

"Are both contestants ready?" A voice filled with seriousness sounded around the arena that was filled with many students.

""Yes."" As the two participants of the duel waited inside the ring and spoke, the referee nodded in response.

"Then, the duel shall commerce." The voice of the referee, followed by the voice of something sharp hitting the ground, marked the start of the fight.


The arena was filled with the sound of excitement as a young man in armor sprinted towards a young boy in a black robe who was waiting on the opposite side.


His speed was fast, even with the heavy armor he was wearing, showing that the boy had a considerable amount of strength.

"GRAAAA!" He shouted, as his hand immediately reached the greatsword that was seated behind his back.

In the blink of an eye, Arden had already closed a considerable amount of distance, symbolizing his speed.
