
Lilith Tells Her Son's Origin

Lilith turned to her, a side smile still at the corner of her lips, "Yes, mine. LENNY TALES IS MY SON!"

"What?" Athena shook her head. She could not believe what she had just heard. After all, it all did not just make sense. At least to her it did not. Something was not right here. 

Her instinct told her this much. 

"But... That is not possible. He was born in the Arena. Deep in the gladiator pits. Sure, he has abnormal abilities, but that can't be. I was in charge of the Gladiators in that place. their fate was by the will of my lips. I knew his mother. She was killed by Cuban to teach him a lesson—one that he refused to learn, apparently." 

Lilith had a calm look on her face, allowing the young girl to talk and defend her theory as best she could. 

When she was born talking, Lilith began, her lips never moving but her thoughts reaching Athena's mind, and with it, memories of a time many thousands of years ago. 
