


The Land Rover carrying the injured Jacques Le Vee returns from the doctor and apart from three stitches to the head wound, he has been given a clean bill of health. According to Peggy, who had appointed herself as his guardian angel, he needs at least a day of bed rest before he’ll be strong enough to continue the search for Debi and Adele.

/"Ja boet and that bloody head bandage makes it look all the worse, hey Le Vee, I think that maybe what you need is a strong drink. Come, I’ll gooi a dop for you, then you’ll have reason to complain about a headache./"

/"Monsieur Piet, that is a good idea, maybe the ladies, they weel join us no?/"

/"Ja man, I can see that klap you got to the head has not changed a thing. Once a ladies’ man, always a ladies’ man. I tell you, Le Vee, that thing of yours is going to bloody fall off one of these days./"

/"Ah Monsieur Piet, yu ave no idea, I would like to ride that filly off into the sunset./"
