
Chapter 15

The law should apply to everyone. That was my motto. I'd seen how the law could be flaunted by people like my father. But when I got to Homeland, it was more of the same. Politics were always part of the job.

Fabien should be a complete psychopath, but instead he's amiable, charming even. He was right, earlier, about me being bored. In hindsight, I think the reason I took his hand was because I wanted to get out of there.

I wanted some excitement. Something different.

And he's giving me that. The little looks, the gentle touches. He sends these thrills through my body that I've never felt with a guy before. He's like sex and hotness and danger wrapped in one.

All the risk I've craved my whole life, but gorgeous and muscular.

"Have they told you about the mountain god's blessing yet?"

"Huh?"Sorry, I was day dreaming about how hot you are."The what now?"

He smiles again, looking at me like he's discovered some odd creature who doesn't belong in his garden.
