
Dance Floor

My parents and I arrived at the castle shortly after the bells chimed 8. It was going to be a beautiful party. I entered the main ballroom. The overall splendor was stunning. Smells, sights and sounds overwhelmed the senses. The flower arrangements on every table. The chandeliers flickering shadows on the walls and on the dance floor. The orchestra played a lively gavotte. Everything was perfectly planned.

I spotted Cali in a corner. She was always fierce, powerful and strong. But tonight she was a different kind of dangerous. She was astonishing. Her gown, that Alina had forced upon her, was in the style of all the ladies of the court. Long and flowing. Darker than the green she had been forced into earlier. She was striking and for once; I did not mean with a weapon. She looked like a courtier. But anyone who had ever battled the tip of her sword or the tip of her tongue, knew she was much more.

I watched as a young nobleman, who clearly did not recognize her, approached her. The conversation was short and mostly one sided. I could read the rejection from her lips from across the room. Bravely, her suitor persisted. Or maybe it was foolishly. Her face fell from the polite smile it was trying to keep. The words that I read across her lips this time were not ones typically heard in civilized company. The nobleman finally retreated. Keeping his person intact, but not his pride.

"That was a thing to behold." I joked, approaching Cali.

"You could have rescued me from that cad!" She was understandably fuming.

"At least you let him walk away"

"Had I thought that not allowing him to walk away was acceptable, I would have exercised that option instead. Alina, however, would kill me." Cali gritted her teeth and tried to remain civil.

"Who needs a rescuer, when you can rescue yourself?" I lightly teased.

Her eyes darted from one side of me to the other. "I have bested one of them, but the vultures are circling"

"I have never seen a vulture take down a wolf." I meant it to be encouraging. It was haughtily received.

"Fine, then you can join me on the dance floor." It was not a request, but I dutifully obeyed.

Cali gracefully pushed and pulled us both into the inner circle of dancers on the ballroom floor. I think this is her way of hiding the fact that I look like a freshly born mule taking his first steps when I try to dance. It also, conveniently, kept her from being the easiest to spot from the suitors she was arming herself against.

"It is good to know that on the battlefield of social situations, you are willing to use me as a human shield." I teased.

"Careful, or else you might end up as one on a real battlefield as well." Her tongue was sharp, but her tone playfully light.

"I would not care to waltz with you in battle. You are too skilled for me." I meant it sincerely.

"Oh hush!" Cali loathingly accepted any accolade. I was trying to remember to breathe.

"Do you think Alina has any surprises planned for tonight?" Maybe if I keep her talking, Cali will get tired of dancing with me.

Cali's eyes cut quickly to mine and narrowed. "Not that I know of. Why have you heard something?" Suspicious but not of my motives.

"No. She's always found ways to outdo herself. I would not worry. I'm sure she is not planning on having you married off to one of your vultures just to add romance to her party." I chuckled breathily. The dance was starting to wear on me. Too much to focus on between the steps I was supposed to take, the movements I was actually completing and keeping up a conversation.

Cali however tightened in my arms, proving problematic because as much as I hate to admit it, she was leading. Her eyes started darting behind me at every turn of the dance. My joke must have landed poorly. She must be looking for suitors that she needs to avoid. I started focusing on the people she seemed to be looking toward. I was wrong.

There are guards. Several guards. No longer at their posts along the castle wall, but now posted at exits around the room. There also seemed to be more of a flurry of bustling toward the royal wing, although neither Alina nor her parents had made their grand appearance yet. The door to the hallway opened and there I spied a familiar yet foreign face that had not been seen in court in years. Lord Holden, Swordsman of the house of bear, was among those gathered in the hall.

When the kingdom of Ensis was founded, the four swordsmen split up duties of the kingdom. The clan of Stag was the guardian, watching over the countryside and the towns. The clan of Wolves, was the defender, watching over the castle walls and defenses within the keep. The clan of Falcon was the protector, watching over the royal guard. The clan of Bear was the provider, watching over the land's borders to make sure all travelers, merchants and farmers made their way safely to the main gates for commerce. The clan of Bear has stayed true to this original charge to the letter. Members are rarely seen in court.

Holden had not been seen in court since his swordsman ceremony 6 years prior. The clan of Bear votes to decide who the next swordsman will be after one falls. Holden taking the sword at the age of 19 was the first in the line of the clan to ever succeed his own father for the Swordsmanship. I do not think that he would grace the court just for the sake of Alina's birthday.

The song that Calista and I had been dancing to ended. The rest of the party guests applauded the orchestra innocently in unknowing good humor. Cali and I shared a glance while clapping politely. Something was amiss. She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the royal wing. Carrion cut us off before the door.

Thank you so much for reading this far! Please let me know what you think!

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