
Mysterious fallen world (Part 2)

''After devoting ten years of my life to unraveling the mystery of this room, I came up empty-handed in my search for answers, and I was on the verge of giving up. '' Samuen paused briefly, directing attention towards the ruined gate. ''But then this thing appeared.'' 

''Of course, when this gate first appeared 20 years ago, it didn't look like this. Instead, like every other newly opened gate, it was fully operational and ready for me to pass through and explore the fallen world it was concealing. '' 

Zephyr interrupted him and questioned, "But if this is really a rift, didn't creatures come to this world from within?"

Under normal circumstances, new life forms would emerge in the fallen world after its final calamity wiped out all of its inhabitants. These mindless monsters would take shape using the elements that the calamity possesses.
