


The stairwell comes out into an underground garage, the lights flicker overhead, the smell is of damp and garbage. The only vehicles down there belong to the night staff, and Adele looks around, trying to see where the other two are. She is suddenly and violently pushed between the shoulders and sent crashing down onto the concrete flooring, the smell of death and decay filling the underground area as the Blood Demon sheds its human form and reverts back to its own essence. Malice shining from its eyes as it advances on the fallen woman.

/"Oh, Adele. How I have hungered for you. How I have longed for your touch. My desire to feel you beneath my body is so strong, and now bitch, that will come to pass. You are mine to do with as I please, and I wish to tear you apart, and drink your blood./"

Adele pushes herself up into a sitting position, her right hand feeling for the .38. The demon laughs and leers at her.
