
Chapter 50

Corridors of stark white.

Blinding lights.

The stench of chemicals hanging in the air.

This is the reality that was unveiled to Lily.

Quietly she looked around, easily recognizing it as the place she'd spent most of her life, only ever seeing the outside halls briefly when she was strong enough to walk.

This seemed like the real world, but she wasn't trapped in her bed, so what was this place?

"The Inner Universe." Six spoke up, appearing to her as he leaned with his back up against one of the walls. "A world shaped by your memories, your soul, your thoughts." He lightly holds a hand out and slowly motions around. "Everything that you will see here is caused by your own mind, just remember that."

Lily paused, carefully considering her options before sighing and walking forward, after all chances are the only way out was to beat this test.

Though she hoped this wouldn't pry as deeply as she feared it would.

For if this was a test to see her true self… it wouldn't be pretty or interesting.

Quietly she walked through the halls, eventually making it to her room… or rather where it should've been.

For instead of her room there was another hallway, one filled with countless doors she didn't recognize.

Walking up to one she could see it was marked with the name of a game she'd played years before, a rush of memories returning to her.

Things she'd forgotten about, people who she'd spent time with now residing in a foggy part of her mind.

"Welcome to your hall of memories, the name is self explanatory." Six says as he walks up behind her. "This is where you'll find the memory of your truth, though I wonder what you'll choose? It can be anything really… just has to be something to satisfy Flann out there."

"So he's just going to judge me off whatever memory he sees?" Lily asks, now more worried than before.

"Indeed, though you don't need to worry, there's nothing here that'd make him upset." Six casually says while strolling through the hall. "Though if you want him to really accept him why not open up a little, relieve the first simulation you went through? Show him your first taste of freedom."

"The first taste of freedom? That was…"

Slowly Lily looked at one of the doors and walked up to it, seeing a simple word written on it.


Her hand slowly traces along the word, the feeling of sunlight rushing over her already, a soft smile finding its way onto her face.

A small bit of hesitance rushed through her but she braved it, pushing the door open as a bright light blinded her.

As her eyes adjusted she found herself sitting in her room, stuck in a familiar feeling chair with dozens of needles poking into her arms and legs.

"Alright, we're ready to begin… are you ready?" A kind old voice spoke to her, easily identified as none other than Thelman himself.

His kind old face looked slightly concerned as Lily nervously took in a shaky breath.

This was the first time trying this new procedure, it honestly sounded ridiculous, a Fulldive system that could slowly heal her while she relearned how to walk via simulations?

It almost made her want to laugh, but she held off, her father and Thelman had already invested so much into the project… might as well give it a shot.

"I'm ready…" Her voice was hoarse, weak, barely above a whisper as she strained it out.

It was painful to speak, but it hurt more to hear herself like this, so weak… slowly decaying away day by day without any hope of seeing the next.

"Alright, then here comes the last piece of equipment…" Thelman said as he moved what looked like a gas mask over to her, carefully placing it over her head and onto her face. "Now, I want you to relax and take deep breaths, follow the instructions provided by the built-in screen."

Though the mask was a bit claustrophobic she did her best to follow his advice, taking deep breaths and relaxing as best she could.

Soon the visor dimmed and a chime was heard, a tiny red triangle appeared on screen as a new voice spoke up.

[Welcome to the Reflection, please be at ease while we run the first time setup.]

[Reading biometric data…]

[Comparing to database…]

[VIP Patient: 01]

[Is the username "Lily" alright?]


Lily sat there confused for a moment, trying to figure out how to operate the machine, was she supposed to talk to it?

"You don't need to push yourself to talk." Thelman's muffled voice spoke to her as he sat nearby, examining a monitor carefully. "Just think of your answer and it'll register what you want."

That's it? It was really that easy?

Slowly she looked back at the screen and focused on Yes.

In that moment the text vanished as the voice continued.

[Profile complete]

[Loading Project: SUNFLOWER]

[Please relax and take deep breaths, keep your mind clear as we begin your first dive]

Silently Lily slowed her breathing and tried to keep her mind clear as she focused on the voice and screen.

[Good, now let yourself drift off as your dive begins]

Slowly Lily's mind began to drift off, the low humming of electronics and beeping of monitors soothing her already tired mind as she breathed in and then out.






Then, just like that, it felt like she wasn't even in the chair anymore, rather it felt more… natural?

Like lying on the ground, feeling the earth pushing up against her back.

Even the room suddenly felt warmer, more relaxing as well, the floral scent of flowers taking over senses.

Slowly she opened her eyes, first noticing the bright blue sky above her, it was stunningly realistic.

Lily smiled, feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin and the feeling of the earth below her rubbing against her hands.

It felt good, it felt relaxing… it felt like everything she'd dreamed of.

A light laugh escapes her, though instantly surprises her as it left without pain and didn't sound strained.

Quietly she began to look around, seeing if there was anyone nearby who could've caused that sound… but she was alone.

Cautiously she began to raise her voice, letting out "ahs" and "ohs" until she exploded into a full on yell, excited to hear her voice echo out into the sky for the first time.

Then an epiphany struck her, if her voice was fully working now… could she actually move freely?

Slowly she raised her right hand, laughing as she saw it rise above her with no troubles.

It wasn't shaking, or jittery, nor did it feel numb.

It felt alive, really and truly alive.

One by one she tested her limbs until she stood up, feeling her body stretch out and react to the world around it for the first time since she was a child.

Tears welled in her eyes as more laughter escaped her, the scene of this place now coming into full view.

She was in a of sunflowers, ones that were only a foot shorter than her, each flower gently swayed in the breeze.

The sight stunned her, leaving her frozen in place as she slowly moved forward, a smile creeping up on her face.

Gently she lightly grabbed one of the flowers, feeling it for the first time, the texture of the flower petals flooding her mind and filling it with bliss.

There was so much she'd missed out on that such simple things felt alien to her, it felt like experiencing a whole new world for the first time.

Though she couldn't help but wonder how good her body was.

Thelman hadn't told her anything here was dangerous, so, perhaps she could do whatever she wanted?

Slowly she walked around, getting used to walking on her own two feet again, and then once she was comfortable she took a deep breath and looked towards the direction of where the sun was setting.

Then she ran, kicking off with as much force as possible, the rush of air blowing past her as she ran through the field.

It felt liberating, rewarding even to feel her lungs on fire, her legs screaming as she pushed herself further and further, running through the field until she could run no longer.

Collapsing to the ground she laughed once more in between gasps to catch her breath, euphoria practically filling her mind.

For a moment she just lies there, catching her breath and enjoying the feeling of exhaustion before standing up once more.

Now enough time had passed to where the sun was setting, yet another rare sight for her to behold, it wasn't often one would get to see a sunset while trapped in bed.

Yet now here she was, standing and moving on her own, feeling better than she'd ever felt before.

Sure it was just a simulation… and the treatment may not actually cure her, but hey maybe it was worth sticking around now after all.

She wouldn't be stuck just in bed now after all, there were thousands if not hundreds of thousands of places for her to visit, places that probably couldn't even be found in reality.

As she let out a peaceful sigh one final thought crossed her mind, one she never thought she'd have in her remaining time on this earth.

"I want to live."
