
Chapter 26: Anathema pt 2

The sky of the Old Earth made the so-called Anathema feel relaxed. His entire life had been placed to serve humanity's survival. All roads he takes, the many people he deceives, and much more he kills to ensure humanity's path to ascension.

Now, he traced back his journey. A long-forgotten journey that his old friend started. This era happened long before he was born, long before even the first true civilizations were created.

At first, he did not want to show this truth to the Apostle. She was Warp-born, a being once mortal and cultivated to be their spawn. Yet, destiny spokes otherwise. The timeline that makes up the Skein had shown him something greater. The final usefulness of this scheme would be astronomical. Yet, in fact, this was also one of his pet projects with the Golden Order.

"Ollanius Persson, the first Perpetual. What are Perpetuals?" Rory asks the Emperor with genuine curiosity.

The Emperor did not answer immediately. The only people aware of Perpetuals' existence besides the Golder Order were the High Lords and some high nobles on Terra. This revelation would seal the Apostle on a certain fate.

"We are humans born with immortality and our own special powers." He answers tentatively.

"How many of you out there?" Rory's eyes turned narrow, glaring at the Emperor.

"Not many, but not insignificant either." The Emperor watches his old friend walks on the rocky terrain with his bare feet. His determination that never been slightly eroded.

"You are the Emperor, right? So it would make you their leader. What is their purpose?" The Apostle keeps asking, which receives chuckles from the Emperor.

"You will see."

Ollanius seemingly did not care about his condition, as his burned foot constantly regenerated in a split second. The first Perpetual ended his walk when he arrived at a certain cliff. His eyes darted below, and there he saw a village.

The village itself only housed a hundred people. The buildings were made from mud and had dried wheat as its roof. Not far from the settlement, a river flows. Around that river, several plants managed to grow in this harsh environment.

Ollanius decided to come to their village. Slowly he approaches them, drawing the attention of every person inside the village. Without further ado, the females quickly hid their children while the males armed themselves with primitive spears and knives.

The shouts at the ancient Perpetual, demanding his purpose. To Rory, she wonders why she can understand their language despite this being ancient times and far from her world.

Ollanius explains to them his intention was harmless and introduces himself as a traveler, claiming that beasts destroyed his tribe. After several more arguments, they let the first Perpetual stay in their place.

"Why did he lie to them?" Rory inquired, glancing at the Emperor.

"Time will tell, Rory Mercury. But I assure you, Ollanius never intended to harm them." The ancient man reassured her.

Even though he was a foreigner, the villagers slowly accepted Ollanius as a part of their community. Weeks turn into months, and thus, the barrier between Ollanius and the villagers completely disappears. They lived in harmony, but that was not the case for the Perpetual. He was on eternal caution as if danger was lying behind the darkness.

Days came to pass, and the vigil of the ancient Perpetual was paid.

One day, a man with a robe came to the village. Behind him, there were armies in the thousand. They had swords and spears in their hands, creating destruction in their path. They wore a six-pointed star as their armor.

When Rory's eyes laid on that symbol, a shiver came down her spine as cold steel plunged into her chest.

"Who are they?" The Apostle asks the Perpetual, yet she receives no answer.

The armies approach the village, sending one of their kind to talk with the elder about their term of surrender.

When the pact of surrendering can be made, Ollanius step forward. He had been waiting for this moment. The ancient Perpetual drew his sword, killing the diplomat by decapitating his head. With a mighty shout, he ordered the villagers to run as far as they could.

"Immortal was indeed a great boon, but facing that many armies that possess a dreadful power like these would be suicidal," Rory remarked.

"From any other Perpetual, he was one of the weakest. But he had a reason to be my executioner." Emperor's words shocked Rory.

The answer soon reveals itself as Ollanius faces the entire Ruinous power alone.

Ollanius moves at an inhuman speed; using his sword and hands, he wracked the chaotic force's formation.

Despite his incredible skill and prowess, the first Perpetual managed to get injured. Be it was sword or spear, he endured all. But at the moment when the cold steel had been pulled out from his flesh, the wound healed instantly. His head was sliced, yet it only turned out to be futile as it was healed soon after. The will to fight is indomitable as the bloodied hands of the Perpetual never rest until his opponents are lay dead.

Something about the nature of this Perpetual brought Rory into deep thought. From his power and speed, he was only above the rate of an average human, not even close to the transhuman's realm. Yet, the ever-vigilant will of the immortals brought something in the form of remembrances for the Apostle.

When she remembers it, she was brought back hundreds of years ago. She could not pinpoint the exact date, yet it was one of her most prominent moments.

She was fighting an entire Ogre army by herself to save a certain forgotten city long before the born of the Sadera Empire. That was the moment when she was hailed as a hero for the first time. It was glorious, to begin with, as mortals sang her name for salvation. They had become religious as her tale that had been passed would change as human curiosity could not be stopped. Thus, a legend was created.

The man charged, and now, the thousands of seemingly undefeated warriors fell to the earth. Their lifeless husks made the entire villagers watch in awe. The foreigner had defeated the armies on his own.

Ollanius step forward as no other warrior stands other than their leader. The leader was a giant. He stood tall, nearly two meters in height.

Ollanius challenged him, and with a mighty roar, he swung his sword. Even though he was physically inferior to the giant, Ollanius' immortality prevented death from coming for him. His head smashed and yet only returned in a split second. The broken leg and ribs only resemble themselves to serve their master in the ongoing combat.

"I don't understand. He fights without any tactics or anything. It was pure brute strength and instincts." Rory says, her eyes locked on the battle with interest.

"He was young in this era. He was nowhere at the same level as a tactician as he was now—only pure strength and resolve. He was nowhere at the same level as General Ollanius." The Emperor told her neutrally.

"What does make him special, then?" To Rory, those feats would be a remarkable achievement for any warrior but not for a man who held the title of the Emperor's executioner.

"He embodied humanity in its most traditional aspect: stubborn, brute force, peace, spiritual needs. That was one of many reasons why I chose him." The golden Emperor watches the scene with a slight smile on his face. It was a nostalgic feeling that he thought had been lost to time.

"Embodies the traditional sense of humanity?" Rory asks herself, holding her chin in wonder.

The first Perpetual is finally able to exploit his opponent's weakness. He stabbed the Chaos champion in the gap in his armor, piercing his heart until it was utterly destroyed. The once mighty champion falls on his back while blood drowns his throat.

Ollanius did not roar with victorious pride. He withdraws his blade and takes his leave of the scene. He never returns to that place.

"He just left like that?" Rory's brows furrowed heavily. Back when she was young, Rory must spend several days to convenience them to convert and several times more enforcing the ideals of the Emroy to their culture. But this man only saved them and left.

"You will see." The Emperor's psychic power began to spread across space, changing the scenery around them.

Just like before, Ollanius came from one village to another, helping them with anything he could, leaving without traces. It was an anthesis to her method.

Years later, something happens.

"Impossible," Rory muttered.

Various tribes and villages had come together to create a bigger community. Even though it was small compared to the smallest city in Sadera, it was a remarkable mark in the history of men—a small step for a person, a great leap for mankind. Yet, this community held something; in particular, they had a legendary figure who saved them.

Generations pass by, and the legend of that man only grows, but the depiction changes.

Thus, the tale becomes a legend; legend becomes a myth, and that myth turns into a paragon.

"What... What is this?" Rory could not believe her eyes as a small temple for Ollanius was made to honor him. Mortals adored him as an undying saint, a peerless warrior that protected the weak.

"The deed of man survives through ages, creating legends that will be eternally remembered." Said the Emperor, smiling with pride in his chest.

"He unknowingly creates a religion?" Rory mumbles. "The legend about him being immortal that can shatter land. He never did such a thing."

It made the Emperor smile, remembering the perpetual nature of humanity. Human is an intricate being. They observe anything in their surrounding, creating their own interpretation. Thus, they create laws in each of their works. It was not limited only to legends but also to scientific pursuits. It is always capable of making him happy.

"At the dawn of the age of man, humanity's interpretation of the unknown is quite sentimental. At this time, Ollanius created the most basic form of religion. The idea of religion and legend are based on seemingly impossible deeds. They grow biased and often change due to each generation's imagination being different from their predecessors." The ancient Perpetual answers her question.


"I thought nearly a millennia's experience as an immortal would teach you a lesson about this, Rory Mercury." Even though the answer annoys the Apostle, she resists the urge to growl.

"My entire life as an Apostle did not bring me any of these experiences. Humans in Falmart are not like this. They did not change my legends and stories." Rory interjects, narrowing her eyes.

"Your religion had been established since the dawn of your world. Your picture and depiction have been complete; nothing can change. But it was not the case of your gods." The Emperor's eyes narrowed, eyes locked at the Apostle.

Rory slowly began to understand the meaning of this conversation and situation. The realization made her body frozen.

Her god and his siblings were once mortals, accomplishing feats that made them worthy enough to ascend to godhood. But once again, it only proves their divinity was fake, only ignorant born from mortals' imagination. Furthermore, the fact about the existence of magicians only enforces the proofs even more. Magicians are men and women with the power to channel magical energy to create feats of miracles. It was entirely possible that the first god might have been a magician who had found his way to ascend himself.

Rory grows pale as her faith slowly starts to crumble. Her entire life had been devoted to worshiping the gods, praising their names and deeds so that the next generation would be graced with blessings and happiness.

Happiness was the only point that still held her faith together. Mortals who had devoted themselves to their faith shall live in happiness; even though it might be a form of ignorant, the point still stands.

"Even though the origin of my gods was still mysteries even for me. Faith has put humanity in a state of happiness. Yes, it was indeed a form of ignorant, but it was a blissful ignorant." Rory argues. Yet, she had no power to stand at the same height as before. She stares down at the feet of the Master of Mankind as the presence of his only grows like a burning star.

"Rory Mercury." The Emperor says her name in an empathetic manner. "You have lived long enough to witness dozens upon dozens of generations of children of man. Did you never witness a war of faith?"

"I have." Came the short reply. "I have seen enough in my life. But it brings us unity and enlightenment to the unfaithful. I even participate in one of those wars."

The Emperor looks upon the Apostle neutrally. His eyes did not shoot bright with psychic power, only full understanding, and empathy.

"War of faith never resulted in unity. It was a war over wealth and power, disguised themselves in the form of religion." The golden man stepped forward to the temple that was dedicated to Ollanius. He looks upon the brass statue of his friend, smiling in a mixture of sadness and understanding.

Rory only watches the Master of Mankind with an intrigued look. The genuine emotion of the Emperor was unreadable. But there was one thing for certain. There was a pain in the immortal man's face. Hidden, yet not perfectly covered.

"I will show you the journey that will take place where humanity is advanced enough to understand it." Using his power, the Master of Mankind changed their surrounding. The light consumed them.

As the light vanishes from their sight, they arrive at a small city. It was much more advance than before but still primitive.

"Where are we?" Rory asks the Perpetual.

"You will see." It was the only answer that only made the Apostle frown.

The city itself is pretty crowded. At the center of the city, there is a temple. The temple was built in honor of ancient pantheons. They worshipped their gods using virgin women and babies as sacrifices. It disgusted Rory and much so the Emperor, who had his eyes burning with hatred, albeit he made it mostly hidden.

"It disgusts me," Rory says with venom in her voice.

"This practice is one among countless others in the Old Earth." It was a bitter voice, a cold and bitter tone, that made Rory's skin crawl.

"Is this the reason why you hate religion so much?" The Apostle asks carefully.

"One among unaccountable." He replies, lowering his gaze. "But the main ordeal was not this. But it was my mistake."

"Your mistake?" This answer is utterly ridiculous. A being so perfect, like the Emperor, can and could make a mistake was unfathomable blasphemy. But if he was indeed making a mistake, something greater must lie beneath.

The Emperor does not give his reply. However, he directed his gaze to the city's entrance. Rory follows his gaze; thanks to her gift as an Apostle, the distance would not be a problem for her.

Before the entrance, a man stands right before the guards. He was medium in size with tan skin and a robe around his body. It took a while for her to study that man. Then, the realization struck her like lightning.

"That man... It's you." Rory says in between her breath.

"At this time, I came to this city to enact my duty as guardian of humanity and its master."

"What duty? And why did you choose this city?" Rory asks, eyes radiating confusion.

The Golden Perpetual did not answer his question. He only gives her a gesture to keep watching. So she did, nodding her head in understanding.

The man asked for permission to enter. In return, the guards ask his name to allow the man to enter. In this ancient times, the Emperor had known by many names across the land and tribes. At this moment, he chooses one to utter. He introduced himself as Neoth, a man from the West. After he introduces himself, he must pay an entrance fee to enter.

As the future Emperor enters the city, he wondering across every section of the ancient place. His eyes never waver, scanning every inch of every structure with inhuman precision. On his face, admiration grew as pride filled his chest. Humanity has grown from a small tribe into a bigger community, creating the earliest form of civilization.

Rory notices something from the younger Emperor's eyes. It intrigued her. Something in his eyes made a distinct gap between the current Emperor.

It was the spirit of freedom and innocent. He was a wanderer as well as an adventurer. He was a man who sought the unknown with his greatest desire. His face was not the face of a ruler or a warrior. It was the face of an undying thirst for adventure. It was a feature that was a far cry from the current Lord of Imperium.

Rory understood something from this. The man who had claimed the title of the Emperor of Mankind was a man who had lost every single aspect of his younger self. The burden and responsibility had made the color of his figure erode, replaced by the cold and calculating mask of the Lord of the Imperium.

The young Emperor arrives at their location, and at that very moment, Rody knows the true meaning of fear in her immortal life. At first, Neoth's expression was unreadable at best. But as time tells what is going to happen next.

It was a great day when the ritual of fertility should be celebrated. The temple had gathered nearly a dozen virgin women. At the center, there is a pit for bizarre purposes that is unknown. One by one, those innocent women were slaughtered like animals as their throats were slit open to fill the pit with blood. As the pit was already filled, they threw the newly born babies into it.

The horror made Rory want to scream, but it was futile because this tragedy had happened long before she was born. It was a memory of a long-distant past.

Upon seeing this blasphemy, the young Emperor leaves the place in peace, but burning hatred still rages in his eyes. He might leave peacefully, yet leave a deep mark of animosity inside the Perpetual.

A week has passed since that ritual. Something has occurred within the city. The serene city had turned chaotic due to an insurrection. This insurrection was led by none other than the Emperor. The battle was intense, but because Emperor's psychic power secretly spreads disarray in the enemy forces. With the overwhelming prowess of the Emperor, they kill all those loyal to the temple and the current ruler. The young Emperor burns the temple with all of its priests. Nothing remains; even the remnants of the practices were also turned to ashes. This mark the end of the religious dogma in that city, becoming the dawn of the new regime that will lead the city to a new height.

As the leader of the resistance forces, Neoth was elected to be the new ruler of the city, to which he complied and took the mantle as their new ruler.

One year after that tragedy, a woman came to Neoth's palace. This woman radiates a powerful aura, similar to the Emperor's presence himself.

"Who is that?" Rory asks, pointing at the woman.

The Emperor only smiles in adoration. His eyes darted fondly at the mysterious woman. This emotion is something unusual for Rory. For the first time since she met the Emperor, this is the only time she sees the Master of Mankind without any mask to cover his true nature. Thus, the smile genuinely came from his heart.

Days after day, they spent time together, growing to adore each other presence. One day, the woman suggests something to Neoth. After a few hours of conversation, the ruler of the First City raised his sword high. He declares his conquest to the surrounding tribes and cities.

The war rages across the land. This is the first conquest in the history of mankind, the first step for humanity to take its birthright on this planet.

After years of wars, the first empire was created. A place where culture and technological advancements were held supreme and religion was prohibited and reduced to history. But his time as an emperor has ended, and thus Neoth chooses the most suitable person to continue his legacy. After the successor had been chosen, Neoth faked his death, and with the woman, he sought other Perpetuals to join his cause. He also wants his empire to prosper without his direct intervention, as humans shall govern themselves, being leaders of their own people and creating their own choice, away from being like him.

Centuries are like days for the immortal. And at that moment, Neoth returned to his empire and was shocked by his founding. It was nowhere at the same height of advancement he had declared them to. Instead, it was a hedonistic empire with religious dogma that had taken a deep root in society. He enters the palace using his psychic power to make Neoth invisible. There, he watches the defendant of his successor worshipped a golden warrior that resembles Neoth's image. Around his statue, four symbols resemble eldritch icons, making the young Emperor widen his eyes in anger.

"This is my first mistake." The Emperor speaks remorsefully.

As Neoth endures his feeling, he encounters the temple of him and the four. He saw what was once destroyed come to life. Worse, the practice went to the path of those abominations. They speak in four names with pride. They kill, slaughter, and massacre the innocent. They waged war on nearby nations in their righteous ambition to bring enlightenment, killing anyone who dared not to accept their religion. Ironically, they stagnated as unspeakable sorcery was used regularly to conduct sacrilegious rituals. Debauchery has become their laughter of joy. They seek pleasure in their victims, using their poor souls and bodies to please their wicked desires. And the worst part is that it was under his name and Pantheon.

Refusing to let the corruption spread, Neoth roars in righteous fury. Psychic corona blared into existence, sending shockwaves across the empire. The burning power of the Emperor scorches the unclean, and like a flood, it swallows the entire nation into oblivion. The mighty power destroys any trace of civilization, reducing the entire population to ashes. It was his unrelenting fury. His anger is unleashed to protect humanity by dooming one.

Rory could not stand on her feet anymore. Her presence is crushed by the sheer magnitude of the Emperor's power. Even though it was a memory, the impact on her body was real.

The psychic storms rage for nearly an hour. As everything was rendered to rubble and dust, Neoth stopped his action.

He watches his surrounding; his face is unreadable. The Perpetual kneel on his knee, picking up the dust of the remnant of such an amazing civilization.

He was mourning. He was lamenting. His eyes are cast down with a long expression plastered on his face.

"Humanity could never be let alone in the darkness. I shall become their protector, to guide them in the dark path that awaits us." The current Emperor states boldly, standing tall without a glint of doubt.

Neoth stands, eyes filled with determination and conviction.

"Religion is a mistake. Born from my ignorant of humanity's nature." The tone was neutral yet grim. It hides the entire emotions behind his indomitable resolve.

Rory began to recover so did Neoth. The young Emperor made his way to the horizon. Even though the scars will always remain and more shall mark even deeper into the Master of Mankind's soul, he keeps standing with his own will. He shall find another path where humanity will not endure the same fate as the First Empire as the Emperor himself ensures.

The vision fades from existence as they return to the previous chamber.

"The burden is mine alone to endure. The sin of my mistakes shall live in my soul, acting as an eternal reminder. With my design, humanity shall ascend to its birthright. They shall become something even greater than those abominations. This is my promise. My promise to humanity." The Emperor declares firmly, leaving no room for doubt.

"I have one more question." Rory struggled to look into the Emperor's eyes. But she persists, standing using her halberd.

"Ask anyway, Rory Mercury."

"Those abominations. What kind of gods demand such blasphemous worship?" Whenever she remembered the unspeakable deed in that temple, it haunted her as it was freshly burned into her brain.

"They are our archenemies, those who proclaimed themselves as the Primordial Truth. But that was a mask to hide their intention as Primordial Annihilators." He answers. His eyes darted deep into Rory's soul, causing the Apostle to widen her eyes.

"Primordial... Annihilators." She murmured.

"They are anthesis of my Imperial Truth. If I turn blind eyes toward them, this universe would be engulfed in their chaotic corruption." Said the golden man, closing his eyes.

"What are they?" Rory insisted, pressing her tone higher.

The Emperor opens his eyes. A flash of golden light erupted from previously golden orbs. In an instant, Rory's mind is eclipsed by the vast power of the Emperor.

And then, she witnesses the ultimate horrors that will change her life forever.

A red land filled with blood and fire sprang across the infinite space. The brass tower became the center of this bloodbath as countless abominations slaughtered each other to worship their god. Rain of blood only brings the thirst of battle erupted. In the deepest place of this pit of eternal war, a skull throne was built higher than anything she had witnessed. On top of that bizarre structure, a god sits with his unrelenting bloodlust.

A crystal palace formed an impossible maze. It was magically made manifest as it is always changed alongside the reality that became its foundation. It was the everchanging realm of madness and fate. In contrast to the blood-frenzied place of the blood god, it radiated the power of knowledge. Beyond that palace, a god with an unspeakable form lingers around the thread of reality, countless eyes staring right into her essence.

The landscape changed into the most unpleasant sight she had ever seen. It was a garden unlike conventional gardens or something akin to Hardy's garden. This place is rotted with disease and awful sight of creatures that spread that garden's blessing. It was the source of death and pestilence. The gardener itself was the amalgamation of any stagnation and certain death. The end itself stirred its cauldron to spread diseases to the mortal realm.

The last scene presents her with six circles of realms. Each one of them is filled with unchallenged beauty and amenities. It was paradise in all of its glory. But with the Emperor's help, this place's true color came to the surface. It was the place of seduction and horror of debauchery. Every grotesque creature dances with instruments of ecstasy, laughing with joy over debauchery that exceeds any mortal mind to comprehend. And in the lowest level of that realm, the most beautiful yet terrifying abominations smile, enjoying the excess of all creatures.

Rory returns to reality as her eyes, mouth, and ears bleed. She choked for air, and the Emperor granted it using his psychic power. The Emperor was aware of the risk, but he needed to show her their archenemies. Even though the psychic vision bordered on a direct touch, Anathematic power successfully integrated into her essence and protected her.

"Now you know, Rory Mercury." The Emperor began. "They are our archenemies. I made the Imperial Truth to shield humanity from their corruption."

"The Imperial Truth. You keep mentioning it as your form of protection. I want to know what that truth is about," Rory demanded.

The Emperor approaches the Apostle. He put his finger on her forehead gently. With that touch, Rory saw the truth. A truth that was unchangeable as it was the fundamental truth above the madness of the Immaterium.

At that moment, Rory would never forget this very moment in her entire life.

One part again and then we can see other characters. And then we can explore how much Imperium has changed in this timeline.

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