
Impending doom (Part 3)

"Fortunately, the Emperor must have recognized this issue long before anyone else did," Samuen continued his awe and respect for the Emperor coming through loud and clear in his words. "He had the foresight to establish the Academy as a proactive measure. ''

Actually, the Emperor was just a name they gave to the item holder who is the most powerful and only S-Rank in their world, and of course, he wasn't a real emperor.

A very long time ago, when there was still no S-Rank in the world, the logic of family and organization still persisted, and then, after this person named Valir finally became S-Rank, he used the power and authority he had to at least connect all of the families in Central City, which is the capital of the world. In addition to this, he established the Academy with the goal of imbuing future generations with greater knowledge and potential.
