
Gravitational Pull, Crushing the Moon 1

編集者: Atlas Studios

Dragon City, battle command center.

On the quantum radar, the black dots representing the hunters disappeared after the kinetic energy cannonballs were fired!

The tense faces of Li Chengqian and the other two finally relaxed.

Just now, the big screen indicated that the laser cannons had already hit the hunters.

However, the hunters were still on the quantum radar, they didn't disappear because of the laser cannons. Everyone got very nervous about this.

If even the most powerful solar-grade laser cannons couldn't kill the hunters, then there was no hope for Earth at all.

"The effect of the kinetic energy cannonballs is better than the solar cannons' laser beams!"

"The kinetic energy shell tore apart all 1,087 targets."

"In three minutes, the optical system will show everything that happened in space."
