
Charles and Thomas

Twenty minutes ago...

Thomas opened his eyes and all he could see was a white ceiling.

He felt light for some reason, it was as if something weighing him down, had been removed.

But like a flashback, Thomas remembered what had happened before, he got up in despair, praying that it was just a dream, but when he tried to get up, he noticed that something was weighing him down in his abdomen.

He looked down and noticed a sleeping red haired girl using his abdomen as a pillow. It was Annabelle.

Thomas was glad to see her and, noticing the peace she was having in her sleep, he then, decided not to wake her.

He moved his hand to Annabelle wanting to stroke her hair, but just as he was about to touch her, he had a hallucination of her dying in his arms.

(The hallucination was of Annabelle's face bloodied and without her eyes.)

Thomas froze completely, his body refused to move, this vision brought back memories of Haniel dead and Grace being killed by Cain. That feeling of loss and guilt, is something Thomas never wants to feel again.

He remained paralyzed for a few seconds, until he removed his hand from around her and calmly, took his pillow and placed it next to Annabelle and quickly, got up from the bed and placed the pillow under Annabelle's head.

Thomas noticed that Annabelle was still asleep and sighing with relief, he looked around and realized that he was in a hospital room.

He looked at the door and walked calmly to it and slowly opened it and left the room.

Thomas found himself in a hallway, and just as he was about to start trying to find his way out, he finally realized that he was wearing a patient gown.

Changing his course, he looked around for new clothes and started walking down the hallway.




A few minutes later, a man was walking hurriedly down the hospital corridor, looking for a room.

He turned a corner and started walking again and stopped in front of a door, opened it hurriedly and all he saw was a red haired girl, sleeping with her head resting on the bed.

The man became angry and left the door open and started running through the corridors looking for someone.

He searched hallway by hallway, area by area, room by room, but the person he was looking for was nowhere to be found.

Having an idea about possible places to look, he decides to go to the hospital terrace and check.

After a few minutes, the man started running up the stairs, this continued for some time and he had finally reached the terrace on the 17th floor.

The man hurriedly opened the door and saw someone in nursing clothes leaning against the bars of the building while admiring the view.

He thought it was just someone enjoying his free time, but decided to check to make sure:


He called out to him and calmly the man turned to him.

The man got a shock of surprise, who he was looking for was standing in front of him, it was thomas.

Thomas looked at the man and noticed his appearance; he had brown hair with black eyes and a beautiful Asian features. His body stature was well defined, he was wearing a suit and there was a katana hanging from his waist.

Thomas asked him:

"Who are you?"

The man heard Thomas' question and decided to answer:

"I work for the world government, my name is Takeda Shinguen, I am classified as a S-class hero, rank 3. I have been assigned to execute you, thomas junior."

Thomas looked at the cityscape and ignored the man who was here to kill him.

Takeda did not understand Thomas' attitudes and asked:

"Aren't you going to run away? Or ask, why are you being executed?"

"Sigh, I already know why, so Walk soon and kill me, before he comes back and eventually resurrects me."

Takeda was confused, he was used to dealing with targets who ran away or fought back, some even begged for mercy, but he had never encountered someone who simply gave up everything and accepted his fate.

Takeda had read in Thomas' file that he was only 16 years old. This would be his first murder on a target who was under 18, for a bit of pity, Takeda told thomas:

"Sorry kid, but your existence, may affect the future of humanity and the higher ups will not allow a freak like you, to walk around freely, so no hard feelings."

Thomas replied as if at peace with himself:

"No hard feelings."

Takeda unhooked the katana from his belt and calmly walked over to thomas.

Thomas looked at the landscape one last time and reflected:

'If I die, maybe they will finally be safe...'

Suddenly a few drops of water began to fall from the sky, which quickly turned into a calm and peaceful rain over the city.

Thomas could hear sounds of footsteps coming from behind his back, but he didn't care about that and mentally said as he closed his eyes:

'Sorry guys, if all goes well I'll finally have eternal death, the darkness won't have a body to use and he'll probably be trapped again and you'll be safe.... Just take care of Annabelle by me, it will take some time to she'll get over it but she's strong and with your help, she can finally move on and live her life...just watch out you idiots.'

Thomas mentally finished saying goodbye by himself and turned and looked at Takeda who was in front of him and nodded for him to continue.

Takeda understood Thomas' signal and decided to give him a quick and painless death out of respect for his courage and determination.

He raised his katana and made a horizontal cut across his neck.

The cut was so fast that Thomas couldn't see, he could only feel that something was wrong with his neck, but by now it was too late.

Thomas' head suddenly fell to the ground and his body collapsed soon after. Thomas' blood began to circulate along with the rainwater.

And once again, Thomas was dead.

(This death will have a lot of impact on the plot, just wait for new chapters.)

Thank you for reading (^_^)

Fabio_Henrique_5198creators' thoughts