
UB01: Symbiont

"Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet, keep an eye here on Faba while we are gone. Kiawe and Sophoches help him and Wicke I think you should also...."

"No, I will come with you to save Lusamine, I can't leave her there after what Mohn and she have done for all of us" Wicke says, interrupting me.

"Ok" I say before offering my hand to help Wicke to get on Solgaleo.

"Thanks" Wicke says, taking my hand but I have to pull her with my whole strength as she is bigger than me.

"Take care"

"Return safely"

"Best of luck"

"All the best" Kiawe, Sophoches, Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet said their wishes as Solgaleo stands up.

"By the way, what is that camp like thing that have machines in it?" Sophoches asks as our attention goes towards the strange machine.

"It is a Ultra Wormhole monitoring station. One of the machine will fire a location marker which will aid all of you to return here safely" Professor Burnet explained

"Thanks Professor" I thanked her

"No need of that, that's all I can do" Professor Burnet said

"But you still tried to help us. Not like a certain someone who always make trouble for all of us" I said, looking at Faba. While faba tries to hide from the glares we are giving him, Professor Burnet and Wicke laugh awkwardly.

"We don't have time for this, let's go" Gladion says

"Ok then, lets get ready" I say before using Solganium Z.

"Solgaleo, use Sunsteel Strike" immediately after I said the name of the Z-move of Solgaleo, a sun emerges on her forehead and with a roar, she becomes a bright light and perform Sunsteel Strike, creating an Ultra Wormhole opening.

As we start enter into the Ultra Wormhole we hold each other tightly and we also notice a beam of light entering at the opening of the wormhole and getting struck there.

"It looks like the light came from Professor Burnet's device" I say

"It is from her device" Wicke reply


As we exit from the Ultra Wormhole, we enter an Ultra Deep Sea. It's a location filled with floating islands of jagged rock.

After we land on of of the floating island, we immediately get surrounded by the same Jellyfish type Utra Beast that kidnapped Lusamine.

"I guess we are preety popular" I said before bringing frogadier out.

"They are UB01: Symbiont, the same ones responsible for mother's Kidnapping" Gladion says taking out his Umbreon

"That's the first thing that came to your mind? Frogadier, use water pulse then cut"

"At least I said something useful, not like you. Umbreon, use shadow claw"

"Concentrate more on fight. Lycanroc, use rock throw" Olivia said

"Maybe we should take out all our pokemon" I said after noticing that other Symbiont are coming towards us after hearing the commotion caused by us.

"Yeah, you are right" Olivia said after bringing out all of her pokemon.

"There is not enough place here for all of our pokemon to come out. I think we should split up, this will also help us in finding mother. Lycanroc use stone edge" Gladion suggested

"But brother...."

"Gladion is right. Frogadier, use cut" I said, interrupting Lillie mid sentence while frogadier just cut one of the tentacle of Symbiont

"Ok, but we have balance things out so one perticular team doesn't remain weak" Olivia said

"Right" all replied in unison


Suddenly, as soon as we seperated, Nebby roared. When we saw the direction it was roaring at, we saw Lusamine with her eyes open. She doesn't seem to be harmed in any way other than the fact that she is trapped and bonded with a freaking Symbiont.

Solgaleo roars once more; this time, Lusamine demands us stay away from her. Lillie runs towards her mother while I and Gladion try to stop her as she is not her mother anymore. I mean she is her mother in body but not in mind right now.

As a defence to stop Lillie to come near her, Lusamine, now trapped in a Symbiotic, block the path with jagged rocks but I am able to save her from getting seriously injured. She still got injured through.

"Are you an idiot. Running directly in the middle of danger" I shout at Lillie as it is necessary to take care of yourself first here

"But Sid, *Sniff* mom...." Lillie says as tears manage to escape from her eyes

"Don't worry. We will save her but if we get injured while doing so, we won't we able to save ourselves, let alone your mom" I said while moving behind a rock as to not get accidently hit

"Sorry" Lillie says before wiping her tears.

Meanwhile, Gladion's Umbreon uses Dark Pulse, which shatters the stones. Gladion theorizes that Symbiont may be draining his mother's life energy, though he clarifies little is known of Ultra Beasts in general.

"Is that thing really draining your mom's life energy?" I ask because I was not clearly hear things when he said it earlier

"I think so. How is Lillie?" Gladion asks

"Well, she may not be better but I am sure that she won't try doing things like this again. But there are awfully a lot of Symbionts here. We all are overwhelmed in number" I say while continuing to tell my pokemon the moves to use.


After battling for sometime, our pokemon starts to get exhausted as the Symbiont are also losing numbers. Our pokemon are way more powerful but they have the number advantage.



*Cough* *Cough*

It looks like a Symbiont manage to come near me. It looks like it's also going to devour me, just like that one did to Lusamine.


I hear a loud boom sound from the front of me as I have closed my eyes from the pain. When I open my eyes again, I saw frogadier blocking that Symbiont who seems ready to devour me right now.

Frogadier is being pushed back from the pressure as other Symbiont also joined in.

"Frogadier, *cough* "

I am only able to say this as Frogadier start to glow
