
Have you ever considered taking responsibility for causing it to blow up like this? Never! That is why you have become a villain! Part II

“I will kill you and then ascend to the throne.”

“Would you like to be such a tyrant?” The king inquires, not wanting an answer because everything is already in front of him. “No one will accept you even if you kill me...”

People's fear of the forbidden power had been ingrained in them for a long time.

“Pfft, they're not going to accept, so what? Being a tyrant, so what? This history can only be written by the conqueror!”

“How childish...” King Arthur closes his eyes. “Well, I'll wait and see how long you can struggle and strive, Salzaal Secalno de Arthur.”

“I will strive for as long as I live. The only time I stop striving is when I die...”

“I know… I know very well.” King Arthur opens his eyes. He turns away from the future tyrant. “I'm going to let you go. I, too, want to know how you're going to get started without strength and faith.”

“Are you giving way to me?” The prince makes a snide remark.
