
Holiday planning

I sit on my bed fiddling around on my phone. We are still in the middle of exam season but all the hard exams have been completed.

So I'm not too worried about the exams left. Plus I've actually been studying and revising this entire time so its okay if I relax a little.

The group chat between Skylar, Jaki and I have been popping off lately. Well its mostly messages between Jaki and I since Skylar actually seems to be practicing driving more recently.

She said she really want to make sure she passes the test on the first go since our entire holiday plans hinges on it.

Although Skylar can be a pretty jokey person at times when she is serious she means it and I really appreciate her going out of her way for us.

I glance back at my phone to see if there has been any new messages in the group chat. And lo and behold Jaki has written down some more potential travel destinations.

"Wow I didn't even know we had that many options."

I reply quickly to Jaki's suggestions.

"Yeah, there's a lot to choose from."

"Do you have any preferences Jaki?"

"Hmm I feel like every place has its own charms."

"IKR? Like lake side sounds so nice but so does the other places."

"Yeah, mountain hiking seems to be pretty fun."

"Mmm! I bet the view from above would look really good."

"Ahhh this is too hard to choose!"

"How about you decide Skylar."

I tag Skylar to see if she has any inputs.

"I'll leave it up to y'all, all the places looks really nice so I'm happy with any of them. Tbh all I can think about right now is the driving test."

"Fair enough, good luck with your driving test!"

Jaki also sent a sticker of a cute panda doing a cheer dance that spells out you can do it with its pom poms.

Mmm cute. Jaki seems to be really fond of that particular series of stickers. In face I don't think she has sent any stickers that isn't that panda.


I look at my phone and it seems like I received a dm from Jaki. What is it I wonder.

I open it up and see a sticker of the panda peeking out from the side of a wall. Once again, cute!

"What's up?"

I text back immediately.

"Not much, I just figured maybe its better if I message you directly with all the places I'm researching. Since I don't want to clog up the group chat."


Jaki and I exchange more opinions and thoughts of the places she has been researching. We found a few that we really liked and are trying to narrow down the options.

"Yep so this place actually also has a zoo nearby so that's another thing we can check out."

"Oooo, that is definitely a plus."

I'm surprised by just how much research Jaki has already done. Not only has she found so many places we could go to but she has also researched the surrounding area of the destinations.

"I've also got a bunch more pictures of the places saved on my laptop. Let me send them over."

"Please do!"

So far I actually haven't seen any pictures of the places Jaki has mentioned since she has only been giving the details in text.

So I am pretty interested to see what they look like.

I waited for a while then Jaki sent another text.

"Sorry, I'm actually pretty bad at using computers. I'm not too sure how to send the pictures I have saved besides from like taking a picture of it with my phone and then sending it over."

"But doing that would lower the quality of the image too much so it defeats the purpose of sending it."

"In that case do you want to just come over to my place with your laptop?"

Before I could even think about what I just wrote I sent the message out. I mean it did seem like a pretty good solution. However I didn't really think about the potential implications this message can bring.

My heart rate rises as I see the dots indicating typing pop up. I wait eagerly for Jaki's reply like my life depended on it. To my surprise it was a short and simple one.

"Sure just send me your address and I'll come over in 15 minutes."

I quickly send my address then start rolling around my bed.

Elated that Jaki is coming over.

Another chapter done! Hope everyone enjoy! Uni sure is tiring but I should know that by now :P

BennZcreators' thoughts