
A maelstrom of questions and doubts.

Abigail felt an overpowering sensation of loss and terror as she stood there holding her mother's hand. It broke her heart to see Rachel in this state.

Rachel's breathing was getting shallower, yet she removed the oxygen mask because she needed to tell her something important. She opened her mouth, but her voice came out as a faint whimper. Her struggle to speak was evident.

Abigail was scared. "Mamma, please calm down. You need to rest, okay? We can talk later when you recover."

A grimace formed on her face. She knew she didn't have much time, and she had to tell her what she had been holding for so long.

Her mind was swirling with the thought of her encounter with Maria. She regretted that she couldn't apologize to Abigail for hiding the truth about her biological parents. She did, however, want to warn her before it was too late.

She knew Jasper loved Abigail and was desperate to get her, but she was aware of Abigail's feelings.
