
[Bonus chapter] A Benevolent Side to the Duke


"You say there is a coachman already waiting outside for me?"

Evelina repeated her question for what felt like the hundredth time, despite Frederike affirming the same answer time and time again while helping Evelina dress in the bedroom.

Frederike gave her a tired nod in response, and Evelina understood her frustration.

They were nearly out of the grand foyer that led out of the castle. It would be a mockery of the Duke's reputation if unnecessary preparation was made for nothing.

In silence, they made their way out, though Evelina couldn't ignore the hunger gnawing at her, but she resolved to hold back on expressing her true feelings until she arrived home and the situation was resolved between herself, her parents, and the Duke.

Her anxiety only exacerbated at the thought of what kind of outburst her mother must have had overnight.

And Priscilla, dear Priscilla, must be frantic with worry. She couldn't let her know…

"Hello and good morning."

Evelina was nearly startled by the man who suddenly appeared in front of her.

She recognized him as the man whom she had cried out to for help away from the castle last night and how he had abandoned her, also making himself scarce from her view.

The sight of him now and hoping to engage in small talk with her brought an unprecedented scowl on her face.

She didn't want to talk to him.

He had dismissed her pleas when she needed him. She could never forgive him for that because what if something terrible had truly happened to her?

Nevertheless, out of politeness, she gave him a curt nod and responded with a brief, "Hello," before proceeding towards the cart. If he was assigned to accompany her back to her father's house, from her suspicions, then she had better keep her tongue in check.

She continued forward, distancing herself from him but once she was near the coach, he hurried over and motioned to open the door for her, she reached for the door herself, knowing what he had in mind.

"I have hands, in case you didn't notice," she mouthed, sounding rude as she said it. He may have muttered something under his breath, a "Okay", perhaps but she paid no attention to his words.

"Would it kill you to show a lot less anger and a bit more gratitude, Evelina?"

As soon as Evelina heard the voice, she recognized it immediately and felt something stir within her.

She turned her gaze towards the source of the voice, and her eyes met Duke Alexander's.

"Your Grace. What are you doing here?" Her tone was slightly perplexed as she was caught off guard.

"Am I not permitted to sit in my own coach?" Duke Alexander replied in a brusque tone, his face full of defiance.

Evelina responded, "No. I mean, yes, Your Grace. But if this is the coach that is supposed to take me back to Longdale ..."

"I will be your travel escort if that is what you want to know," the Duke cut her off, his tone stern.

Evelina was taken aback and asked, "But— but why, Your Grace?"

"As the Duke, I do not shy away from taking responsibility for any situation I may have caused, even though I am only partly responsible for this one. I am willing to accompany you to fix any misconceptions your brazen actions last night may have caused.

"Moreover, it is more respectful for me to visit your parents myself rather than merely sending word," Duke Alexander explained, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes as the horses began to gallop away.

The minutes dragged on until an hour turned into two, with Duke Alexander remaining silent throughout the journey.

Evelina couldn't reconcile her thoughts with the realization that the Duke was extending an act of kindness without expecting any gratification in return.

She couldn't fathom how the same man who had previously threatened to tarnish her reputation after she turned down his proposal was now showing such a benevolent side of himself.

She couldn't bring herself to believe that Alexander had experienced a change of heart so quickly.

Evelina was half-certain that he was expecting something from her, but she didn't want to risk offending the Duke by probing into his intentions.

She tried to hold on to the small glimmer of hope within her, praying that Alexander held true to his words and was genuinely offering his assistance.

As the sun fully rose in the sky, they finally arrived at Longdale. Evelina silently thanked the curtain that shielded her from the view of any passerby.

She refused to poke her head out of the window; all she wanted was to remain hidden until she reached her father, the Earl's, house.

When the coach finally came to a stop after forty-five minutes, Evelina deduced that they had arrived. However, she couldn't help but wonder how the Duke knew her home's location, which unsettled her.

But before she could give rise to any suspicions, Alexander spoke up, "Look outside and tell me if you can recognize this as your home." His words sounded like he was privy to her thoughts.

She slowly peeked out the window, confirming that they had arrived at the correct destination.

As Reginald appeared by the door, Evelina was eager to disembark from the Duke's coach and escape his gaze once and for all.

"Now that we have arrived, there is no need for you to accompany me to meet my father," she said.

But, Alexander paid no heed to her words and disembarked from the coach.

Evelina's anxiety levels spiked; she feared what her mother, Breanna, would think upon seeing her accompany the Duke.

Despite her apprehensions, Evelina gathered the strength to assert herself, realizing that she didn't need the Duke's assistance. She pleaded with him, "Please don't come in with me. Your presence would do me more harm than good."

"And who said I was doing this to help you? I am doing this to help myself, not you," the Duke retorted, his scowl growing more pronounced as he resisted her touch.

As he turned to make his way towards the lawn, his expression changed, forming into a malicious scowl due to the royal carriage he could spot parked upfront; Great, the Prince was also present.

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