
Wayward Son Part 1

Wiyot, Calian, Takoda, and Halian had made it back to their hideout. Everyone was in their human forms. They were all in a common area Wiyot tended to his wounds, wrapping a piece of cloth around his arm as he sat on a grey block. Calian looked at him and the rest of the group. Takoda and Halian sat around, beaten up after what happened back at the farm. Calian stood to the side with a cigarette taken out and lit up and began a slow drag.

“Your boo boo hurt?” Calian asked.

“It’s just a flesh wound”. Wiyot answered. “I’ll be fine”.

“Yeah, just like that farmer”.

“It’s in the past now”.

“Okay then, now what?”

“We have to go to Nirvana”.

“You’re still on that shit? Do you know where we are now? Tacoma! You wanted to go towards Vancouver right? Well, we’re not getting any closer!”

“Doesn’t matter. It’s the only thing that we can do”.

“Again, how the hell do you know?”

“I just do”.

“I don’t even understand how I got here”.

“Destiny?” Takoda suggested.

“Oh, shut up”.

“But maybe he’s right!” Halian said. “Maybe we were meant to be a tribe”.

“And maybe you were meant to be a little bitch”.

“Hey man calm down!” Takoda said.

“Yeah, being calm is why we’ve gone straight up backwards in a hurry”.

“We can start righting our way today”. Wiyot said. “We can go find a way to Vancouver”.

“You can go find a way to Vancouver”.

‘What do you mean?” Halian asked.

“I’m out. I’d wish you guys luck, but I doubt it would make much of a difference”.

Calian walked away from Wiyot, Takoda, and Halian as he went to walk around the rest of the hideout. It was dark, dank, cold, and unnerving. Water dripped out of broken pipes that were up above him. Calian found himself a nice enough room for home to be all by his lonesome. It was a grey room made up of the same concrete that the other rooms were made up of. There was however a view that overlooked the hillside that their hideout. You could see the day beginning to shift over to night as the sunlight graced the hills.

“Calian!” Halian cried out as he walked into the room. “Are you okay?’

“Can’t you take a fucking hint? Oh wait, nevermind”.

“Don’t leave us”.

“Yeah, you’re pleading ain’t gonna work”.

“But it’s dangerous out there!”

“Tch, don’t tell me that shit”.

“But it’s true! I was out there, and they were all going after to me! They don’t like us!”

“No, they don’t like you”.

“What do you mean?”

“Has it ever occurred to you that most of your problems have a common denominator?”

“Are you talking about me?”

“You finally caught on to something”.

“I mean, I know I make mistakes and all, but I get how things work”.

“You should shut the fuck up”.

That made Halian stop cold in his tracks. Calian looked up at the ceiling, the grey up top not being the most intriguing subject to lay his eyes upon. Halian continued to stand there as he waited for Calian to follow up what he said to him. Calian looked at Halian as his forehead and eyebrows tensed up.

“You want to act like you know shit”. Calian began. “But you know nothing. Absolutely nothing. If you left right now, you’d be captured in a day. You want to be about shit, but all you are is full of it”.

Calian got up and walked out of the room. Halian was left behind as she stood there with his head down. He looked outside and saw the view. He saw a tree that’s leaves were in the process of change with autumn’s mood swings. He could the house from afar which looked like toys to him. Calian scoffed at the house as he walked off.

On the outside Calian walked out, put his sunglasses on, and lit another cigarette. He turned and looked back at the hideout before he continued to walk away. Once he started to move he saw that the colors of the leaves on the tree that surrounded him and the crisp fall air that he was immersed in.

“Calian!” Halian cried after, having ran out after him.

“Can I help you?” Calian asked.

“You can’t do this!”

“And why not?”

“Because...it’s not the way of the tribe!”

“Don’t be desperate kid”.

“Well, I feel like you are my tribe member!”

Calian stopped in his tracks. He took a drag off his cigarette. The smoke flowed through the cigarette into his mouth as the flavors hit his taste buds. After he exhaled, he took into the crisp fall air before putting his right hand into a first. He wanted to turn back to face Halian, but in the end choose not to.

“I don’t know how many times in how many ways I have to say it, but I don’t need you”.


“I don’t need you; I don’t want you; I don’t want to get to know you. I’m not the guy you think I am”. Calian said as he walked away.

“Let me join you!” Halian shouted.

“Nope. Can’t carry losers like you. Deadweight”.

Calian took out a cigarette, lit it up and walked away from Halian who just stood in place, not a single word uttered. Calian made his way down the hill and into the town. He got on the first bus that he could find and went to the first bar that he saw. It was a dive bar with your run on the mill pool tables, darts, and cheap drinks. There was graffiti on the walls and cash taped up on the ceiling with a jukebox to boot.

At the bar top Calian got on of one of the stools. He then ordered himself a McCallan 18, on the rocks. Once it came out, he began to sip on it as he rested in his stillness. Beside him was a couple who looked to be in their late twenties. Behind him were a group of guys who were playing pool. They looked to be construction workers of some kind.

“Hey man”. A random man said. This guy was a Caucasian man in his early thirties who seemed stuck in his punk rock skate faze. He got a big bill skater cap and donned a graffiti style shirt with a grey hoody, ripped up jeans and skater shoes.


“Got ten minutes?”
