
Chapter 347: Epilogue

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 347: Epilogue

A.N: So, this may come as a sudden surprise, but I have decided to end the fic after the Wano arc.

Several reasons for that…for one, the manga is still going and the next arc is not finished.

But the most important part is that I'm not having that much fun writing this fic anymore.

Each arc was becoming progressively more overwhelming with the amount of characters this story has.

Each character has its own abilities and moves with unique names and goals and…there are hundreds of them.

Just one simple fight would take a ton of research and it was not fun at all so I took the hard decision of stopping here.

But I don't want to just leave the fic and go so I will still write an epilogue with the most important events in the remaining arcs that I had planned on writing…so there we go.

Egghead Island Arc:

I had planned for Yamato to join Ace's crew and leave with him while the Strawhats made their way onto Egghead Island.

The beginning would go more or less the same as the manga, but there are some obvious changes like the member of the CP0. Like with Rob Lucci dead, maybe Kaku and Blueno could take a more leading role. Can't remember if I left Jabra alive but he could be there too if he was. And of course, Stussy.

With Kizaru dead, the Admiral answering the Buster Call would be Aramaki.

Then, the elder will also appear and they will fight.

With Vivi there, things will quickly turn in the Strawhat's favor. And the Marines did not have the Lunarian robots because Blackbeard stole them.

That's where King Im will intervene and activate the Uranus weapon, hoping to destroy the entire island and the Strawhats, not really caring about her allies who are also there.

A silvery portal is opened right in front of them by Lady Oren, the old lady that Vivi met at the fire island during the 2 years time skip.

The old lady rescues the crew, plus Bonney, Kuma, and Vegapunk with all his clones as the light from the Uranus cannon is about to reduce everything to cinders.

The group finds themselves in an old laboratory that Vivi recognizes as being similar to the one she knew.

The group was also surprised to find the Sunny right next to them. It had also been saved before the explosion.

A young clone of Oren appears before them and explains that they are on an artificial island created by her.

Vivi tells them who this lady is and Vegapunk becomes fascinated by the technology he sees around him.

Oren apologizes to Kuma and reveals to him that he is a descendant of hers.

Of course, the robot can't react in any way and Oren promises to undo the damage caused by the Marines and restore Kuma to his human form. Or at least as close as possible.

Vegapunk and Bonney request to stay with them and watch the process unfold.

The Strawhats didn't know what to do at this point but Oren gave Luffy a newspaper.

The paper reveals that his grandfather, Garp has been kidnapped by Blackbeard and is planning on publicly execute him on his island in only a few days from now.

Blackbeard is doing this to draw as much of the marine forces as possible and kill them all.

Luffy was determined to save his grandfather, not caring if he was a marine or not. Family is family.

So, Oren teleports the crew to the closest point she can to Blackbeard Island.

Blackbeard Island Arc:

This arc is a mess and would probably have killed me if I had tried to write it. Basically a three-way battle between the full forces of the marines (excluding the elders), the full Blackbeard crew, with all of the extra members he has been recruiting during the story, and the Strawhats.

The most important fight in this arc would be:

- Zoro vs Mihawk, who had joined the Blackbeard crew. The winner will be Zoro but he will be left out of commission for the rest of the arc due to his injuries.

- Vivi vs Aokiji, who after the fight reveals he has been working in secret to take down Blackbeard and rescue Garp.

- Luffy vs Akainu, who came to the island along with Issho and Aramaki.

- Sanji vs Issho

- Reiju, Nami and Usopp vs Aramaki. This could be a fun one as the three of them combine their tactics to take down this Admiral. They had plenty of tools with poison, fire, lighting…etc.

- The newly promoted Admiral Gion plus many other vice-admirals and the rest of the Strawhats will fight against the various other members of the Blackbeard pirates and the Lunarian prototypes that Blackbeard stole from the marines.

The final battle will be Luffy against Blackbeard, but the rest of the crew will have to help too like they did against Kaidou because Luffy would not be in top shape after facing Akainu.

After the battle and Blackbeard's death, Garp is saved and whatever remains of the marines go back to their Headquarters.

The Strawhats acquire the last Red Pongelyph from Blackbeard, giving them the last piece they need to find the One Piece.

Raftel Island Arc:

The crew wanderers aimlessly through the seas for weeks, trying to pinpoint the exact location of the last island but having no luck.

They receive a call from Oren, saying that she has finished repairing Kuma and that he wants to speak with them in person.

She directs them to the nearby empty island where she opens a portal

Kuma, Bonney, Vegapunk, and Oren's clone walk out it.

Kuma now looks almost completely human and is very happy to see the Strawhats again.

He thanks them for saving him and for protecting his daughter, as well as reuniting him with his grandmother Oren.

They agree to accompany the Strawhats in this last stretch of the journey and help them find the last island.

Now with two of the greatest minds in the world, Vegapunk and Oren working on solving the problem, and with Nami's naviation skills and Robin's knowledge, they solve the puzzle of the Poneglysphs and finally find the last island.

After a few more weeks of traveling, they reach their destination.

Much to their surprise, there was already someone waiting for them there…someone they knew very well.

Red Head Shanks is standing in their way.

Turns out, he and his crew had known the location of this island for years but never claimed the One Piece for themselves, instead, they waited to test the next candidate for Pirate King to see if they were worthy of that position.

Luffy is happy to see his friend but then he notices that Shanks is ready for battle.

He was not here to talk.

Strawhats vs Redhead crew.

Other than Luffy vs Shanks, the most notable fight here would be Usopp vs his father.

We don't really know much about the others so it would have required a lot of improvising to put them at the current Strawhats level.

The fight ends before things go too far and Shanks admits his defeat. Luffy has proven more than worthy of wearing that hat he gave him. A hat that he reveals, used to belong to Gold Roger and many other important figures before him, like Joy Boy.

They leave the injured Shanks behind and venture further into the island.

At the center, they find a massive tree, as big as the one Vivi found in Fire Island.

Oren identifies the tree, saying that this abomination was Im creation…the Devil Tree. They can then see dozens of devil fruits hanging from the tree.

Unlike the God Tree, this one can create countless fruits instead of one. However, those fruits will never reach the potential that God's fruits had.

The crew is stunned by the finding but wonders if this is the One Piece, because as incredible as this tree is, this is no treasure.

Usopp then noticed something floating above the tree, something really big.

Vivi detects some very powerful auras up there, so she creates an ice platform and takes the group into the sky.

As they approached, they noticed that the thing floating above the tree is a flying island.

An artificial island that Oren confirms, is a replica of the one that existed in her lost Kindom of Ixtal, so long ago.

A castle stands in the middle of this floating island.

The group descends upon the island and they are welcomed by the five elders and one more person standing behind them.

The last person identifies to them as Imathiel, also known as King Im.

She was once the Lunarian Queen but now, she is the one who rules humanity from the shadows.

After a long exposition, she reveals all her plans to rule over the world until she completes her goal.

Turns out that like Vivi, she ate both God's fruit and the Devil's fruit.

Her devil fruit was the earth logia and combined with the God fruit had essentially turned her into a Goddess of Earth.

She then spent the last one thousand years learning to master her abilities and evolve her Goddess powers.

Her end goal was to completely fuse with the planet and become a powerful God who could travel through space and conquer everything.

This, of course, would kill everyone living on the planet. So she had to be stopped.

This time, while the crew fights against the five elders, Vivi is the one left with the toughest enemy.

Imathiel is her opponent to take down and she is the only one with the tools to do it as they have similar abilities.

A Goddess of Water vs A Goddess of Earth.

Once the fight with the Elders comes to an end, Vivi's fight continues.

Even though they have similar abilities, Imathiel had one thousand years of time to practice and master them while Vivi didn't even have three.

This difference in experience starts to show more and more until it becomes clear that Vivi has no chance of winning.

Her crew tries to jump in and help but Imathiel is just too powerful, even for Luffy with his Gear 5.

This is a true Goddess.

Kuma then comes up with the idea of having Bonney use her ability on Vivi.

Bonney has the ability to alter the ages of people she touches and one of her best moves is called "alternate future" where she can bring a stronger version of a person's future.

With a plan made, the group gets to work and tries to distract Imathiel while Bonney reaches Vivi.

She eventually does and when she touches Vivi, she calls for her ability, pushing it to its limits, and brings a future version of Vivi.

When she does this, Vivi disappears…startling everyone, thinking that by pushing her ability too much and trying to bring a version too distant, Bonney had essentially killed Vivi.

But moments later, they see ocean water rise all around them, despite of how tall the floating island is.

A giant of water manifests itself and adopts the form of Vivi.

This is a thousand years old Vivi, who had now fully mastered her abilities.

After this, the fight goes back to the two goddesses, who are now a lot more even.

Vivi knew that she could not kill Imathiel because she had almost become the planet itself at this point, so she sealed her consciousness deep underground into the core of the planet, where it should remain for a very long time.


I don't know what the One Piece actually is, but inside the castle, the crew found many books containing all the missing history of the world. Something that Robin had been looking for her entire life.

This was the end of the Poneglyph Road and Robins's dream.

During the fight with Imathiel, the Red Line was mostly destroyed, uniting all four seas and creating the All Blue that Sanji had been looking for.

Nami still had many places she wanted to visit to make her map and Vivi was more than willing to accompany her.

Zoro had defeated the most powerful Swordmen and could now call himself the best of the best.

Franky could now claim that he had built the ship used by the current Pirate King.

Chopper still had much to learn but wanted to eventually go back to his island and tell Doctrine his tales.

Usopp had plenty of stories to tell to his future wife too.

Brook was happy to have finished his journey and wanted to go visit Laboon.

And Luffy could now call himself the King of the Pirates as he did find Raftel and the One Piece (whatever that was)

The crew would then go around the globe one last time, visiting again all the places they had previously saved and talking with all their friends.

And then, they would go their separate ways, only to be reunited many years later and talk about their lives.

Vivi will of course go with Nami back to Conomi Islands.

They would build a small house next to the tangerine field and live peacefully for a few years.

Eventually, the two of them will want to sail again, in search of more adventure and treasure.


 Thank you for your support:

Aaron Gonzalez, Adrian Kacprzycki, Allison Jolley, Angel Robles, Huxley, RedStark and RulySol.