
Easy Win

"Turtonator, use fire blast."

"Frogadier, use water pulse."

Both attacks collided and dismissed each other.

"I gotta say, you have trained you pokemon....."

"Frogadier, use agility than quick attack and aerial ace." I said before frogadier landed a direct hit on turtonator.

"Don't loose your focus while battling." I said with a smirk.

"Yeah, thank for the advice.

Now turtonator, use overheat."

"Frogadier, use agility, quick attack and double team."

"I understand your battle style. You use speed to get near the opponent and land a direct hit."

"Yeah, that's what I do most of the time."

"Not this time.

Turtonator, use shell trap."

"Uh-oh frogadier, use areal ace by your leg on ground to make distance between you and turtonator."

Frogadier managed to evade direct hit but still got hurt.

"Turtonator, it's time." Kiawe said before using his z-move.

"Inferno Overdrive."

"What the hell?" I said as I saw a big ball of fire coming towards frogadier. What surprised me is that he doesn't do that strange dance.

I wanted to use z-moves but I was going to give up due to their strange dances but now, I will give those grand trial and get some z-crystals and use those moves

"It's a z-move. They are special moves which need a lot of power and the pokemon becomes stunned sometime after using it cause it uses a lot of power." Professor Kukui explained.

"Frogadier, use agility, double team and quick attack to evade."


"It's over" Kiawe said before

"Not until we win.

Frogadier, you can still move can't you.

Then use agility, quick attack and cut with full power to end this." I said as frogadier came out of the smoke going directly towards turtonator.

"Turtonator use protect"



"Turtonator is unable to battle.

Frogadier wins. The victor is Siddharth." professor Kukui announced taking out almost everyone from their dazed state.

"He won" the cubby boy spoke coming out of his daze.

"He really won" the blue hair girl spoke with surprise.

"See, I told you and it's less than two minutes till now" Serena spoke with pride.

"Good job partner. Now, return." I said before returning frogadier to his pokeball.

"That was a good battle. Now you can take a rest partner." Kiawe said before returning turtonator to his pokeball.

"You battled good." Kiawe said

"Yeah, you too" I said

"Really? Cause I didn't battled against you even for two minutes."

"Other than my mom and dad, no one has battled me for this long."

"Oh, than they must be really powerful."

"Yeah, my mom was in top 10 in Kalos league and top 3 in Hoenn league and my dad is also super strong."

"Wow" almost all of the person's surrounding me said in unison as they heard me.

"Well anyway, I am Sophocles." the chubby boy said while taking his hand for a handshake.

I shake his hand as Kiawe came near he and offered his hand for a handshake so, I also shaked his hand.

"Let me introduce myself again. I am Kiawe and I will be your classmate. Let's get along" he said

"Yeah." I replied

"He is always like this. After a battle with anybody, his attitude towards them changes most of the time.

Oh by the way, I am Mallow and I would like to be friends." the green hair girl spoke.

Mallow is a slender and slightly tall girl with tan skin, long green hair kept in two tree-shaped twintails, and light green eyes. Her most noticeable feature is the fake pink flower in her hair, which she holds in place with green vine-like straps.

Clothing-wise, Mallow is wearing a pink tank top, light gray overalls with spiky white frills, a white clover-shaped mark on the waist, and a berry-storing pouch above the bust, and green and white shoes with small dark green bows. She is also keeping a golden clover-shaped badge on her waist just above the white clover-shaped mark.

"I would also like to be your friend." I replied to Mallow while shaking her hand.


"Hello, I am Lana and I would also like to be friends with you." the blue hair girl spoke.

Lana is a short and slender young girl with fair skin, blue eyes, and short blue hair. She is wearing a short blue cape behind her back, a sleeveless white sailor shirt on top of a dark blue swimsuit with a blue fish decal in the middle of the chest, and long blue pants with a yellow string near the waist and blue Hawaiian wave patterns on the bottoms. On her feet, she is wearing darkly-colored rubber sandals that are too big for her.

"Yeah, me too." I spoke shaking her hand.


"I am Lillie and I would like to be your friend." the girl who was quite this whole time spoke.

Lillie is a young girl with green eyes and platinum blond hair, with two braids at each side of her face. She is wearing a large white hat with a blue ribbon around it.

Lillie is wearing a white dress with transparent outlines, a pair of long socks and white shoes resembling ballet flats. She also carries a round bag with a Poké Ball design on both sides.

"I would love to be your friend." I spoke shaking her hand.


After the introduction was over, we went back to classroom to take class. It was pretty boring as most of the things that are thaught are already I know.

After the classes were over, we were going back towards the gate of the school.

There, we saw a black luxury car parked near the gate. An middle age man with black hair and a moustache came out of car.

"Miss Lillie, it's time for you head home" the men spoke, opening the door of car for Lillie to enter.

"Ok, I will be taking my leave." Lillie said shaking hand with me before she entered the car.

"I think Lillie is taking interest in you." Mallow spoke after Lillie left.

"Whattt???" Serena almost shouted grabbing everyone's attention.

"I think you are just misunderstanding something here" I said

"I have been her friend for a long time and I have never seen Lillie shaking 'anyone's' hand before heading home.

And I think that Serena also have a interest in you judging by her reaction." Mellow said causing Serena to blush

"So, It's the popular love triangle." Luna spoke

"Well it's not like I can only have one wife." I blurted out causing an awkward moment.

Shit, I didn't think that I would say something like that infront of everybody.

"Yeah, that's right" Mallow spoke looking a bit awkward after what I said.

Soon, I tried to change situation and I passed. We said our goodbyes before heading back home.

"So, shall we head back?" I asked offering my hand to Serena

"Yeah" Serena said as a blush appeard on her before she grabbed my hand.

If you are wondering, why we are going back on foot?

Serena said that she wanted to do it so she can see the beautiful views of Alola a little closely.
