

The various armies battled it out fiercely at the rude command of the goddess, not because of fear,but from extreme anger and hatred that knew no bounds.

Every creature on the battlefield wanted to kill the godess on the spot. They couldn't stand the rude orders and commands.

Most of them were highly ranked and had prestigious roles back when they were free. Now they had to endure the whimps and harsh cusses from a power-hungry psychopath.

Her rude cry had just snapped something inside them and they were all fighting at their highest strength.

The stronger races were advancing and the weaklings were being separated from the mighty. The Stench of blood and the pungent smell of guts was everywhere. Pools of blood had covered the various terrains.

High tiered weapons lay about,alongside their wielders. Corpses were trampled upon. It was totsl Carnage on the battlefield!

Alvin's team were patiently planning their moves. There was more time for them. Their Captor had manipulated the time and they knew they had about a week.

Some of the dead bodies were rising to life particularly the various Undead races. They needed to be killed with special weapons in order to totally eradicate their existence.

Other soldiers too had life saving amulets and "Second Life" spells. These soldiers were all in the Immortal stages so killing one wasn't very easy.

The Battle still continued. Chunks of flesh and other body parts flew around. The Dwarf race were mercilessly crushing their opponents and causing damages wherever they went.

Hut' Ka ,the leader of the Dwarves, was a short,burly rough looking creature with a large axe twice his size, in weight and height in his hand.

He had a huge grin on his barely recognizable face and laughed sinisterly as he ushered his opponents into the afterlife.

The Dwarf race were looking more likely to win for none of their soldiers had dies. Their technological abilities and high inventions had given them a great advantage in the Battle.

A Battle that was predicted to last for a week minimum seemed very likely to end in an hour.

The races had unleashed their full potential. No resting and full beserk. No time to slack off. Their anger had fueled a dangerous ability in them,Death or the ability to kill. 

No one batted an eye when killing. Even the reserved and peaceful fairies were killing in the most gruesome manner.

All manners were lost there and lives continued to be depleted. Powerful beings that could crush stars and planets were dying like Ants being trampled upon.

Their burning desire never left them ,even at the time of their demise. Each dying face wore an angry expression that would have scared the cr*p out of any mortal . Their hatred towards the godess was so intense, they had taken it to the afterlife.

The Battle still raged on and the death count still increased. Almost all the weaker races were gone. The Strong armies teamed up on the weaker ones and annihilated them.

Alvin sat still,in a lotus position,observing the battle around him. By his side stood Zag ,the fifth sky in his mighty Dragon form. He was currently the size of a huge cruise ship and his abilities had increased twofold.

" Truth be told,chances of us winning is zero" Alvin grunted.

"I know" Zag replied.

"We'll have to use a short handed method, Protect me when they are all done and I'll sneak into the rift ".

Zag nodded. His stance and respect for Alvin had risen at this time. He saw in him a mighty leader whose ambitions knew no boundaries as well as a good battle tactician.

He had estimated long ago that it was next to impossible for their small army to make it out,but confessing to Alvin wasn't easy. He didn't want to crush the Ambitious Warrior's spirits and dampen his hopes. But,to his relief, Alvin had figured it out for himself and had even hatched a plan in order to still "win".

The Battle had subsided down for a bit. Only the Strong and Mighty armies were left standing. Each and every soldier was dog tired. They looked at each other with blood thirst and the burning desire to win.

Another harsh and rude order from their Captor and they were all charging towards each other like bulls to a matador.

The Carnage resumed. Fleshes were cut, claws were ripped out. Wings and horns were pulled. A fierce bout of combat was taking place in the Battlefield of Gakhta.

Terrains were destroyed,Elements were conjured.

The war raged on for three days in Gakhta which was equivalent to seconds in the outside world.

On the third day,an eerie silence enveloped the whole town of Gakhta.

A New "candidate " was about to be born. Every race anticipated eagerly for the outcome of the about-to -end battle.

On the Battlefield stood only four warriors. Each with a worn out expression. Hut' Ka held his large axe in his hand. Dracslav, the leader of the Vampire race stood tall with his fangs protruding, ready to suck the blood of his opponents. The third warrior was Gweek ,the Leader of the Elven army and finally Alvin .

During the past three days the other armies had attacked his camp and killed the other soldiers and had heavily injured Zag.

Alvin was still standing due to his burning ambition, his clothes were drenched in blood. His left leg was bent in an awkward angle, making it very difficult for him to walk or stand.

His battle intent never dwindled. A menacing expression on his face. He didn't seem to care about his wrecked leg. Every fibre of him was emanating a burning battle intent.

A wave of Hut' Ka's sword was the cue, and the four powerhouses rushed towards each other.

Hut' Ka slashed his axe at Gweek. Gweek made a manoeuvre and hit him with a fire elemental ball. Even though Hut' Ka has the physique and stamina, the Dwarf's inability to use elements tilted the battle scale against him. Gweek had the ability to use long range attacks with his elemental powers. He also had the "Healing buff",a special elven trait passed on to him by the Elven Elders.

On the other side, Dracslav had got into a fierce melee with Alvin. The Battle was a far cry away from fair since Alvin had a uselss leg and had to limp, he was also in a very poor state compared to the Vampire Warrior.

Dracslav had healed himself by feasting on the blood of his enemies. He was a powerful being renowned to have been powerful more than the godess. No one knew how he was captured,but according to rumours, he had offended a very mighty existence and that was how the godess had been able to capture him.

He had nothing for weapons, his black hair was tied in a ponytails and he wore a large cloak on his back. His eyes were crimson red and his skin was as white as wax.

"Young man,would you do yourself a favour and surrender. I don't want your blood to be upon me, you look young".

His remark had just fueled a burning rage in Alvin's heart.

How dare he ,talk against the Dark Lord of the West Elven Land!

His rage knew no bounds and he dashed towards the Undead with a limp.

It was safe to say he got crushed at the first impact.

He lay down writhing in pain and cursing at his left leg.

His Dark powers weren't very useful against an opponent who loved the dark as well as he did. His opponent was in good shape and health and a slight mistake would be the end of him.

He carefully made an analysis and concluded that even with his full strength, it would be very difficult to beat his Undead opponent. He needed help!

Alvin grunted in pain as he formed a very small dark wisp which he sent straight to the Injured Zag.

The wisp contained a communication spell which connected to his brain. He wanted to talk with Zag,his last chance for survival.

Dracslav made a slash at his chest and kicked him to about half a mile away . Zag had gotten into contact with the wisp and being an intelligent creature, he quickly understood everything.

"Young Warrior,talk!" Zag began.

"Zag...I need you...one last time!" Alvin replied in between painful moans and grunts.

"I can use my "Last Sun" move,but it might kill me. I'm dead already. Just avenge me when I'm gone. Kill that nymph who captured me!" Zag cried.

Alvin stopped for a moment as tears streamed down his cheeks. It had been a long time since he cried. He was just about to lose another dear person. Grief, pain and regret...once again. No matter how powerful he became, he still couldn't save and protect those dear to him.

The Vampire had reached his side and gave him another heavy kick, sending him about two miles away .

He closed his eyes and waited for his approaching enemy. This was the time. He couldn't bear to see Zag kill himself, but...this was the only way.

"BANG!!!" a loud noise resounded across the whole Gakhta. A blinding red light followed.

Alvin grew weak but he knew this wasn't the time to cry. He had to make use of Zag's sacrifice.

Dracslav lay down writhing in pain ,in his own pool of blood. His face was burnt,no hair on his head and his large cloak had turned into ashes.

"It ends here !" Alvin cried as he pierced the Vampire's heart with his sword.

He wanted to lie down and rest so badly but Gweek had just defeated Hut' Ka and he was dashing towards him.

He stood straigtht in a relaxed position,seemingly uncaring about the fast approaching enemy.

Gweek stopped after coming face to face with Alvin.

"Fight me if you dare!" Gweek shouted.

"I surrender " came the cold reply.

Gweek smiled and rushed toward the "heart " of Gakhta. That was where the winner of the battle was to stand and wait for the transmigration.

He saw a white halo, approaching him,which was the cue for him to leave his body and become just a conscience that would be implanted into the brain of the "candidate ".

The Halo had reached him and he had already left his body behind, ready to enter, but...he started feeling strange.

His conscience was screaming danger!

"Consciences can't fight! I'll bring my body with me!" Alvin's voice resounded around him as his conscience perished.

"You need me now,don't you?" Said the witch member of the Council.

"Yes...please " Alvin replied.

" I can shrink your body to the size of your eye for 50 years " The witch professed.

" That will be enough. I will be indebted to you forever. " Alvin responded with a pleading gaze.


Alvin turned into a conscience and left his body behind.

"Throw my body into the halo" those were the last words Alvin said in the wretch town of Gakhta.

He had already entered the mind of the "candidate ".

He let out a hearty laugh as his body landed right beside him.
