
I don’t wanna go [R-18ish]

<General POV> 

The morning sun seeped through the cracks and slight holes in the curtains. It was about time to wake up, but Saki was still sound asleep, nuzzled against Lyra's chest. 

Lyra would be the first person to wake up as the sun finally reached the side of her eye. Attempting to move, she quickly realised that a sleep kitsune was still in her embrace. Relaxing for a moment since it was still early gave Lyra a little time to think about the future. 

"We actually did it last night... What was I thinking? What if things didn't work out like they did?" A feeling of dread washed over Lyra as post-night clarity hit her. In hindsight, she should of tried waiting a week to get Saki to open up first. That way, Lyra could ensure that Saki's anxiety was well and truly under control. 

However, miraculously, she managed to get through to Saki and at least cement herself into Saki's life. It was going to be hard going forward, especially with the discrimination, but Lyra hoped that Saki will depend on her and not hide anything.

"I guess striking before it gets worse was a good idea." It may seem ridiculous how fast I moved, but realistically, it was probably the best move before anything terrible happened.

"Hmm~ what are you talking about Lyra?" 

<Saki POV> 

Hearing a voice, I slowly opened my eyes and realised that it was Lyra. 

"Hey babe~, sleep well?" Lyra lightly patted my head, which made me want to go back to sleep, but it was morning, so we probably had to get up soon. 

*YAWN* "Yeah, I haven't slept this well in ages." I nuzzled myself even closer to Lyra as it was too comfortable.

"That's great and all, but no falling back to sleep." Lyra then suddenly pulled my face up with her hand and locked lips with me. She didn't hesitate to poke her tongue inside, giving me a very intense morning kiss. 

"Ah~ *huff, huff* you meanie." I was definitely awake now, but she had also put me in the mood. 

"Hehe~, you better be ready for all the ones in the future." Lyra smirked, knowing full well what she had done.

"Can I have advanced payment for the next couple days then? You're not planning to stay here every night, right?" Seeing as this was going to be a regular occurrence, I wanted to take advantage of the privacy we had. 

'Wow I actually said that.' I shocked myself, as usually I would go through all stages of grief before convincing myself to say it, but this time I just let it out with no hesitation. 

"Advanced payment? I didn't know you could be that cheeky~… How about, instead, we take a bath together? We didn't exactly clean up once we finished." Lyra thought of a different solution, shooting down my plan to get even more kisses!

"Fine by me, but are you actually planning to stay?" Lyra had completely dodged my previous question and I needed to know since that's a huge change that I needed to prepare for. 

"I'm thinking about it, but I'll have to see." Lyra left it quite vague, but it was clear she definitely intends to ask later on. 

'I guess it would be safer if she was by my side all the time.' I wasn't opposed to the idea, but I also had to consider my mother, who would have to approve of the idea. 

'She already likes Lyra, it seems, but it feels too soon to do something like that... Well it isn't out of the ordinary for couples to move right after dating, I guess.' Personally, I would love for Lyra to move in, but then we might have to deal with her parents sending Raja to kill her. 

They already showed that they are willing to go that far, but if she leaves and relinquishes her title, then maybe they won't. 

There were too many possibilities, but then again, I can't predict this future. Unlike last time, I was on a completely different route. 

"Well, if you do, I don't mind." I will have to wait for Lyra's decision, but I plan to support her in any way I can. 

"Thank you babe, now let's get cleaned up before it's too late. It looks like we have an hour and a half before we have to leave." Lyra blushed at my words and quickly pulled herself away so we could head to the bathroom. 

However, it just registered in my head that she started calling me babe. It caused my face to go red, as getting a pet name like that was always a fantasy of mine. 

"Y-yes, we should." Despite my embarrassment, I still dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom.

Lyra got the water running and conveniently, since we were both naked, we could jump straight in. Lyra got in first, sitting at the end of the bath and I was about to sit at the other end until she stopped me. 

"Come on, sit in between my legs~." Lyra opened herself up, allowing me to take a seat. It was a moment like this that I wished I was still a guy, as this would be a dream scenario to be in. 

"I-if you don't mind." Sitting down in between Lyra's legs, I lean my back against her body and she quickly wraps her arms around my waist. Her hands were dangerously placed near my pussy, but if anything, I wouldn't mind if we got some morning action while we were in the bath. 

"Is my tail in the way?" I realised that my tail might be uncomfortable for Lyra since it is squished in between us. 

"Not at all, it actually feels nice, so don't worry." Lyra hugged me tighter, reassuring me that it was fine. 

"Also, did you hide your wings away already?" Another thing I noticed was that Lyra had put away her wings. 

"Mhm, it's best I don't get them wet since they require a more special way of washing them." It made sense since her wings felt amazing, so no wonder that it required a special method to clean them. 

"Interesting." I kind of wanted to ask if I could clean them one time, but I'm afraid I would do it wrong and damage her wings. 

"Did you want me to wash your hair while we are like this?" Lyra then offered to clean my hair, which caught me a little off guard, but it didn't bother me at all. 

"Sure, go ahead... You can also do my tail if you want." I knew what Lyra's ultimate goal was and I was also curious how it would feel to have my tail washed by someone else. My tail alone was quite sensitive, so it might turn out to be more erotic. 

"If you're offering~." Lyra then grabbed the bottle of shampoo and ran it through my hair. It also acted like head scratches she was giving me before, which I was all for since Lyra just knew where to scratch. 

"Alright, get on all fours so I can do your tail~." After rubbing in the shampoo for a couple minutes, Lyra spoke in a lustful tone, telling me to get on my hands and knees. 

"J-jeez, okay." On second thought, maybe it wasn't the best idea, as we might spend a bit longer in the bath than we should. However, I still listened and got on all fours, exposing my behind completely to Lyra. It was covered by my wet tail as the weight of the water caused it to droop, but I imagined it made it more exciting for Lyra. 

I half expected her to go down on me, but to my surprise, she actually just cleaned my tail. With shampoo in her hands, she gripped my tail and slid her hands down. It was a satisfying feeling, to say the least and I would love it if Lyra did this for me all the time. 

"Now for the conditioner." Lyra then moved on, but this time she tugged a little bit harder. 

"Ngh~ my tail is attached to my body, you know?" I was unsure if getting my tail pulled was pleasurable, but what Lyra did was definitely a turn on for me. 

"I know, I know." Lyra continued this for a couple minutes until my tail was completely clean. She then grabbed the sides of my ass and pulled me back into her lap. 

"If you're going to tease me this much, you may as well finish the job~." By this point, I was itching for Lyra to take me, but it seemed like she was going to continue teasing me. 

"Fufu~ Patience. If I start now, we will be late for school." Just as I thought, Lyra didn't intend to make any moves, which was a shame.

"But I don't wanna go, can we skip school just for today~?"
