
CHAPTER 18 Women Too Many Women

And once he disappeared, bodies without hearts started to fall like dominoes, one after another. And soon the entire deck was empty because no pigs remained and only a few women had not been grabbed by pigs.


As their legs had already given up, they couldn't even run as chains restrained them.


As Drake glanced at them, he had to say a few of them were at least a solid 4 on the beauty scale, and some specials could even get 5 to 7. And nearly half of them were even virgins in the below-level population.



It seems they had plans to sell the young girls to some of the high lords of the Iron Islands, or to the rich brothels, so they kept their innocence, but not so much as they had r@ped and tortured women in front of them.


Because of how common these things are, people hardly get affected by them. People in this world are mentally tough. and given the world they live in, it's understandable. After all, kids as young as 8 fight wars here, and girls as young as 5 get r@ped or sell their bodies.


It's very, very rare for someone from low status to come into the service of high lords, and they needed great talent and iron will to do that. That is known by all common folk, as even a two-year-old kid can realize that, which is why both males and females could do anything to remain in the service of high lords, even sleeping with them.


And this is true even for the children of high lords, as males fight wars and females are sold to other lords for the sake of alliance and connection, and this happens as soon as they reach purity, when females have their first periods, they "flowered."



Children here mature much faster than on my old planet, but only in the physical sense, as even when girls are 8 to 12 they look nearly 16 to 21, and males mature even faster, as when they are 10 they look like grown-up males ready for war, like my mother Cassana, who was betrothed at the age of 14, and she was not even fully seventeen when she had twins, me and little fucker.



If you ask me, her greatest achievement in life was So here, people have many more years to live in their prime, and they do that, as my mother still looks the same as when I first saw her—not even a wrinkle on her face, With logic, they live much longer than the usual 100 years. It's just that the world is so chaotic that rarely does someone live past their 60s, and those who do are high lords or kings. There are only a few records of people living into their 100s.



Even though her necklace keeps her from aging, when she doesn't wear it, her body ages more than 200 years in the span of a few seconds, which tells me that if a lady over 200 years old can walk and look in the mirror, her body is still strong enough to live for more hours.



And it could be more so for Valyrian and Targaryen if they are bound with their dragons, as there is a theory that if Valyrian and Targaryen have a bond with a dragon, they are literally immune to all diseases. Which of the following is one of the top three reasons people die in this world?



I walked towards the captain's room, opening the door, and saw all the gold, coins, gems, and various valuable things they had looted from the village laid out in the corner of the room.



And on the opposite corner lay two young maidens and a milf with badly bruised naked chins, and what was even more disturbing for a human was that a young hound was chained not far from them, and by the smell in the room, it looked like the hound, and the only thing I'd like to say is that the caption appears to have some special taste.



Again, ignoring their horrified looks, the hound had become a little puppy as soon as it saw me. It just saw me, spinning its tail like a helicopter blade as it stopped braking, demonstrating how great my skill truly is when it comes to animals, even though there are many things I still have to account for.



As I looked at the treasure, they seemed to have robbed a very rich village. That could be the only reason it costs so much. And this could also explain why nearly all women and young girls are beautiful, even by high standards.




It wasn't much, at least not for me, as I have seen a mountain in my castle and my Krakers slowly filling my whole ship. So I had to do it, as it's better than nothing. So next I stored all the valuable things they had robbed.



Now, what should I do with women? I do have some plans to create a blood farm that will bring him a constant supply of blood. for both him and his future vampire family.




But, as I walked out of the room and towards the below-deck level, I wondered if this was their only purpose; on my way there, I noticed my sword was looking for the pigs who hide in the ship, so it tucked me in beneath the deck.




Once I was there, my sword started its work, killing the few pigs who hid here, while all the females who looked had frozen up and had horrifying yet attractive looks. I glanced at all of the females. Nearly 75 percent of them were young ladies, approximately between 4 and 11 years old, and mostly all of them are virgins. The rest are young women between the ages of 15 and 23, and almost all of them were r@ped.



So now on to the question of whether this is the only idea I have for them. No, of course not. I had noticed something while training my slaves, and why would I train them? Well,  because they were my first human test subjects, I could be so extreme without getting into trouble.



So I trained them while doing my experiments on them to see how well they were adept, how fast they were adept, what hormones I should use first, what mussels should be stronger without affecting their flexibility, what boost they should receive first, how many layers of skin they needed for them to stop an arrow, what they should eat, how much poison they should consume on a daily basis so they would become immune to it, how to make their brains faster, how to teach them fear control, and many other horrific experiments.




Of course, many of them died, but with their deaths, I had a formula for how to create super soldiers with neutral means, and they will be far better than Captain America. Of course, this still isn't perfected, and many adjustments have to be made for every different person.





But what I noted during the training is that males are naturally male fighters, either hand-to-hand or with male weapons. And the females here are naturally gifted in the arts of bow, spear, and assassination; it's just that they never get the chance to put those skills to use because females in this world are nothing more than a commodity for trade and sex. only sex and rape if they are not from a wealthy family.


Even if they are, they will only be exchange students because the high lord only teaches their daughters the lady's way and how to open their legs. Lady is lady that. 

While they don't fight, and don't want to fight or learn how to because they think it is unladylike, 

But I know a lady can do whatever she pleases, and still be a lady.

As once a wise man said 

"You are a lady... if you stab a bunny it makes it ladylike, don't let others tell you what is or what is not ladylike" and I won't denied that a women killing hundreds looks pretty sexy like those anime and female lead women and I found that incredibly sexy. 




I'm not against any of it, it's a world, and this is the natural selection for them, as it's not 2020, where they could scream feminism and ask anything, no man in this world would cut them apart. But, let's put that aside for a moment. When I discovered the talent, I tested it on many females, including my mother, and she was able to hit the bullseye after a few tries, even when she had never lifted an object in her life. It was rare, but I've seen her in the kitchen, and I've seen how she plays with the knife without even realising it.




So, after many years of testing, I saw the potential and benefits of putting them in the right training and with the right enhancements, and they could blossom as a beautiful red rose, with the rarest essence living in the thorn, which is deadly yet beautiful.




I do have plans to create my own team of female Warriors. My own Valkyries, my own Black Widows, are able to go toe-to-toe with some of the greater assassins of the multiverse, like Lady Shiva, Katna, Lady Bullseye, Villanelle, Evelyn Salt, Talia al Ghul, Yor Forger, Lady Zannah, Electra, and so on.


Of course, I can't train them. I'm no expert in art assassination, but this world has one, and he's known as the Faceless Man, or more colloquially, Jaqen H'ghar.


If money didn't persuade him, a look at my will, with his training, my enhancements and knowledge, and some assistance from,Salvia


I could train them into near-perfect weapons, with perfect loyalty. And, of course, I do not train them for this; I can conquer this world as well, but I train for the world beyond, where the true danger lies.


But I didn't have any plans to do this until I was 10 or 12, when I had an expression for training people, and now that I look at them, I'm not sure if I should take them in; life truly takes turns and it's happening out of nowhere, as if now that I look at it, I didn't have any plans to take them in and they were all here.


What should I do? It appears to disrupt my plans, but taking them in has many benefits, including the fact that I don't have to look for a large number of females, as there are 200 females in this place, 102 of whom are young, so they are plentiful.


They had already been through adversity, so gaining their loyalty would be simple; additionally, the experience they had already gained had opened their eyes and minds to how cruel this world is.


Aside from the traumatised experience, PTSD, and occasional nightmares, the liabilities are nearly non-existent.And I have to look for Faceless Man much sooner than I thought, Of course, he isn't alone, as many expert assassins are in this world, he is just a master at it.


And I don't want them to learn from him alone, as I would acquire many versatile teachers for them, as he is only a master at counselling his presence, changing faces, and many more, but I want them to be more than that, so getting more than one teacher is best. as I want them to learn various ways to kill, hide, and, if needed, seduce. I want them to be trained by the best. like boys, just in different ways.


I have young maidens at my disposal, with abilities such as.

ultimate levels of strength, agility, and stamina They will be extensively trained to near perfection in a variety of fighting styles, such as karate, judo, aikido, boxing, kung fu, and wrestling, and with all manner of weapons—both traditional and high-tech—combined with a background in gymnastics, acrobatics, and ballet.



Master Martial Artist, Assassins Instinct, Mind Switch, Master Assassin, Weapons Master, Expert Acrobat, Multilingual, Expert Markswoman, Expert Vehicular Driver, Disguises Expert, Learned Intelligence, Graceful Dancer, Talented Hacker, Master Seductress, Master Spy, Well versed tracker.


Of course, some of these will be difficult to learn because there is no car, plane, or computer to use, but I will find a way to teach them all of this, or other people who will teach them all of this.And with my enchantments, they could be a one-man army.


Even better trained than my own men, and why is that, to put it simply, I can fuck them; I can't be gender neutral, because I prefer women, but it won't make a difference because both will go to hell?


Now should I take them in and abjure my plans according to the new development, as I was thinking my sword was draining dry of any blood from any men who came in front of it? When the women saw this, their eyes shone with a new light of hope.


Should I take them in because I had planned to look for exclusively talented girls? Yes, I can find anyone talented, but in this world, only the most talented people exist, such as Arthur Dayne with his swords, Robert Baratheon with his hammer, and so on.


I didn't count myself as I'm way above the word "talent," as I literally am trying to master every weapon that I can get my hands on, and mastering means being far above the level of this world.  Apart from whether I should take them again after more consideration, I decided fuck it, I'll take them, and if I find more talent than them, I'll take them.I would just add them to the group.


Now, what about the ladies, since I only train young? Those who are talented could be used in the castle or my turning grounds, as I do need servants for the castle, whereas the rambling once women without talent or who are too broken to be fixed, such as those on the deck or in Captain's room, could be used in blood farms.I do not waste my time on broken toys.


But I still give them time to repair themselves because I'm a resourceful man who doesn't throw anything away unless it's truly broken, and even then I use them.


*Clank Clank Clank Clank...*


So, it's decided, I'll take them in...

My sword began cutting the chains and bars of cells at high speed on my command after I made a decision that my future self will be proud of.Once every woman and girl was free, they still remained in their places, as they all looked at me as if they knew I held their lives in my palms.


And I was looking. I'm sure they thought I was some kind of demon, as I can see great fear in all of their eyes, and If I looked deep enough, I could also see some hope and happiness for the possibility of being free. As the saying goes, no matter how worse situations are, a man can always dream.  "Come, let's stand up, gather yourselves, and the young girls, and come on deck,"


I said this with a voice that was deep, loud, firm, and commanding, which left no room for objection. They instantly snapped and came out of their cells after being combined with my red eyes and bathed in blood.They were out of their cells and chins with trembling legs, and once they were out, as per my command, the older women began to look for the younger. They formed two lines and began to walk up to the deck, while I remained here.


After everyone was gone, I glanced at the place where Flesheater had been and had already finished every pig who had hid on the ship. So there was no pig alive here, only pale zombified bodies with cuts on the bodies. I also kept the bodies in my inventory because I didn't know what I'd do with them or if I'd ever need them. especially if you are a user of the dark arts.


So, after looking around to see if there was anything useful here and finding nothing, I called back my sword, and as it flew into my hands, I reinserted it into its scab, as Flesheater is now somewhat satisfied after getting blood from so many hanging Flesheater on my beck.


I claimed it back and went there.I saw horrified, messed up faces, as all of them had eyes on the bloody deck, which was filled with severed limbs, necks, hearts, guts, stomachs, arteries, and piles of dead bodies that had something missing in their bodies. and blood lots of blood. It was so much that half of the ship's deck was bloody.


Once out of my own thoughts, I looked at the living hall, which looked like a place straight out of hell. Cleaning would be a chore...if you weren't me.

So ignoring them, I moved forward, and the women stepped aside when they saw me coming, as I saw they didn't have any digested looks, as a matter of fact, they seemed too happy about how cruel their deaths were even the little girls had the same looks. So after the front, I used blood Manipulation.


Blood manipulation comes as naturally to me as breathing. I can manipulate blood beyond its form or motion. body temperature, pulse rate, red blood cell count, blood composition, hormones, nutrients, oxygen, metabolic waste products in cells, and other factors.


So first I collected all the blood around me and on me, collecting it into a ball, as well as the remaining blood in the dead bodies, leaving them zombified.

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