and needs other than manufacturing Shells and Tanks! Mandatory Breeding? That's even more eugenics than the Imperium! Even if it's shitty to live in, they don't force people to have sex!"

<That's the point, both of them are shitty candidates and they have no knowledge maintaining a nation, much less than Federation, based on ideals taking you down, if one wins will implement their other opponents policies to table, however gain statesmanship League Ten Thousand in Warhammer, making business Wondertainment.. for people, would rather decent times.>

"So one is a shit covered with glitter and one is covered with anthrax, both parties is shitty."

<And you are the third candidate that is a cake either filled with explosives or sweet creamy filling. What planning to do next?>

"What do you mean by that?"

<Will you Rename the Federation as it is or Imperium? You still keep form of governance.>

"What are the benefits of doing that?"

<Making it into a Imperium like name would cater to the people that you recruit from me.>

"But in doing so will make the locals fear that I aiming at what the True Federation raving about... Me wanting to be a Emperor..."

<Possibly, but do you honestly care about the detractors?>

"Some other time... And I will think about it..."

(3rd pov)

The debate came to the screens of the people of the Federation, many of them huddle to the screen, some even set a grill to cook their food to prepare a long day as three people came on stage with possible solutions.

The moderators came and asked the same question that Alexander was aware of the opponents gave their answers.

Most of the answers want to mauled Alexander power badly. From Universal Basic income by using His company profits, to outright Nationalizing his companies or even offer to dissolve his organization to keep the budget going.

Alexander was aware the faith in the system is decaying faster as the two opponents could speak.

It was until the moderator came towards him.

"Tell me what do you propose to solve the crisis at hand?"

"Time to take action, While we debate how you divide my organization to pieces, many of the outer rims is under attack by the bugs and each passing second I could sense the frustration of the people, the citizens and civilian alike seeing this farce of a debate as they slowly lose hope, I condone the radical changes that affects our lives, we are slowly becoming the same government that the old Veterans overthrow in our history books, the very thing that the Federation have fear the most. The two opponents of mine is simply wanting more government intervention and to please the very same elites that allowed the same bugs that attacked my home planet! Tell me Citizens of the Federation, put your trust in me, and still have faith how that the system would flush the traitors out. My organization, while the late Amy Snapps have sent them to the AQZ to get the highest votes in history, I didn't abandoned you. For several years now, you heard my name in both Military and industrial sectors. I didn't bring faulty products on a supermarket, I didn't let soldiers under my care die meaninglessly, every mission my organization went into have said one thing: Victory"

"In the event when bugs grow numerous by the day, they evolve faster than we could field our armies, I would be there in the trenches with you. Even in Mars conflict, when I should have been hiding safe behind my fortress headquarters, avoiding the rebels and bugs flooding the city. I drove there in a Chimera to attract the evildoers from attacking even more of the Martians, I didn't use my Armor Core or my Baneblade. For they felt so alienated with the boots on the ground, a Humble chimera against odds. Tell me citizens, do you honestly think right now, that agreeing with the opponents of mine would keep your life stable?"

"Remember I am no politician Son that got a silver spoon in my mouth and got the things the way I would have liked, I worked from the lowest levels of being a soldier and rose above my ranks, my companies have brought technology into our daily lives, and our organization survival against the bugs is necessary."

"Tell me, do you have any ideas how to get the Eldars and the Necrons to trust us after the surprise attacks?" The moderator asked another question.

Alexander smiled as he knows they are Link to him. Bribing them is even more impossible since both of the species have acknowledge him.

Seeing the two remains silent, as they remember how much they tried to bribe them. And failed miserably.

"They are our two strongest allies and there is still no response. I'm married to one of them and she is the Priestess of Isha and one that worship their gods, have a relationship with me, and they held a high regard for me, and the Necron Overlord is my familiar friend, he wouldn't dare stop me from visiting his galleries. I would immediately go there personally and visit them to warm their relations with us. Once I'm elected."

"We will be united once more, safety is important, but chaining yourself by tossing away your freedom for that safety is not human... It's a slave mindset, worse a cattle... Are you a human that have choice? Or a Cattle that brays for the next meal in a factory to be slaughtered? Make your choice... You know the effect on the two organization have done to Mars, it's not incompetence, but malice to allow a bug infestation into my planet. My organization would be winning battles for humanity... But if you choose them... I truly lost faith in the system as well."

The voting was being tossed in, from planet to planet they sent ballots to show their votes...

From the war torn planets that Is under a bug invasion to the inner cores that have the relaxation from being invaded. Each of the citizens that held a ballot have sent their hopes and dreams.

[ Voting ballots

Director of M.A.Rs Alexander Solair:


Fleet Admiral Sarai:


Major General Major Major Major:


*Fed theme song*

"This just in, we have our new Sky Marshall today, Director Alexander Solair of M.A.Rs have now enter office "

"Upon finishing his oath to the Federation, soon as he is sworn into office, he order Operation Nightingale, What remains of the Fleet that is in AQZ have staged a Pincer move towards the breach that been made by the Bug Fleets. And a Massive Relief Aid to the sieged planets. Crushing the Bugs in our territories."

Several Space Marines stood Infront of the camera.

Most of them wore helmets as one of the Emperor Children simply smiles and wave on the camera.

"His newest forces of Space Marines have now been in the open and they are the new defenders of Man, and their duties is beyond mortal understanding."

"Our Xenos Allies have now opened borders and trade is resumed once more, Trazyn the Infinite Galleries is now open to public, and their play is now resumed and it's still 45 years left since the first prologue, it will take 30 years for the next chapter that depict their war in heaven."

"One of the Forge world in the outer rim have opened their Titan Production Facilities to the public and it estimated that it would provide jobs of 985 millions. With the estimation of 890 Warhound Titans per month."

"Sky Marshall have decreed a monetary currency to replace the Federation Credit to Thrones to stop the rampant inflation from affecting the purchasing power of the people."

"In Later news, traitors that have been associated with the rebel group of the true Federation have been caught by the current administration and been sentence to death sent on a Promethium bath, where they are sent on a vat of burning promethium, Quite a Extravagant Execution."

"Would you like to know more?"
