
Chapter 44

Regaining his senses just as it looked like Ochaco was about to pounce, Izuku lied through his teeth, stating, "I didn't bring any condoms. Even if the chances of you getting pregnant are slim, we shouldn't be having sex without protection. It only takes one mishap to drastically alter the course of our lives..."

Hearing Izuku's very convincing argument, Ochaco's 'enthusiasm' began to settle, an awkward smile developing across her face as she admitted, "I may have gotten a little ahead of myself. At the very least, I don't think I'm ready to be a mom...not yet..."

Internally sighing in relief, Izuku gained a genuine smile as he said, "I 'do' want to have sex with you, though. Just not right now. I mean, we've only known each other for around a month. Rushing into things, even if it 'feels' right, isn't a good idea..."

Raising her brows, Ochaco asked, "But didn't you say you were willing to have sex with Mirko-san during your internship? Even if it happens on the last day, you'll only have known each other for a week."

Exhaling through his nose, Izuku's expression softened as he explained, "I get what you're saying, but you–our situation isn't the same as Mirko's. She's a mature woman and has been a Pro Hero for nearly a decade. Even if we crossed the line, it likely wouldn't have a significant effect on her life or career. That isn't the case for you–us. We're still in High School and will probably be in the same Class until graduation. Our decisions will impact how we treat and interact with one another for the rest of our academic careers...if not much longer..."

Adopting a narrow-eyed smile, Ochaco pointed out, "See, this is exactly what I was talking about before. You're way more mature than other boys, Izuku-kun. Even when you're backed into a corner, you never lose control and constantly think about the well-being of others...you may be a wolf at heart, but you have a strong 'pack' mentality..."


Unable to refute Ochaco's words, Izuku remained completely silent. As a result, Ochaco felt encouraged to suggest, "Then, short of having sex, can we try everything that comes before? I know you're not looking for a girlfriend right now, but I really like you, Izuku-kun. It might be unfair to the other girls in our Class, but I'd like to get ahead of them...just a bit..."

Nodding his head, Izuku replied, "Sure, but we should still take it slow. As I mentioned before, I wouldn't be able to restrain myself if I got too riled up. For now, we should focus on things like kissing and holding hands...if you want to do something more 'intimate,' we could cuddle and explore each other's bodies. I certainly wouldn't mind getting my hands on your breasts again..."

"Then let's do that," replied Ochaco, a happy smile plastered across her face. Now that she knew she and Izuku weren't going to have sex, she felt strangely relieved. There were a few other emotions she couldn't fully describe, but she wasn't disappointed with how things developed. Rather, knowing Izuku could retain his reasoning, even when he had no reason to, Ochaco felt she could trust him even more. Thus, when Izuku invited her to sit on his lap, resulting in something warm and very, very hard pressing against her butt, Ochaco just closed her eyes and entrusted her body to his care, relaxing her body and allowing Izuku to grope her chest as much as he pleased...




After apologizing to his mom for his late return, Izuku plopped face-first into his bed, mentally exhausted. He couldn't believe he had cockblocked himself, but seeing the earnestness in Ochaco's gaze, he couldn't help but hesitate. A girl like her 'deserved' a man who would pamper and take care of her every need, not some opportunistic bastard who only cared about getting his dick wet...

("Maybe I should just drop out of the Hero program and focus exclusively on developing One-for-All...I'm sure I could convince Toshinori and Nezu it's for the best once All-for-One reveals himself...")

Though he didn't regret casting a wide net at the start of the school year, Izuku hadn't expected it to catch virtually 'every' girl in his Class. One or two, he could handle. But having six different girls pining after him was a possibility he didn't consider. It didn't help that they were strangely okay with him targeting all of them. Hell, Mina and Toru were actively trying to 'help' him woo the other girls...not to mention Toshinori...

("This really might be a world based on an eroge...") thought Izuku. ("It would explain why the Goddess of Reincarnation allowed me to select a system. I mean, it's not like I had any particular interest in the genre. If I did, I would have gone with something OP from the start...")

Presuming his speculation to be accurate, as it was the only thing that made sense, Izuku began organizing his thoughts around that possibility. Back when Mina had asked him if he was aiming for a harem, Izuku was being honest when he said it was a childish notion. He also didn't believe in two-timing, but if, on the off chance, multiple girls approached him with the idea of 'sharing,' he wouldn't exactly be against it. At the very least, he didn't think a threesome was outside the realm of possibility...

("What the fuck am I even thinking...?") groaned Izuku, albeit internally. ("At this rate, I'll become the very thing I hate...a piece of shit who only sees women as outlets for sex. If that's the case, I should just put a bullet between my brain right now...")

Seriously considering the notion, at least for ten to twenty seconds, Izuku eventually banished the thought. He may not value his own life, but there were a lot of people who did. There was also the fact he had taken on the burden of One-for-All. If he simply offed himself, millions, if not billions, of people would suffer as a result of his selfishness. Not to mention that his mother, Inko, would be completely devastated...

Recalling the time when he had given Inko a massage, the notion that he was in an eroge became firmly cemented in Izuku's mind. Inko may have been exceptionally lonely, but making a pass at her son wasn't normal. If he had crossed the line at that moment, the two of them would probably be having sex right this instant. In the worst-case scenario, he may have even gotten her pregnant, transforming an exceptionally kind and caring woman into a deviant whose body and womb had been befouled by her own son...

Feeling sick, Izuku decided to head outside for some fresh air or cool his head in his workshop. The moment he stepped out of his room, the sound of a shower running tickled his ears, drawing his attention to his mother's bedroom door, open just enough to let out a thin beam into the otherwise dark corridor...

("Someone is definitely fucking with me...") thought Izuku, shifting his gaze to the ceiling and imagining himself looking through it to a realm far above the skies. What he didn't know was at the same time, thousands of eyes were staring back at him, some with intrigue and others with quite a bit of resentment. One, in particular, had a paradoxically kind yet sadistic grin on her face...




In preparation for their Internships, the students of Class 1-A returned to their Foundational Hero Training in earnest. This included rescue training at USJ, urban environment training at Field Beta, anti-terrorism training at the industrial complex of Field Gamma, and search-and-rescue training in the forests of Field Omega.

Though he did his best to focus on his training, making several excuses to avoid spending 'too' much time with the girls, Izuku felt he was becoming closer with each of them. They would almost always be teamed up during Foundational Heroics classes, and if they weren't, he would often have to rescue them when they got into trouble.

Fortunately, though Ochaco and Toru seemed determined to claim his V-Card, Izuku had yet to fall prey to their wiles. Ochaco, even when sexually charged, was a fairly passive girl that like to give as she received. Toru, on the other hand, had all the qualities of a developing nymph. Whenever the two met up, Izuku would invariably be 'depleted' by a combination of her hands, mouth, and thighs. It was an exceptional form of stress relief, but the more he fed into Toru's desires, the more 'emboldened' she became...

"Keep going..." moaned Toru, her invisible face flushed up to her ears. "I'm so close..."

While most other students had gone home for the day, Izuku and Toru had occupied a bathroom stall in the boys' restroom. The latter had her hands and breasts pressed up against the stall door while Izuku, making sure no 'accidents' occurred, fucked her intercrurallly from behind. It was easily the furthest they had gone, but Toru wanted more, waiting until she was near her limit before slipping her invisible hand between her thighs...

Feeling something change the angle of his penis, Izuku's eyes widened as a sudden and intense warmth enveloped the tip of his dick, placing quite a bit of pressure on it in the process. He managed to stop mid-thrust, but Toru had a different plan in mind, pushing against him as she said, "Don't take it out..." in a pained but far more aroused tone.

Thwarting Toru's attempt to break through her hymen and seat herself against him, Izuku surprised her by picking her up by the pits of her arms, stating, "I don't have a condom..." in a firm tone.

Without hesitation, Toru replied, "I'm on the pill. If you don't believe me, I'll take another one when we're done..."


Setting Toru on her feet, Izuku's expression and tone remained firm as he said, "I believe you, but losing your virginity in a bathroom stall...it's a little much, don't you think?"

Linking her hands around Izuku's shoulders and pressing herself against him, Toru whispered, "Ochaco-san isn't the only one worried about your internship with Mirko. I don't mind if the two of you have sex, but giving away your virginity to someone who wouldn't value it is unacceptable...if it were me, I would cherish it forever..."

Punctuating her words, Toru raised her left leg, hooking it around Izuku's body as she softly asserted, "Put it in me...you know you want to..." in an alluring, spine-chilling tone.

("This girl really isn't messing around...") thought Izuku. At the same time, he grabbed his dick and angled it at Toru's pussy, piercing the folds with his glans in a very practiced motion. It had been a while, but, like riding a bike, there were some things you never forgot how to do. Weeks of being blue balled had also driven him near his limits, so without any discernible hesitation, he drew Toru's lower body closer to him and drove up against her entrance, pushing past her hymen and sinking deeply into her moist, almost suffocatingly tight cavern.

"Oh, God, finally...!" moaned Toru, strengthening her hold on Izuku's body. It hurt way more than she anticipated, but she didn't care. All she knew was that she and Izuku had finally become one, so she grabbed his head and started kissing him fervently, nearly knocking him over as a result of him being in a daze. After all, the moment he stuck his dick in Toru, a faint blue notification window had appeared in front of his face, stating, 'Bond Threshold has been reached. Would you like to add Toru Hagakure to your Party?'


Name: [Toru Hagakure]

Quirk: Invisibility

Bond Level: 83

Current Level: 20

Effective Level: 28


Strength: 29

Agility: 35

Vitality: 58

Intelligence: 51

Dexterity: 41

Luck: 68

Free Attributes: 100


Party Invitation Required





(A/N: The cake thickens...)
