
Awakening Part 1

All sentient beings search for Nirvana. They will abandon their lives to go into the depths of hell just to find it. But in the depths of hell, there is no Nirvana. All that is there is the proof of who you are and the remains of who you have been. What is left is an echo of the burst of the shell.

Wiyot had just opened his eyes and saw what appeared to be hospital walls, one of which had a painting of a meadow with a flower princess looking down from up above. There were medical devices and people in lab coats bussing around. Wiyot caught a glimpse of a mirror and began to have chills run down his spine as his pupils dilated.

“What a beauty isn’t he?” Dr. Washington, the lead veterinarian said as he took some documents out of the files at his desk.

“Yeah, for sure Dr. Washington”. Dr. Jeffries, Dr Washington’s assistant veterinarian responded, at the washing station cleaning their utensils. “So eh, what kind of Owl is he?”

“Why did you go to college?”

“Owls weren’t quite the talk of the town where I studied”.

“He is a Eurasian eagle Owl Jeffries”. Dr. Washington answered. “Noted?”


“You should consider yourself lucky Jeffries. Dealing with fine specimens like him is a rarity”.

“That’s right, owls are endangered species, aren’t they?”

“More like they are nearly wiped out. But even then, these particular types of owls are usually in Europe. But alas here he is”.

“But how is that even possible?”

“I have never been one for miracles, but some things are not capable of being explained without limited human logic. Which leads us to where we are now”.

Wiyot looked at both Dr. Washington and Dr. Jeffries, both preoccupied with working on him. The two of them had scalpels in their hands as well as other medical tools that they were laid out. Wiyot checked over to the right and then over to the left before he returned back to center. There was no one else in the room outside of two doctors and himself.

He then began to flap his wings right in Dr. Washington’s face. Dr. Washington did not flinch. He went to the back of Wiyot’s head and managed to grab of ahold of it for a moment. Wiyot was however able to get himself loose of Dr. Washington’s grip. Dr. Washington double down and tried to grab Wiyot with both hands. Alas, this was to no avail.

“Does he have rabies or something?” Dr. Jeffries asked.

“Looks like our friend here is bugging out”. Dr. Washington said. “No worries, I’ll get him calmed down”.

Wiyot struggled as Dr. Washington continued to put pressure on him. He had moved away from where he began on the table, but Dr. Washington continued to persist. There was not much left for Wiyot to back into outside of the floor. Dr. Washington had once again extended his hands in reach of Wiyot.

Wiyot launched his wings and began to flap. The sheer force of it was able to get Dr. Washington to back up. Yet, Dr. Washington did not retreat. He stood there, now a few feet from Wiyot, inspecting his body. Wiyot held his ground, his wings extended, his talons all out, and a mean scowl on his face.

“Is this normal?” Dr. Jefferies asked.

“Doubt it”. Dr. Washington said. “All the same, here’s on one. We’re going to have to get him sedated”.

“Ouch!” Dr. Jefferies exclaimed. “What the fuck was that?”

That was Wiyot. He had flown by Dr. Jefferies and had grazed his shoulders with his talons.

“Get him!” Dr. Washington cried out.

With one more bite Wiyot was able to free himself of Dr. Jefferies’s hands. Dr. Jefferies was frozen as Dr. Washington tried to get Wiyot back down. But by the time Dr. Washington was able to get Wiyot had already been able to fly over his head and get behind him. Dr. Washington was forced to turn around and missed grabbing Wiyot by an inch.

Wiyot spotted a cracked opened window. He took one look at Dr. Washington before he made a b-line for it. Wiyot flew to the crack in the window with as much speed as he could while Dr. Washington made a mad dash to stop him. Dr. Jefferies was still frozen in place and stared at Wiyot.

Dr. Washington ran as fast as he could to the window. Wiyot had to use his beak and head to prop up the window enough to fit his whole body through. Right as Dr. Washington reached the window Wiyot was able to push it open enough to that he got through. Dr. Washington made one last attempt to grab Wiyot, but it was futile. Wiyot was free.

Wiyot flew away from the building as fast as he could. Once he did not see the building or feel his energy he backed out. It was then that Wiyot was able to look at his surroundings. He saw a trail surrounded by lush bushes and trees, a road full of cars that zipped left and right, and buildings taller than the heights that he could fly to.

He continued to look below as he saw a woodpecker. Its distinct color caught his eye and held his attention. The mixture of black, white, red, and crazy eyes stuck out more than a sore thumb. The woodpecker was pecking into the tree. The woodpecker hit some soft wood and got the bark cracked open. He then revealed a great deal of bugs to which the Woodpecker dug into and began to eat.

After he flew a few more blocks, Wiyot stopped once he found a pond in a public park called Myrtle Edwards Park. He snatched up a field mouse that he had spotted while landing and after getting a drink from the pond saw a reflection of himself. He stared deeply into the pond and would not relent. The water rippled in front of him as the shape of his face changed.

“Who am I now?”
