
Math problem

A few weeks have passed and Jaki and I have been hanging out here and there. Though we haven't gone around to doing much recently since exam season is getting closer. I also haven't really gone to her place since her mum came back as well.

And Jaki being the perfect student she is, spends most of her time studying at home.

The daily commutes to and from school has now become the highlight of my day.

The nice walk in the neighbourhood before reaching the train station. The neighbourhood cats that is no longer afraid of Jaki and are always eager for pets from us. The big smile that always appears on her face whenever she pets them.

Our daily conversation on the train. Especially when we past by what I now also call the booger statue, courtesy of Jaki.

The myriad of weird outfits that always brings out the giggles from the both of us.

Our discussion about what we think about todays outfit for the booger statue. Its always fun to me seeing Jaki calling certain bizarre outfits cute.

All these little things just makes my day.

But maybe I am too greedy for my own good. Even though I'm already spending time with her almost everyday. I wish I can spend more time with her.

Talk more with her. Hang out at her house and just laze around and chill.

* * *

I plop down on my bed after showering, feeling as refreshed as a sprite ad.

I guess I should do some studying as well, exam season is coming soon after all. And I may not be the best student around but I'll do the bare minimum at least.

I decided to start with math since it is my weakest subject. Better to get it over with first I thought to myself.

I slowly go through a practice exam for math. They questions were all pretty hard but nothing I can't solve if I try a bit and refer back to the textbook whenever I'm confused.

That was until I came a across a really difficult question. Some weird question about the size of a lawn on a farm and how many different types of farm animals it can fit.

Argh why can't they just give us equations to solve. Those I can do. Not these complicated scenarios where I need to figure out what is the right steps and equations to use in order to get the right answer.

It's like trying to decipher a riddle first before I even start.

Feeling defeated I was ready to ask my parents for some help as usual. But before I do that I suddenly had an idea pop in my head.

I can ask Jaki for help. Hehe it'll also give me an excuse to text her. We have been texting a bit more recently so it shouldn't feel too out of place as well.

I snap a picture of the question and then send it to Jaki, along with the message:

":'C I've been stuck on this question for so long! Can you help me out Jaki."

I made sure to add a pleading face emoji at the end as well.

Jaki then texts back immediately. One thing that really surprised me about texting Jaki is that she always seems to respond back quickly.

She responded with:

"Sure, let me have a look."

Then after a few minutes I was shocked to hear the video calling ringtone on my phone. Jaki was video calling me!

I wasn't expecting this! I quickly attempt to fix my hair and make sure I don't look too ratty. Though there's not much I can do with how huge all puffy my curly hair is after blow drying.

I accept the video call and see that Jaki is looking good as usual and is wearing a pair of what I assume are reading glasses. It looks really cute on her!

I also feel a little jolly on the inside, getting to see a new side of Jaki that I hadn't known before. Even if it something small, like her wearing glasses.

Jaki's eyes seems to widen a bit and I think I hear a little giggle come out of her.

"Hey what's so funny!"

I ask jokingly.

"Sorry, its just your hair. Its um so big."

"That's curly hair life for you."

"But I think it um suits you. You look cute like a fluffy sheep."

My face reddens, not expecting the sudden compliment.

"Oh um thanks, hehe."

"Anyway about this question..."

Thank god Jaki immediately changed the topic to the math problem. If she hadn't I probably would have turned into a bright red tomato.

"If you break the questions into these smaller questions it will become easier to solve."

"Then you just solve them one by one. Eventually you will reach the correct answer."

"I see."

I follow Jaki's instruction and the problem becomes surprisingly simple. I focus on solving one question at a time until I reach the answer.

Jaki was also really good at explaining. She was good at making me rethink the math problems in different perspectives that makes it much easier to solve.

"Thank you so much Jaki. You're a life saver."

"Ah its nothing."

Jaki replies with a slight smile.

"It also helps me out as well. Explaining these math problems helps me revise to make sure I still understand them as well.

"Anyway is there any other questions you don't understand?"

I let out a small sigh and say:

"There's too many of them that I don't understand. Just math things ya know."


"In that case, do you want to have a study session this weekend say maybe Saturday at my place? I can help you out and it'll be revision for me as well."

My heart rate increase, an invitation from Jaki! And it'll finally be a chance where we can hang out together outside of school.

Suddenly studying doesn't sound half bad!

"Sure! That would be great!"

My enthusiasm flows out in my response, but I just can't help it.

This is definitely the first time in my life where I am looking forward to studying.

A longer chapter! Hurray! Hope everyone enjoys this chapter!

BennZcreators' thoughts