
He is alive, Doubts and End of the first year

After Adam left, the Potters and Sirius had a light conversation. Sirius teased Harry by bragging that when he was a student at Hogwarts, he was never the one in the hospital wing, it was the other guy.

Harry was smiling and trying not to remember too much about last night, the encounter against Voldemort and all that it meant. He could see that his parents were doing the same thing, trying not to show their nervousness in front of him and his sister.

Harry looked at the door and remembered what Adam had said before leaving. From the expressions of the others present he understood that only he heard what Adam had said. Like a whisper in your ear.

'How does he know? ' was the first thing Harry thought of. 'how much does he know?'

There was no one else in the mirror room. Well there was Quirrell who wasn't quite one, more like a half, just like Voldemort. It was just the three of them, Voldemort Quirrell and Harry.

Quirrell was dead, very dead. Voldemort, the Headmaster had told him, had fled, even weaker than before. And Harry himself was here on the sickbay bed. Even Ron and Hermione still didn't know who he had really been up against for the philosopher's stone.

'But he knows. Adam knows' Harry understood that, Adam's last words made that clear.

He remembered when Isabella and Hermione revealed the way to get past the three-headed dog. They explained that they learned this from Adam. At this time he and Ron were also surprised and some doubts arose.

As Harry thought, there was a knock on the door, and it opened to show Hermione and Ron.

''Can we talk to Harry now?'' asked Ron.

''Please ma'am. '' added Hermione.

The pair were already being blocked by Madam Pomfrey when Lily's voice came from behind.

''It's all right,'' she said. ''You can let them come, it will be good for Harry to talk''

Madam Pomfrey gave Harry a long look before sighing and nodding. "Fine, but Potter needs rest, so don't take too long."

That's how the woman was, she cared a lot about her patients.

After Ron and Hermione entered, the three adults retreated to a corner to talk, it looked like they were giving the children privacy, but that wasn't all, they had things to discuss themselves.

Harry looked at his parents and Sirius who had walked away and seemed to have cast some sort of spell to prevent people from overhearing their conversations, because he couldn't hear anything they said.

''You wouldn't know how to do something like that, would you?'' he asked Hermione who sat down next to Isabella.


''Well, never mind. Come closer, you won't believe it''

Then he began to describe what happened in the mirror room. How it wasn't Snape, it was Quirrell. How the stone came into your pocket.

And finally, how Voldemort was attached to the back of Quirrell's head.

''In the head ? '' asked Hermione, bringing her hands to her mouth.

''Yes, it was awful''

''I still can't believe it wasn't Snape,'' said Ron, and he looked a little uncomfortable with the truth.

''I still can't believe it was Quirrell,'' said Isabella, it seemed so strange to imagine the stammering professor being a follower of Voldemort.

'' Maybe it was all a disguise ? ''

''It might be. ''

''Well now the garlic makes sense,'' said Ron, drawing the attention of all three. ''To hide the breath. I can't imagine Quirrell brushing You Know Who's teeth." Then he shook his head and laughed. ''Actually I can, yes''

Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron.

''Harry,'' she said, with a worried look. ''If you know who was there, how did you get it—''

''Survive ? '' Completed Harry, he looked down at his hands as he remembered the confrontation he had with Quirrellmort. ''I don't know, when he touched me, it felt like pain''

He saw the confused look the trio had, but he didn't know how to explain it better, all he could do was describe what happened. He did it, told how Voldemort ordered Quirrell to grab him, how he felt pain when being touched by Quirrell, his scar burned.

But it wasn't compared to the pain Quirrell seemed to feel, when blisters broke out where he touched. The last part he remembered was clinging to Quirrell after realizing that touching hurt him, and then waking up in the hospital wing, with Dumbledore at his side.

''Wow, Harry'' They exclaimed in surprise. Isabella was the same, she wasn't there when Dumbledore spoke to Harry, and only now did he hear what really happened.

''What did Dumbledore say, Harry? '' she asked

''And why couldn't Quirrell touch him?''

Harry thought about his conversation with Dumbledore before answering, even he didn't understand everything the Headmaster told him.

''Something about love. I didn't understand right'' He explained.'' But I know it was something that happened the night he came to kill me''

His words made the three of them fall silent and think for themselves.

Harry then remembered something he had asked the Headmaster.

''He didn't tell me either. About why Voldemort wanted to kill me.'' Explained

''Your parents don't know? '' asked Hermione in surprise, thinking Harry knew why.

''No'' He shook his head thinking of the times he'd asked his parents about it. ''Surely they know something, but they don't want to tell me.''

''And you think the Headmaster knows? '' asked Isabella.

''It seems so, I mean, he seems to know some things about Voldemort''

''And he didn't say anything?''

''No, he said he couldn't say anything right now.'' He sighed, he wanted to know.

''Maybe Adam knows,'' said Harry as a thought came to mind.

''Adam? '' muttered Hermione.'' Sorry Harry, Adam seems to know a lot of things, but isn't that too much? ''

''Yeah man, Hermione is right''

''Why do you think that?'' asked Isabella.

''I don't know... but he always seems to know everything... ''

''I'm not sure we can trust him. I mean, have you ever seen a first-year do what he does?'' said Ron.

''Just because you don't know any spells doesn't mean everyone has to be the same Ron,'' said Hermione.

Harry didn't pay any more attention to the three's conversation, he looked towards where his parents and Sirius were talking. Maybe he was thinking too much about thinking that Adam would know. But he thought his parents would at least know.

'I wish I could hear what they're saying... Maybe I'll find some answers'

If Harry could only hear, he would understand that his parents were just as lost as he was.

''What did you say?'' asked Sirius, his voice aggravated. ''Was Voldemort here? ''

He couldn't believe what I had just heard. When James got in touch with he, through the mirror, he only said that Harry had had an accident at school. But the truth was much worse.

''Yes. '' Confirmed James, face grim. He hadn't swallowed the information well either.

Lilly beside him had a nervous expression, that monster had been here and even attacked her son.

''Wasn't he dead? '' asked Sirius, confused. ''What did Dumbledore say?''

''Said he must have survived somehow, couldn't explain how, but he did.'' James explained, but he didn't seem to buy that explanation. ''I don't know, Sirius. Dumbledore seems to know more than he tells us.''

''That old man,'' complained Sirius. ''We should have made him spit out everything he knew ten years ago.''

James agreed even though he knew that wasn't possible, he still remembered the day Dumbledore visited them, Lily was pregnant.

When Dumbledore came to them, he asked them to hide, as Voldemort wanted to kill Harry. Something about a prophecy.

''I don't understand. What did the prophecy say?'' murmured Lily, her watery gaze looking at her Son not far away. ''Why would he want to kill our baby?''

''I can't reveal that yet,'' said Dumbledore. ''The less know, the less danger Harry will be in.''

James and Lily trusted Dumbledore, they were members of the order of the phoenix after all. They followed his words and hid. The problem was that they had also trusted the wrong person…

''He still refuses to speak what the end of the prophecy said? '' asked Sirius.

''Yes. '' replied Lily, her hands tightening on James's.

As much as they hated to be left in the dark about something about their son, they could understand. Dumbledore was the only one who knew of the prophecy, and Voldemort would never find out the end of the prophecy as long as it continued like this.

''So we can only keep trusting him? '' muttered Sirius dissatisfied. He wanted to know about the prophecy, and if Voldemort came after him to find out about it, he didn't mind fighting the so-called Dark Lord, he wasn't afraid of him.

''I hope next year will be quieter for the kids,'' murmured James looking at the chattering quartet.

''So if he's back, will order come back?'' asked Sirius, the thought cheering him up.

Even though he was already an Auror, he couldn't pass up the chance to look for more action.

''Not. Dumbledore said it wasn't necessary yet.''

James' answer made Sirius sigh.

They talked some more before Sirius had to leave.

''Well, I have to go back,'' He said, almost mumbling. ''That woman refused to give me the day off.''

''That's your fault'' James chuckled ''You shouldn't have called her a bore. Well, you shouldn't have let her hear it at least''

''How does she ask him to call her now?'' asked Lily smiling, even though she knew the answer.

James changed expression as if trying to imitate Sirius.'' Yes, Madam Bones, we've already verified that tip. That's right Madam Bones…. Madam Bones.. ''

''Congratulations, great performance, aside from the part that I'm more charming than that.'' joked Sirius. ''I miss just calling her Boss.'' Sighed

James and Lily laughed. It was hard to smile when bad things happened. But friends were there for that.

''What's the job this time?'' James asked. ''Am I going to miss something interesting?''

Sirius shrugged. ''I don't know yet... hopefully nothing with dead bodies.'' He shivered as if remembering a bad scene.'' How the hell did that guy study and eat dead bodies. I mean, I don't mind dealing with corpses, I've even turned a few wizards into corpses at one time or another.''

Sirius and James were Aurors, they investigated crimes involving the dark arts, and arrested dark wizards. After years at this job, there were always a few unpleasant experiences, and one of them was recent. When they arrested a wizard who studied corpses and ate organs.

''Do not tell me that.''

Lily wasn't an Auror, and hearing about that traumatized her enough. ''Enough of that matter. '' She said, before speaking to Sirius. ''We expect you for dinner next week after the kids come home.''

''Can not wait ''

At the castle, a rumor circulated that Harry Potter and his friends had gotten themselves into some kind of dangerous event, that day and the next. The story boiled down to the quartet fighting Quirrell to protect the item on the third floor.

There were a few variations where a dragon guarded the treasure and Ron defeated it, but nobody believed it.

What they did know was that Quirrell had disappeared, and Harry Potter, his sister and friends seemed involved in it.

The end of year party was always very lively. Every year, the students who were in seventh grade were saying goodbye. It was a moment of farewell, but it was a moment of beginning too, their true lives in the wizarding world began at that moment.

But who was super excited, it was the Ravenclaw table. By a gap of 15 points ahead of Slytherin, they won the house cup. In addition to overthrowing Slytherin who was coming to the seventh consecutive title, they liked to know that even after all Snape's efforts to distribute points to his house, he still lost.

''We won thanks to you man,'' Terry said excitedly. ''I don't know how you got so many points, but keep it up next year''

Adam laughed, there were two reasons he got so many points this year, the first was his great performance in class, earning him a lot of points for correct answers.

But his biggest source of points was undoubtedly Professor Flitwick, who whenever Adam met him for tea, the Goblin half doled out points like candy, for every clever thing he said, or answer he gave.

'He wasn't much different from Snape in that regard.' he thought, looking at the happy half-goblin at the faculty table.

Adam sighed at the scene of Flitwick talking animatedly with McGonagall, it was obvious he was bragging.

'A pity, that all this dispute this year is a farce.' He sighed, knowing what would come next.

''Hey, why don't you look happy? '' questioned Anthony, tapping Adam on the shoulder.

''I'm not sad'' Said Adam ''I don't care too much about this whole points system. But it's a bit frustrating to be sabotaged by Headmaster.''

'' What are you talking about ? '' Terry frowned, couldn't understand how they would be sabotaged, just look up, the flags were already blue and bronze with the beautiful eagle, Ravenclaw had already won.

Adam shook his head as he said. ''You'll see.''

Anthony frowned, knowing Adam, his words definitely had some meaning.

Adam pointed to the entrance to the Great Hall, where Harry had just entered. Everyone looked at him, thinking about the rumours.

Terry looked at Harry for a moment before thinking of something.'' Don't tell me? ''

Adam was surprised at how quickly his friend noticed, and laughed. ''You seem to be getting smarter.''

Anthony spit out the juice he was drinking as he burst out laughing.

''Why does it sound like you're talking to a pet?'' Terry complained.

''Come on, like a cookie,'' Anthony teased, waving a cookie.

Terry grumbled before going back to questioning Adam.'' It's over 200 points, there's no way they won that all at once, right? ''

Adam chuckled at the question.'' 200 points? Even 500 points wouldn't be much. Don't forget who will distribute the points.''

Terry looked at Dumbledore and was sad. He remembered that at the event with the troll, Dumbledore had given points as if they were nothing to Adam Harry and Ron.

He didn't know what happened on the third floor, but he'd bet he was worth more than a troll.

''I lost my hunger,'' he said, laying his head on the table.

Dumbledore rose at the high table, and silence fell in the great hall. ''Another year has come to an end,'' he said in his usual hoarse voice, giving a speech about the school year.

Then he announced the house point tallies, sending the Ravenclaw table into euphoria. Flitwick at the head table was clapping excitedly.

Adam Terry and Anthony were the only ones from Ravenclaw who weren't excited.

When Dumbledore started talking about recent events. The hall returned to silence, and it was as if Flitwick could sense what was coming. His expression was pitiful.

When Dumbledore started doling out points like they were nothing, all of Ravenclaw was sad.

Fifty points for each member of the quartet. Gryffindor was still five points behind when hope seemed to have returned. Another ten points were given, for some bullshit courage to face your friends...

''Can't you do anything? '' Terry asked nonconformist.

Adam laughed helplessly. '' What can I do ? Unless you have a troll in your pocket for me to defeat''

Terry accepted defeat.'' I hope to win next year.''

'Maybe..'' Adam thought, he didn't know if there was a way to do that. In his mind, Dumbledore would always find a way to make Gryffindor win.

It was as if he were training Harry, rewards for every heroic act.

When Dumbledore clapped his hands and the decor changed, the Gryffindor table went wild. Clapping sounds everywhere, the Weasley twins chanted and threw Harry in the air.

''All this to prepare him for slaughter...'' Adam sighed looking at Dumbledore who laughed at the scene at the Gryffindor table.

And so ended Adam's first year at Hogwarts.

Made some friends, told jokes and evolved as a wizard and a person.

Discovered secrets of the world, and entered the plot. In the end, it was undoubtedly a positive year, with many gains.
