


Swiping up on his phone it asks for a password and I type my birthday in as an eight digit number before his screen unlocks.

/"See? Tyson also uses it for everything too/" he says.

/"Sweet now I can snoop/" I chuckle and he holds his hand out for his phone but I pull away going through his shit on his phone.

/"Lucy!/" Ace says leaning over and trying to take it from me.

/"What are you hiding Ace?/" I taunt flicking through his messages but they are mostly Tyson, Jacob and his mother. I go out of his messages and snoop through messenger and a few other apps but find nothing before checking his browser history which also was boring as fuck.

/"Don’t understand why you got your knickers in a knot there is nothing bad in here/" I tell him and he growls holding his hand out for his phone.
