
A new dungeon discovery (2)

I walked at the front of the group next to both Tess and Scarlet with everyone else at the back discussing some random things that I couldn't care less about. Jayden was going on about why he couldn't just go and kill all the monsters right now and Iris was talking about what Mio and herself were planning to do once they left Barself and got back to Harpsferd.

I didn't have to be particularly cautious as I walked since I had my [Mastered spacial awareness] so I knew where groups of monsters were lurking. We were actually approaching one group right now.

It was a group of monsters that looked like tortoises but their shells were made of magma since their elements were fire and earth making them strong in defence and not so much in offence. Their speed was relatively low so you could easily out run them, we would easily be able to defeat creatures such as them. If I recall the name of these monsters correctly, these monsters are called magmatic tortoise, which is essentially just describing their appearances. Not very creative.

"There are some monsters up ahead. Kiera and Tess I want you to deal with them." Scarlet said, earning a nod from both me and Tess.

"Okay." Tess replied.

"Got it." I spoke after Tess did and we quickened our pace and got out our weapons.

I transformed Adonis like normal and activated my skills to increase the damage I could inflict and Tess unsheathed her sword and created a ball of water above her left palm with her sword being held in her right.

"Why can't I fight!" Jayden called out.

"Jayden if you don't stop I swear I wi-" Mio started but I stopped listening, I didn't want to hear another argument between those two.

"Tess let's just go kill them." I said.

"What?! Kill Jayden and Mio?" Tess replied as she widened her eyes to make herself looked shocked although she knew what I meant.

"The magmatic tortoise' not Jayden and Mio, Tess." I replied as I dashed forwards towards the location of our targets.

"Haha I know, just messing with you. How many are there anyway?" Tess asked.

"14 of them. All around the same levels and they won't be difficult to kill. Especially for you since you have the element of water to fight if their fire. They are weak anyway even without exploiting their weakness against water." I said as i skidded I front of one of the magmatic tortoise' and ran my blade along the side of their wrinkled skin below the shell and above the legs.

The tortoise make a weird hissing sound as my blade formed a cut from the neck down to its small tail. Slowly the tortoise turned around and stomped on the ground making small stone spikes erect from the ground and it hissed, making fire form around its face and fire off at my direction.

These tortoises weren't the size of normal ones but the size of wolves. Maybe a little bigger, making them easier to hit since they had bigger bodies to strike upon.

The spikes of earth that were created wouldn't effect me nor would the fire due to my [Elemental resistance] but I still dodged both attacks and sent in some swords made of wind to pierce through its front legs.

The tortoise, not appreciating the attack I sent off, created a small wall in front of its legs and made some of the earth wrap around its legs as a sort of shield that I could easily penetrate through. My swords broke through the earth wall and lodged its way into the tortoises legs as it bypassed the shield covering them and went all the way through its legs making the other end of my sword of air visible on the other side. I quickly finished it off by stabbing Adonis through its skull.

While I was fighting a single tortoise for less than ten seconds, Tess was busy fighting one of her own. She went straight for its front legs with a horizontal slash and fired off water bullets at the same time but the bullets were aimed at its shell.

Cracks formed along its magma shell as it let out steam while the tortoises weight shifted forwards a little as a result from Tess's strike to it's legs. It tried extending its neck forwards at Tess like a snapping turtle but failed and changed its attack to spikes of magma being formed on the ground then forcefully being ripped out and thrown at Tess.

Tess cut through the magma spikes and spun her sword in a circle before stabbing down on the tortoises head resulting in its quick death.

The other tortoises saw us kill their partners and acted against us by forming multiple spikes from earth, fires that spread around the area, small boulders and other things being sent in our direction.

The boulders that rolled towards me I simply lifted up and threw them back which extreme ease and Tess put out the fires they created with her water. The spikes were of no concern so I just kicked them with a bit of strength making them snap and break.

From the Boulder I threw I think I might have killed one by squashing it.

"These are relatively weak. This must be a low level dungeon." Tess said as she formed balls of water and morphed them into a drill like shape before making them rotate and firing them off at the heads of the magmatic tortoise'.

"I'd assume so." I said as I impaled a tortoise that writhed bellow me.

We quickly finished off the tortoises and left back towards our group that were slowly walking towards the area we just slaughtered those tortoise'.



< You have killed 8 magmatic tortoise >

< You have gained 160 EXP >


"Were they easy to take down or do you think this is a high rank dungeon?" Scarlet asked as we returned.

"They were killed with minimal effort. It's a low rank dungeon from my guess but this could have been a one off chance." I replied.

"Stay on guard anyway. Thank you for clearing them out." Scarlet said with a smile which I replied to with a nod and Tess did the same.

"We will continue walking and if we come across any monsters you will be permitted to kill them as long as you are certain you can beat them." Scarlet said.

"Great. I can kill as many as I want now!" Jayden said in excitement.

"He sure enjoys this." Tess muttered to herself.




Race:[Black elemental wyrm]











Mental force/power:[ERROR]



Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery] , [Perfect aim] , [Elemental breath] , [Bloodlust] , [Elemental master] , [True dragon] , [Copy] , [Spacial storage] , [Sword mastery] , [Fire blade] , [Transform] , [Chef] , [Scythe mastery: 41%] , [Wind enhancer] , [Inferno] , [Poison manipulation] , [Fire resistance] , [Telepathy]


Passive skills - [Night vision] , [Mastered spacial awareness] , [Steal] , [Regeneration] , [Elemental resistance] , [Polyglot]


Body modifications - [Armoured scales - activated]


Titles - NONE


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]
