
Magneto 1

While Jack just did his daily training routines which were almost like resting and relaxing for him, EVE warned Jack about some mutant activities. It seemed that some mutants who had suffered discrimination had rebelled and killed people who insulted them.

These mutants had skin colors different from normal humans; some had strong blue skin, while others had orange skin. Additionally, their skin appeared to have scales.

Jack saw in EVE's information that these mutants used to be peaceful and hide, just like most who were so different from humans. Not all mutants had a holographic disguise like the X-men could have.

But EVE saw information that Erik Lehnsherr and Raven Darkhölme, who were Magneto and Mystique, were recently involved. Thus, Jack knew that the Brotherhood of Mutants was responsible for this sudden wave of vanity and violence of these mutants in Germany.

Jack thought of dealing with this, but he decided to wait for Professor Xavier to resolve this with the X-men. He hadn't spoken to the mutants since he broke up with Rogue. He would only fight Magneto if it was to kill him.

Jack waited for three days, but he only heard that two more humans had died, and even the police were involved. It was impossible for it to take two days for the X-men to arrive in Germany by plane.

So Jack would solve this personally; he would put the killer mutants in his magic prison and then talk to the police about what to do with them. After all, he couldn't release them just because they were mutants and had killed people.

Jack opened a portal to Germany in the city of Stuttgart. He didn't want to waste time with this and would only take the criminal mutants and put them in his magic prison before informing the police. Jack soon found the mutants, and to ensure that he wasn't doing an injustice, he read their minds.

There were four mutants, and all of them participated in the crime in some way. They didn't feel guilty about killing these people with the excuse that they suffered discrimination and were superior. Discrimination was certainly a serious crime, but murder was even worse.

Jack also saw that they had talked to Magneto and other mutants from the Brotherhood of Mutants in recent days, but that wasn't the most important thing. Jack approached these mutants who became tense when they saw him.

"You shouldn't have killed those people. It's wrong what they did by discriminating against you, but killing is never an option," Jack said.

"Battle Sage, the great hero who protects the Earth, you only protect humans. You don't understand how we mutants feel," said one of the mutants.

"I don't need to understand how mutants live to know what a murder is. I will arrest you, and then the police will show that the law is for everyone," Jack said.

"We're not afraid of you, Battle Sage. Mutants are superior, and we have our friends who will help us," said one of the mutants.

"You won't have time to call them," Jack said.

Jack didn't want to waste time and used his Super Speed to knock down the mutants in one second. Jack activated his magic and sent the four mutants to his magic prison. Jack was ready to leave when he saw someone watching him.

Jack looked around and soon found Mystique, who was disguised as an ordinary lady. Jack saw that she had an energy weapon and intended to shoot him if he didn't capture the humans so quickly.

Jack became invisible and saw that Mystique became tense when she saw that, but she soon relaxed. Jack approached at high speed and punched Mystique. Jack's punch was magical, which disabled the disguise she was using.

"You're Mystique, I only intended to capture mutant criminals, but I don't mind capturing another criminal like you," said Jack.

"You're rude to speak like that to someone you just met. I see that's why my daughter didn't like you and broke up with you," said Mystique.

"You shouldn't be happy about that. Now I can hit you with all my might without feeling any guilt," said Jack.

"If you think you can capture me as quickly as those mutants, you're very mistaken," said Mystique and tried to shoot at Jack, who just dodged.

"You Brotherhood of Mutants don't really care about hurting innocent people," said Jack, creating a Mirror Dimension.

Mystique saw Jack create the Mirror Dimension and didn't quite know what it was, but she was tense because she realized she had nowhere to run this time. Mystique tried to kick Jack, who just defended and punched her hard in the stomach, almost making Mystique pass out from the pain.

Jack approached Mystique slowly, and she couldn't run anymore. She recovered and tried to kick Jack, but he held her leg and just threw her body to the ground, and Mystique screamed in pain again.

"You're a mutant that I have to be especially careful with, Mystique. You always attack humans thinking they're inferior. If it weren't for Professor Xavier, mutants might have already been extinct," said Jack.

"Humans can even use you to kill all mutants. Never doubt what intelligent people are capable of doing in a lab with motivation," said Jack.

Jack punched Mystique in the face and made her faint. He used magic and sent her to his magical prison. Jack undid his Mirror Dimension and sighed when he saw several members of the Brotherhood of Mutants arriving.

"At least today I can arrest all of you, and the X-men will have one less problem to worry about," said Jack.

"Battle Sage, the most beloved hero in New York, what are you doing in Germany?" said Magneto.

"I'm not the most beloved hero in New York. I can think of at least three heroes who are currently more popular than me. But I guess you meant that sarcastically," said Jack.

"It must be a hero's custom, always making jokes in any situation. I asked what you're doing in Germany?" said Magneto.

"I'm not part of your Brotherhood of Mutants, so I don't answer to you. Besides, the last time I checked, Germany wasn't yours or the mutants'," said Jack.

"Where are the mutants who were here? And where is Mystique?" asked Magneto, annoyed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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