
Chapter 26


I had decided to return for the summer holidays to my family, I missed them so much, well, at least the people who considered me to be their family.

My parents had died in a car accident caused by a drunk when I was five years old, and my grandmother came to take care of me, but a couple of years later she had gotten sick with cancer. Since my uncles were drug addicts, I ended up in a foster home, but luckily for me, I didn't stay there for too long since Angela adopted me.

She was a friend of the family, and on weekends and summers I practically spent it at her house with my best friend Gabriela, who was like the sister I never had. They were my family, they're the only ones who cared about me after my grandmother died and I am grateful to them.

The thing is I thought it's time to return to my roots, to see my family, who let me do what I wanted and didn't ask me anything, but I had returned to surprise everyone.

I went into the house to see if anyone was there and I ran into Gabriela and Kevin who seemed to be talking about the bad mood the first has when she wakes up, which made me laugh, because it's the truest thing that could be said about Gabriela.

I must admit I was surprised by Gabriela's reaction, I didn't expect her to start crying when she saw me appear at the door, but I remember Ángela told me I had to talk to Gabriela so she could tell me something important, and of course that was a couple of months ago, but I didn't have time to call Gabriela or insist that Angela tell me what she had to tell me, and that's another thing I had come back for, to compensate them for not giving news from me, just to tell them by message I was fine.

I had talked a little with them and then I was helping Kevin carry the glasses to the garden when I noticed the ring that Gabriela has on her finger, which surprises me and makes me more intrigued by her response, "I'm sure you'll know him when you see him," causing me to stop looking at her to come in and meet my dear friend's fiancé. And I must admit I was surprised.

I never got to meet the boy who had stolen my best friend's heart, but I would know its him anywhere because she talked about him so much, and I must admit I was angry with him when he broke up with her, but if she's with him now it's because their things were settled and they were so good if she decided to marry him, or at least I hope he's the one she's going to marry and not someone else.

"Green eyes, tall, copper hair, but I seem to remember he was chubby. At least tell me what I'm thinking about." I asked my best friend next to me, "That same one." Gabriela had approached Alex, put an arm over her shoulders and kissed her on the forehead. They looked perfect together, they were adorable.

"Well, I have to tell you you're lucky to have a man this attractive by your side. Those arms… The eyes… Mmmm… I would like to have someone like that in my life." I said, biting my lower lip. "I'm the lucky one to have her in my life." The man answered without a single second's hesitation, "Oh, good physique, sensitive, loving… You have it all, man." I said surprised "Thanks I guess."

As soon as he said he's the lucky one to have her in his life, Gabriela's smile widened and I must admit I had never seen her as happy as I am seeing her at this moment, and I'm glad, at least she wasn't that girl I remembered after he broke up with her.

"Camila, daughter, you could have warned you would show up at home. We would have picked you up at the airport." Angela said with a smile on her face "It wasn't necessary Angela, besides, I wanted to give you a surprise." I admitted, "Well, that surprise should have been the same for Gabriela." She pointed out and I nodded, doing what Gabriela had asked me. "It was grandma."

"Yes, her face said it all, but I still have many things to talk to her about." I said, looking in her direction. "Didn't you have practically all morning to talk to her?" Lara asked, raising an eyebrow. "Ah, maybe, but it's been a long time since we've talked to each other, there are a lot of things she has to tell me."

"That wouldn't happen if you called more often." Kevin said to which I rolled my eyes "Kevin, don't start again because I'm still angry about Federico." his grandmother answered in an annoyed tone, "Federico?" I asked, confused for a moment and not understanding who this Federico could be. "Yes, the boy you played with when you were little, do you remember him?"

"No, honestly." I admitted "Je misto ok niets. (You don't miss anything either)" Kev mused "What are you talking about ?" I asked curiously "Don't worry." He tried to convince me, but if there's one thing I do know, it's knowing Kevin almost better than anyone else, and I know that made him angry. "That sulky face you have right now is nothing, but don't worry, you and I will talk about it later."

"Camila, leave him." Gabriela said, "That at least hasn't changed, you're still defending your favorite cousin." I noted "I knew it!!!! I'm your favorite cousin." Kevin exclaimed, suddenly very happy and pointing in Gabriela's direction. "And do you pay attention to what Camila says?" Gabriela questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Non mento mia cara (I'm not lying, dear)" I noted "Ma non l'ha perché, zietta . (But he doesn't have that because, aunt.)"

"Don't even think about calling me that again in your life Gabriela." I said in a serious tone even though I know he's doing it to mess with me "Perché? È quello che sei veramente. (Why ? It 's what you really are.)" Gabriela continued with a big smile on her face "Perché prima di essere tua "zia" ero la tua migliore amica, ragazza. (Because before I was your "aunt" I was your best friend, girl.)"

"Gabriela, stop bothering her." Angela asked. "They were already taking too long to have that discussion." Kev said, denying. "You shut up, Kev." We had both said that last thing at the same time. Until this moment I hadn't realized how much I missed my family, and the truth is I didn't have much to do in England anymore. I would seriously consider staying here.

"Honey, this is Camila." Gabriela said to her fiancé, pointing to me, "Nice to meet you." He said with a big smile on his face "That's what I should say, it was time for us to meet, Gabriela never stopped talking about you, she would meet you anywhere." I assured "Camila!!!!" Gabriela exclaimed. "I'm just telling the truth and you know it, dear." Right at that moment, I notice the girl that Alex is holding in his arms, more than anything because she seems to wake up at that moment.

"Hello Princess." Gabriela said, focusing all her attention on the girl. "Hello, mommy." With the girl's words I looked at my best friend surprised. That couldn't be possible, the girl is about seven years old and I had come two years ago, she couldn't have a daughter that big already. "Come mama? Non è passato moto tempo dall'tiltima volta che sono tonato che hai una bambina de sette anni. (How mom? It hasn't been that long since I came back last time that you have a seven-year-old girl.)

"She's actually six years old, and I know it wasn't that long. È una lunga storia che prima o poi vi racconterò. (It's a long story that I will tell you at some point)" she said simply "Me lo dirai stasera. (You'll tell me tonight)" I replied, "It can't be tonight." Gabriela "Ebbene, domani sì, non succederà doman. (Well, tomorrow, yes, it doesn't happen tomorrow)" I said pointing to her "Good." Gabriela responded, "If it clarifies something for you, she is my sister."

"Non capisco nulla. (I don't understand anything)" I said completely confused "Like I told you, long story. Now Nerea, why don't we spend that afternoon with cousins that I promised you?" Gabriela asked. "I'm in." I said quickly "I'm sleepy now Gabriela, can it be another time?"

"You were the one who wanted to spend time with me, that I pay too much attention to Kevin." Gabriela responded with a smile on her face "I know what I said, but I'm really sleepy, I'm going to take a nap." He said, "Then I ask you to reserve that afternoon of cousins for your best friend." I commented quickly before someone asked for Gabriela's attention. "Okay, are you coming, princess?" Gabriela asked the girl and she nodded. "Are you coming too, Carlota?"

"Of course, I don't miss those conversations in Italian." She responded with a big smile on her face. "Are you coming, love?" Gabriela asked her fiancé, turning in his direction. "Maybe later, you have to update your friend." He responded with a big smile on his face "Okay, see you soon. Come on Ana."

Gabriela had gotten up from her seat while the girl disappeared through the door. Meanwhile we were waiting for Ana, she approached the man and gave him a kiss, which he apparently gladly reciprocated, and as soon as Ana appears with what appears to be a guitar case, we go to the other house and sit at the sun for a while, we talked, and it's clear we were going to talk for a while because this girl had to tell me a lot of things to understand.
