
The Chaos inside

With Lenny heading towards the tower, Hector, Athena, and Perseus had gotten themselves together to fight off other demons on the ground.

Athena had long wiped her tears clean. This was not the moment that she should be sobbing.

A fight was at hand. She knew this more than anyone.

Instantly, she removed her two Short swords and began her massacre.

This was the same for her other teammates.

The Chimera insects also attacked the demons, tearing them apart like a book sprinkled with meat oil against a hungry dog's teeth.

All kinds of Chimera ants ran rappant, and it was not surprising to see demon parts or Chimera parts flying in the air.

Blood of different colors stained the ground.

By now, the air was already pungent with the wonderful smell of innards, blood, and slowly rotting flesh.

However, this was the battlefield, and this was the nature of this world.

Dominance was strictly displayed by one's strength.
