
Episode Three


A chandelier hung over their table, as did every table in the massive dining area. The floors were red shag carpet, granting to the luxurious atmosphere. The walls were a dark oaken wood color and a curtain surrounded each table, granting the guest some modicum of privacy, should they wish it. The tables were topped with soft white tablecloths, that stretched gently to the floor. Trinity nodded to the hostess, to which she pulled the curtain, before she turned her attention to the blonde-haired man next to her. With the managers sitting next to them, introductions were first.

"My name is Trinity Faith, and this is my manager, Thomas Lockman." Trinity stated, waving her hand toward her manager. "It's great to meet you. I'm so glad I had time today."

"I'm Jeriah Coster, and this is my manager Mary Emory." Jeriah replied then chuckled. "Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to meet with me so soon after our discussion last night, Miss Faith."

As he talked, he stared straight at her breasts, leading her to thank her stars she wore a turtleneck red shirt and blue jeans by her favorite designer. She did not want to draw attention, but as a well-known author, it was unavoidable.

"So, Miss Faith," Mister Coster started with a grin. "How are you able to write stories that cater to both sexes? I've never seen that done before, and I've been in this business since I was a child. As I'm sure you know, my father was also a famous director."

"Surely you jest. My work is quite simple compared to some of the greats. I merely express the desires of my characters in the easiest possible way. In terms of love, I always end the story at marriage, but it's always up to the character who they decide to marry." Trinity said simply, placing her hand on the table between them. "I merely set the tone."

"That almost sounds like something a matchmaker would say." Miss Emory says heaving a sigh. "You've only been an author for three years, and already you have a famous film maker interested in making your story real."

"To say that makes me sound oblivious. Several other directors have come forward with similar plans for my newer stories, but no one has touched on the idea of making my first one into a movie, Miss Emory." Trinity replied shooting a pointed look at Thomas who proceeded to inform Miss Emory of all of the offers Trinity received. "I've not been interested in working on a movie while writing, so to have Mister Coster specifically take interest in the very first of my works, and to contact me directly about it, intrigued me. As he's sitting here asking about my creative process, I figured it best to answer accordingly. Is that cause for concern?"

The manager snapped her mouth shut at Trinity's question, clearly outmatched in a verbal spar she intended to take the lead on, causing Jeriah to arch his eyebrow. Trinity had every intention of shutting down the idea completely, but Mister Coster, nor Miss-Angry-Emory had any way of knowing that. However, being questioned and insulted on her ideal way to pen irked her to the point of saying something.

"Miss Faith's ability to think outside of the everyday, is exactly her strongest asset when it comes to penning the perfect romance that focuses on every aspect of love." Thomas said clearly, a fan of hers in his own right. "Have you read any of her works, Miss Emory?"

"I have been presented with the opportunity; however, I honestly had no interest until my schedule was updated last night with a meeting for today." Miss Emory replied clearly annoyed. "Once Jeriah gets an idea in his head, he refuses to let go of it, however, so I will have to acquaint myself with your works, Miss Faith."

"Clearly," Trinity replied with a smile. "I usually don't, but seeing as it caught Director Coster's eye, perhaps you would find similar interests in Tantalizing Love? My fans have been begging for a sequel which I have considered, but at the moment I have two other works in progress."

"Ah, I would very much love to hear about those." Mister Coster said drawing Trinity's eyes as he leaned closer to her. "More on devilish tricks to use in the sack, I hope?"

"Something of the sort. Though, Mister Coster, most people would focus more on the love portion than the sex." She replied with a giggle, watching Miss Emory out of the corner of her eye. "But I guess as someone of your caliber, you would focus more on the sex. Seeing as most of your films involve those exact scenes."

"That's true. Being known as a Director that loves the bed, reading such intense scenes in your novel really shocked me. I've never been so thoroughly turned on by the written word before." Trinity could recognize the darkening color of his eyes, as they focused on her. "I've been curious to if the woman could do the same in real life."

"Ahem." Miss Emory cleared her throat loudly, attempting to change the subject. "Jeriah, we're not here to talk about sex. We're here to appeal to Miss Faith to allow you to make a movie of her first work."

"Yes," Mister Coster said with a wicked grin. "However, getting a good 'feel' for the author will really help bring the movie together."

"Miss Faith, please don't misunderstand him. When he first brought up the idea, it was purely innocent." Miss Emory said in an annoyed tone. "He can get carried away when he thinks he has a good idea."

"Hm." Trinity picked up on the nuance of the girl before her. "If it were purely innocent, I don't believe he would have asked me to dinner alone last night."

The tension in the air was so thick, it could be cut with a knife. Clearly, Miss Emory had eyes for her client, however much she attempted to hide it, and Trinity could use that to her advantage. She was fortunate with her manager. Thomas was homosexual, so she had no need to concern herself with his feelings, unless she unintentionally overworked him. Smirking as she tossed her hair over her shoulders, she looked directly into Miss Emory's eyes.