
Chapter 31: Their Empire. (Part 2)

In the early morning we departed through the slums being once more guided by one of Mama's children. We were led through a maze of streets barely able to fit Pina and the carriage. Those that we passed stayed far away from us and the few that did attack the carriage were repelled in an instant by Caius who laid on the roof. All I had to do was drive and occasionally squeeze Taylor's hand as she sat beside me. We both knew how dangerous this was going to get and the previous night she had made it clear how stupid I was being. I couldn't help it. Sure there might have been a better way to stop Lara but I needed and wanted to do that before she became the Monster in my memories. I was putting not only my life but Taylor's and everyone else's at risk.

We exited the east side of the city slums and continued through a series of tunnels clearly used for smuggling. As we headed west I was sure at one point we had passed beneath the Imperial River. It was a long journey much further than the direct route but like this, those who saw us wouldn't ask questions or tattle any tales. Finally past midday we exited the forest bordering the western main road of the Empire.

I stopped the carriage and thanked the young boy who had guided us. He nodded and took the sweets I offered with an emotionless smile, running away before I could say anything else.

"Don't mind him. We were all like that at one point," Taylor commented darkly.

We entered the carriage where the others were seated. Earnest, Marley, Ardent, Caius and Taylor. I stared at each of them in turn.

"From here on we're walking right into their trap. You know what you need to do but I'll ask you once more, are you sure you want this?"

Marley spoke first, "I want to save Lara. She's my friend and accepted me for who I am. Ronalt as well."

Ardent smiled softly, "Though I am part of the Guild, the Empire is still my birthplace and home. Our leaders must be stopped."

"I can't just stop here." Earnest yawned and leaned back, "Who knows, after this maybe I'll return home but until then, I'll be here with you all."

"I already said all I wanted last night," Taylor kissed my cheek. I had to remain composed despite her affection.

"Caius?" I asked him last.

He sighed, "You know what happens if I don't help you. I'll be changing my future."

"You're a real spoilsport you know."

"You're talking to yourself," he replied bluntly.

I smirked, "I know." I clapped my hands, "Well then, how about one last lunch before we all potentially die?"

We left the moment our appetites were sated and joined the traffic like any other into the city. Rumours of the Magician's Guild spread from the other travellers as we neared the gate but nothing was concrete. From there it didn't take long for a knight to flag us down and after a brief discussion we were soon being led by an armed guard down the city streets. It was honestly hard to tell if we were prisoners or celebrities with how they treated us. The common folk in the streets watched us with interest wondering who we were. I gingerly waved to them with a pleasant smile as Taylor did the same. Earnest stepped out to the roof of the carriage and sat to show himself. Caius stared broodingly from the window. As for Marley and Ardent I had given them strict instructions to stay hidden in the carriage.

Heading through the city streets to the Imperial Palace had its charms. Last time by the river we hardly had a chance to see the populace but now it stared at us directly. From the outer districts regarded as the commons, to the markets, the people were like most other cities. Men and women living content humble lives and doing their best to get by. Their curiosity drew them closer but to them, aside from something to gossip about we meant nothing. Then there were those behind them. Even with the slums congregating the poor, the overflow steeped into the commons. Their eyes regarded us as the enemy with clear jealously and contempt. To them we were the nobles who laundered their money. A few however saw opportunity, as with any newcomer to the city and one with such a large guard, something would shake and when things shook there were pickings to obtain. Unlike the Kingdom or the Demon Capital, their numbers were more numerous but considering the population as a whole, they were only a small fraction.

The further we travelled to the heart of the city the nicer it became. The ruffians decreased and the dress became more refined. Then like before as we entered the districts reserved for nobility the standard of living turned a whole new level. Polished stone walkways and barely a scrap of rubbish. The mansions on the main street were spread and flamboyant doing their best to show off their owner's wealth. For a place like this to exist and the slums only a few hours away… I couldn't like the Empire's policies. The Kingdom may have their share of corruption but the Empire reeked of it. Even the nobility had their own games and worse than the desperate we passed earlier, those who saw us stared with hidden agendas, seeing us as barely more than pawns.

For hopefully the last time we reached the final checkpoint to the Imperial Palace. Its grandeur didn't lack from this entrance either. In fact more so than the docks, the pressure our surroundings exhumed were palpable. My eyes caught a familiar face as Minister Palor bowed to greet us and the carriage was slowed to a halt.

"Greetings, I am Minister Palor one of the Emperor's hands. I have come to welcome the Hero's companions."

"Rain Axel of Axel," I nodded to him. "These are my friends, Taylor Tiana, Master Swordsman Earnest and Magician Jane." Caius waved from inside the carriage and even put on a smile.

"Jane?" the Minister faltered. "I am not aware of the name."

"He's a friend of mine who helped in smaller ways during our journey. I hope you don't mind his presence."

The Minister shook his head, "It is no problem at all. We welcome any friend of the Hero."

"Thank you." I made a show of looking around, "May I ask where Lara and Ronalt are? I haven't seen them or any of their accompaniment."

He smiled pleasantly, "They are just visiting the city at the moment and will return shortly."

"I see, I'm just a little worried. On the way here I heard there was some trouble in the Magician's Guild."

"Ah yes," the Minister responded grieving. "There was an accident earlier but not to worry we have sent people to ensure everything is okay."

"I just hope my friend Ardent is doing well. He's a Master Wizard based there and also one of the Hero's companions."

"I'll have someone check personally," the Minister nodded accommodatingly.

"Also, while you're at it, have you heard word of our other companion, Marley, she's a priest of the Goddess. She came from another route and should have arrived by now."

The Minister's smile twisted ever so slightly, "Why yes, she arrived just this morning. If you'd all disembark and follow me, I'll lead you to her."

I held my amicable expression though my thoughts twisted inside. Just what was he up to? Marley was definitely with us. While I had made preparations with the Queen to suggest otherwise, for them to blatantly lie was concerning. The pressure from the Guild must be straining them more than we thought.

We left the carriage to be taken to the stables with Pina. Ardent and Marley were still inside hiding as Caius came out. The four of us followed the Minister and his knights by foot as he led us on a short tour of the Palace grounds. While we passed through the gardens I caught the edge of the building leading towards the dungeon where Ronalt was being kept. Of course our tour skirted the area with no more than a simple glance. Like before we were led into the Palace proper and taken to the same waiting room.

"Minister Palor," a grating and infuriating voice called out. My blood began to boil at the mere sound of it. It was General Elroy. I calmed my heart and hoped Caius could do the same. His expression twitched and a slight trace of mana escaped him.

"General Elroy," the Minister greeted him with a humble bow. "I'm just showing the Hero's companions to the waiting room. How are the preparations for the ball going?"

"We've had trouble with the catering but our guests will be fully entertained regardless." He laughed, "It was an error in my judgement. This is why you shouldn't let a General plan a ball."

"No I'm sure you are doing splendidly."

The General turned to us, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Likewise," I purposely didn't take his offered hand and bowed instead. I hadn't expected him to be here and the simple thought of him touching me made me want to rip off his head. It was bad enough for me and would be worse for Caius.

He retracted his hand, "I will see you all later. Please enjoy your stay." As if sensing the distrust, he left without another word. The fact that Caius had been able to hold back was a godsend.

"Minister Palor, shall we?" I gestured for him to lead the way as if nothing had happened.

"Of course," he nodded and began to walk.

We were taken to the exact same room as before and I even noticed we had the same two knights guarding the corridor, how unlucky for them. The Minister left us to our own and promised to send Marley over as soon as possible. I was intrigued to know what he meant by that. With nothing else to do, we waited as the sun began to hang low in the sky.

"That is definitely the man who killed our mother," Caius grunted out of nowhere. "I must thank you Rain for this opportunity."

"Hold your horses there Caius." I narrowed my eyes, "I want him to suffer as much as you do and I have twice the reason for it, but don't do anything rash."

"I'll bide my time as long as it is my blade that pierces his life." For whatever reason like last time they hadn't taken away our weapons our equipment. We were dressed in more formal wear but clearly ready to deal business. I had the feeling it wasn't them being polite or giving us leeway, they had complete confidence in their plan to the point no matter what we bought, nothing would help us. I couldn't wait to shove it all back at them tenfold.

"How's your connection?" I asked.

"Good," Caius grinned. "The atmosphere is ripe. Yours?"

"The same, though my area of influence will be much smaller than yours." I looked out the window, "Remember only use it if we need to and try not to involve citizens."

"I know," he huffed and sat down.

Earnest drew his sword studying the blade for any imperfections and cleaning the slight specks of dust, "Rain you told me before that Lara killed me."

"I did…," I said solemnly.

"Did you see how?"

"No, I just caught the end. You were chest deep impaled on her sword," the memory flashed through my mind clearly. I chuckled, "though you were smiling."

"Is that so?" he sheathed his sword. "If that's how I die I wouldn't mind it."

Taylor shook her head disagreeably, "Wasn't I impaled to a wall by an icicle? Please spare me from that. I know hundreds of ways I'd rather go."

"It wasn't pleasant…," I frowned as she did. "Taylor watch yourself. Lara can see through your technique as clear as day."

"I know," she waved it off. "I'll stay away as long as you do the same."

"You know it's not going to work like that," I said complicatedly.

She stared at me angrily, "Just don't die."

"I don't want to you know," I gestured to Caius. "Unlike him I can now."

Caius smirked, "Though from what you described I might suffer a fate worse than death. Perhaps-," he paused and straightened his back, "someone is coming."
