
Qualifying For The Finals (37)

"That looks amazing!"

"Let's go Chimchar!"

"So strong!"

Multiple voices were shouting excitedly at my performance. It seems like Chimchar did well, hopefully enough to qualify for the final round though.

I honestly just need to qualify for the battling stage and I'll be set. Yes this isn't a "Pokemon battle", but you can still win by knockout. Which basically tells me, if I hit hard I win.

"Showing off his Pokemons precise aim and strength made a great performance!" Mr Contesta comments. Right after this, Mr Sukizo is given the microphone while he nods in glee.

"And remarkable!" Mr Sukizo plainly says. The microphone is passed a second time, but is now given to Nurse Joy.

"Quite the show of power by Chimchar, his movement was simply amazing!" Nurse joy says right after. Hearing their comments, Chimchar and I celebrated a little before heading back to the back. Chimchar was extremely ecstatic as he likes the attention a lot. I guess a trouble maker like him does like being watched.

While walking back, in the tunnel I walked by Zoe.

"Good luck." I tell her. Zoe hearing this, gives me the cold shoulder as she passes by. Why was she acting like this? She didn't seem that rude when I first saw her, I guess I never talked to her much.

Shaking this off, I kept on walking untill I made it back. Entering the rooms again, I see Dawn sitting on a bench by herself watching the screen. Dawn noticing me gets a wide smile.

"That was amazing Aichi! Also you too Chimchar." She said excitedly. Sitting next to her, my Chimchsr stared to squirm around as Dawn rubbed his chin.

"It looks like it's Zoe's turn." I comment. Dawn and I look back up at the screen, see Zoe sending out her Misdreavus.

After Zoe finished her performance, we see her heading back towards us. Zoe walking up to us, gets a frown looking at me.

"You got a problem?" I ask confused.

"Yeah I do, why would a trainer try out Pokemon contests. You only got lucky with your performance, you probably don't know the difference between contests and battling." She says in disgust. Before I could retort though, the announcer asks for Dawn to get up on stage. Dawn with a confused face stands up and makes her way to the stage.

Now that I think about it, Zoe was a prick to Ash in the anime at first. But she ended up getting better after the contest, which she won.

She actually becomes a decent person so there's no point in trying to insult her. But her pride, is something I can smack if we battle.

"Yeah I dont know the difference." I tell her as I go to sit on another bench. Ignoring the glaring Zoe, I watched Dawn's performance with her Piplup. After Dawn's performance, she walked back into the back room with a huge smirk.

She honestly did amazing. Piplup used [Bubble Beam] in a circle, and then used [Peck] to pop them which made quite the spectacle.

"You guys did amazing." I commented.

"Thanks!" Dawn says ecstatic at her performance. Piplup puffs up his chest proudly as Chimchar starts to tease it. While the two of them started to squabble a little, Dawn and I waited for the end results of the first round.

After an hour of all the contestants performing, we finally got to see who passed to the second round.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen, these are your qualifiers!" We hear from the speaker as several cards pop up on the screen.

Dawn getting a nervous look, starts to fiddle around a little as the cards start to get flipped.

Unsurprisingly Zoe was able to qualify while right after her card, mine was showed. Dawn holding in her breath, sees the final card flipped and gets a relieved face.

"Let's go!" Dawn shouts. All four of us celebrate as who's gonna be battling each other is shortly announced.

"Ill be back." I told Dawn seeing that I would be first.

"You got this." I heard her say as I exited the room. This should be interesting, I have a set amount of time to beat my opponents.

You win by having more life points or if you knock out the opponents Pokemon, which I'm more inclined to do the latter.

Looking up at the screen, I could see Dawn and Piplup battling Zoey in the semi-finals of the Pokemon contest.

'I don't think she can win this one.' I think to myself. Dawn has improved her battling style, but it's not all about being able to attack. She obviously only knows how to call out moves while Zoey thinks outside the box.

Or more like she uses her Pokemon Glameow to dodge all her opponents moves with its tail. I swear that's the only way she takes away points from the opponent.

It's either use dodge with Glameow or get a well placed hit which isn't too bad. I get it though, these attacks are her bread and butter for contests.

"Oh! It looks like Zoey is the winner, and will be the one facing Aichi in the finals!" I hear the commentator shout through the speakers. Seeing Dawn only a little bummed out about losing, I smiled. I did tell her yesterday that if she loses, there's always a next time.

Standing up, I made my way to the stage as it was my turn. While walking through the tunnel, I see Dawn walking back with her Piplup.

"Hey guys, you did well out there." I call out. Dawn getting a grin responds.

"You better win the finals Aichi." She says with Chimchar making faces at her Piplup. The both of us seeing this laugh as we made out separate ways.

Walking up to the stage, I see Zoey glaring at me like usual.

"Today we will be heading head first into the finals. This match will be between Zoey and Aichi. With five minutes on the clock, are we ready!" The commentator shouts making the crowd go wild.

"Let's go!"

"You got this Zoey!"

"It's the owner of Pokebook!"

Multiple voices were shouting as the battle was about to begin. Sending my Chimchar out who was already at my side, Zoey sends out her trusty Glameow.

"Ready? Begin!"
