
An Agreement Made

Poul paced back and forth in his office, the anxiety and anticipation of the impending call causing his heart to race. His eyes darted to the clock on his desk every few seconds, watching the minutes tick by with growing impatience.

"Where is he?" he muttered under his breath. "He knows we have a meeting at three o'clock sharp."

Amelia, sitting calmly in a nearby armchair, observed Poul's frenzied movements with a faint smile on her lips. She had worked with him for years and had grown accustomed to his restlessness before important meetings.

"Poul, relax," she said soothingly. "I'm sure Mr. Rockefeller will call any minute now. Besides, it has only been two minutes."

"I know, Amelia, it's just that I don't get why he is late. I mean did you stress the importance of this call?" Poul asked.

Amelia nodded. "Of course I did. I made it clear that this meeting would affect him greatly." 
