
cain vs Haniel (2)

Thomas looked shocked at the spirit coming toward him and thought:

'Is it Jack the Ripper?!'

Grace asked, realizing Thomas' shock:

"Who is Jack the Ripper?"

"He is considered by many, the father of serial killers, the most cruel and bloodthirsty human who ever lived, to this day, several serial killers are inspired by him."

Grace looked intently at Jack and said in a cheerful tone:

"So, you mean I managed to find someone worse than those guys?!"

"What? This is no time!"

But before he could finish speaking, Grace advanced smilingly against Jack.

Jack looked at the girl advancing on him and spoke:

"Women used to run away from me..."

Grace materialized a whip and delivered a vertical blow to Jack.

Jack easily dodged it, going to the side. Grace's attack, marked the ground with the shape of her whip.

"Why did you dodge? Are you afraid of a woman's attack?".

Jack looked intently at the mark left by Grace's attack and said:

"You are using spirit energy in your attacks, that kind of energy is lethal against spirits."

Grace smiled and began to spin her whip around her body and launched a sequence of quick blows against Jack.

Jack easily fended off the attacks using his knife.

He looked at Grace and said as he licked his knife:

"Killing you, will be the most satisfying and pleasurable death I will ever have."

Grace felt disgust as she looked at Jack and decided to take things seriously.




Haniel looked at Cain and asked while keeping his sword pointed at him:

"Cain, you have been missing for millennia, why have you come back now? And why do you want to release the darkness? Are you by any chance working with Lucifer?"

Cain leaned his sword against his shoulder and replied:

"Do you really think I would take orders? Even more so from Lucifer?"

"You hate taking orders."

Cain smiled and started walking in a circular motion, Haniel followed him and said:

"So, why do you want to release the darkness? You know very well, that if she is freed , it will be the end of everything."

"Because she is the only one who can stop the coming war."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's about Lucifer's seals, Haniel, he's breaking them."

Haniel looked shocked at Cain and spoke hurriedly:

"Impossible! The creator designed those seals on him, there is no way Lucifer can break them!"

"It was never impossible, it was just a matter of time."

"What do you mean?"!

Cain was disheartened at having to explain everything, but decided to do so:

"Sigh, in the great war that happened in the past, between the darkness and the creator, he had created 4 archangels and with the help of these beings, the creator defeated the darkness..."

Haniel cut Cain off and said:

"All the angels know this story, why are you telling it"?

"Because this story is a lie."

Haniel stopped walking and said:

"Impossible, why on earth would that be a lie?"

"Because the creator never defeated the darkness, he just used a dirty trick and sealed it away."

Before Haniel could interrupt again, Cain was saying again:

"In the story of you angels, it says that because Lucifer was stronger than the other archangels, the creator decided to limit his power, to match his other brothers. But that is a lie, the creator limited Lucifer's powers out of fear."

"Fear? Why would the creator be afraid of his creation?"!

"Because Lucifer, was the only archangel that the creator used the very blood of darkness, to create."

"What? that would mean that Lucifer would be a hybrid, stronger than the creator and darkness, he would never create something beyond his existence."

(Example: if an angel has a child with a human, that child will be stronger than both species. A hybrid WILL always be superior).

"One can choose whether to believe it or not, but it is the truth."

Haniel circled back to Cain and asked:

"You said creator sealed the darkness, how?"

"By using Lucifer as a vault, he trapped the darkness inside Lucifer."

"Okay, but how is Lucifer breaking the seals?"

"There are seven seals inside Lucifer's body, and each seal has a rule that has to be followed to be broken, the first was that the darkness was no longer locked inside Lucifer, the second was, the darkness killing over half a million lives, I only know the last one now, the rest I don't know, but you see?

(This is why Lucifer created Thomas, he needed a hybrid that could store the darkness until he could break the 7 seals within him and be able to use all his powers).

Haniel remained thoughtful and spoke:

"So you are telling me that in order for Lucifer to break free completely, the darkness has to do certain things?"

"Exactly, the seals represent the level of threat that the darkness has become and the last seal, signifies the death of the creator, when that happens, Lucifer will be free and so will happen the darkness and the end times, Lucifer vs darkness, the two most evil beings in the world, will fight over who will be king."

"I don't understand, why would you want to free the darkness? He would just break Lucifer's seals."

"If the darkness breaks free now, he will be able to kill Lucifer easily."

Haniel would get into a fighting stance and say:

"And then the darkness will destroy everything, won't it?"

"Yes, but at least it is better than Lucifer, since that idiot, plans to enslave all lives."

"They are both wrong!"

"Darkness is less worse, not least because, I agree that there should be no lives."

Haniel was furious and spoke up:

"Just because your life was ruined doesn't mean everyone else's should be too!"

"You're right, but after I lost her... I don't see the world as I used to."

"So this is how it's going to be?"

Cain would get into a fighting stance and answer:

"This is how it's going to be!"

Haniel advanced on Cain fiercely and Cain smiled, the fight had started again.

Are you confused?

Thanks for reading {^-^}

Fabio_Henrique_5198creators' thoughts