
[Bonus chapter] Attacked.


A whine from a certain golden furred wolf resounded in an environment of utmost silence. The lonely and unlively environment had now become an obsolescence phenomenon to the residents of the building.

Tails waggled as this creature handed a twig to it's owner. Snouts sniffed the skin of his owner before licking it. Eradan chuckled softly, in response to his little pet.

"Good boy Myst." He patted the furry coat of his little friend, slowly stroking it. The twig held on his other hand.


Myst whined happily. Feeling proud of his owner's appraisal on him. His blue eyes gleamed in pure delight. He, however struggled restlessly to be within the embrace of the blonde haired figure he was close to. Eradan, half heartedly, watched his little pet try its all to send his hand on its back. He grinned.

Eradan lifted up his arm and watched Myst scurry into his embrace.

A sweet chuckle followed...

"Myst calm down..." Eradan fell back a little. Didn't this pet of his know that it had weight? Eradan sighed and rolled his eyes, A bright smile still on his dazzling face. Pale fingers resumed stroking a certain furry pet. Giving it what it wanted.

Merry and mirthful, Myst snuggled under the warm comfortable stroking of his owner, while Eradan watched. Golden furs flattened as pale fingers grazed on them before starting afresh. It was indeed soothing to Myst that his eyes became heavy. Gently closing.

Blue eyes watched a wolf creature breath slowly and steadily as it dozed off. Both alluring eyes of it fully closed. Eradan recollected the first time he had seen this creature, that was when it was trapped by those money blinded imbeciles. The pitiful demeanor on its face. What if they had succeeded in harming it?

He frowned. The feeling to freeze those thwarts to death creeped into his mind. It was flaming but had been subsided by the peaceful demeanor of his little friend whom he wouldn't lose... No matter what.

"Brat..." Eradan snorted and looked away.

An ethereal view it was, watching this individual and his companion in the camaraderie of each other. Both looking connected to each other. Of the flesh and of the chakras within.

Lashes lowered.

Despite the calm aura of Eradan, he was deeply worried. Worried about both Robin and Andrew. Was Robin safe wherever he was? He hoped so. Andrew's sudden whereabout was something Eradan never expected. Didn't he say he was going to be back immediately... What happened?

In the blink of an eye, a week had passed yet none of them were back. Eradan couldn't help but feel a strange sense of awkwardness unfolding. Taking a deep breath and a passing moment, he gently prayed for the safety of both of them. That was all he wished for.

Afterwards, Eradan focused his gaze on the mountain landscape miles away at its horizon. It was breathtaking with the flight of birds decorating the blue sky, just like his eyes. Clear and concise. While tint of sun rays on the patches of clouds. No matter how many times he admired this visage, he could never get enough of....


A loud growl erupted beneath him, startling the wolf who slept peacefully within his embrace. Myst sat up straight, curiously peaking at his master. Eradan threw the twig he held and directed his palm to his aching stomach. It yearned for something to eat. He should have done that earlier.

A looking confused Myst: Is there another animal in master's Stomach?

Eradan groaned and got on his feet, now facing the brat who might, sorry, will run off at his absence. "Myst wait for me to come back and don't go running off" He said, but this creature wasn't to be trusted since it had done it a few times. Darting around at his absence despite his warnings. He was going to make sure it didn't do it today.

"Do you understand?" He added harshly and the wolf responded with a low purr. Its face downwards. Eradan really hated his action but he had to. Myst was quite stubborn.

Contrary, a certain wolf was sullen; His master had discovered his antics and is now strict. With the behavior of Myst, Eradan was sure his warning had been noted so he prepared for the town. Myst should better be in his best behavior since he had eaten.

Vermis county was as busy and as bustling as usual. Movements here and there with different items being sold. Eradan walked along, the thought of what to eat rummaging within his head. Onion sauce, no. Pea soup, ugh. Unleavened bread, disappetizing. He'll just go for chicken sauce. At least Myst wasn't around to shorten the dish.

A Tavern for dishes was a few alleys down. And he'll have to pass one of those creepy scanty alleys for a short cut. He garbaged his thought and moved on.

"Well, well, well... We meet again. Under peaceful circumstance isn't it?" Eradan, about to take a quick turn, paused on his steps.

A voice relatively familiar.

He turned towards the orator just to behold a distinct pair of red eyes. A well attractive face, really handsome. Long black hair and overall, that sturdy masculine build. It was that arrogant stud he had meet weeks earlier.

"You again...?" A Head tilted with brows raised. Eradan uttered as sarcastic as ever. "My day has automatically been... Ruined."

The other displayed a sinister grin. His voice cool and deep like he was unbothered with Eradan's sarcasm. "Appalling, That is no way to treat a handsome man like me. Can't you at least recognize my features before anything else?"

Eyes rolled...

There he goes again. Narcissistic. And proud. Really, what sincerely was wrong with this dude? And why the showoff??

Eradan sighed and decided to resume his steps; He wasn't in the mood to exchange words since he had not eaten. Food matters more. His first step was a success however, the second was altered when he felt something wrap around his wrist. Fist clenched while Eradan came to a halt. Blue eyes glanced at his wrist then back to a precise handsome face who wore a daring smirk on his face.



"Let go..." Eradan ordered but nothing happened. A surprised smile etched his lips. Was this individual really daring him? Didn't he hear... Let go?

"Perhaps you're deaf 'mr stranger' so I'll repeat myself... Let go."

"What if I don't?" The other replied maintaining that daring smirk, likewise adding a cocked brow. "And Lucian it is."

Hmm... Ok.

Eradan paused for a moment then spoke up, "Lucian... Would you like to be a pillar of ice?" This time he had a forced smile on his face while he leaned closer to Lucian. The space between them, little to the imagination. Breaths interwined while once more, his oceanic reflection of blue eyes bored at the flaming red ones before him. Challenging yet intriguing. Blue mists sipped out of his other hand conjuring his usual icy Orb. Ready to smack this human if he made a wrong move.

Lucian's grin widened as he enjoyed the closeness of both of them. Through his view, this blue pupils that glared at him were like an ocean facing a raging storm. Alluring with glints of fierceness.

Unconsciously, red flaming pupils shot at the familiar icy Orb afloat the palm of the other. They narrowed. Did this individual really hate him to this extent? I mean he had done nothing wrong during their first encounter. A little fun was just what he wanted... Why taking it too far?

Despite all odds, Lucian decided to push the button further, "What if I say yes... For you..." His lips in a thin wide line.

Eradan laughed. Such cheap phrase. Wasn't he informed to try those out on cheeky girls? Not him. He leaned back, creating a distance that wasn't there while a glitch of disappointed flashed through Lucian's eyes. He was unsatisfied with the distance the other suddenly created.

Eradan rolled his eyes and swiftly waltzed his wrist out of the other's hold, likewise thawing the icy orb. He had other things to do.

"Count yourself lucky to have embraced my forgiveness... Again. Lucian."

Lucian's heart skipped a beat when he heard his name from the other's mouth. It was mellifluous and sounded like a rhythm he never wanted to forget. One that he'll always wake up with. He had heard his name from different lips, a countless times. Especially whenever he had sex with other demons who kept moaning his name.

However, this was going to be immemorial. How was it so soothing in his voice?

Battling with the tingling sensation he felt within himself, Lucian didn't notice the other unhurriedly walk out on him. He finally got hold of himself but the other was... gone.

Ugh... He gritted his teeth. An act of blaming himself for his mistake. "I should have at least asked for his name."

Lucian glanced at his environment one last time before

he walked away. But this time, with something else of this individual in mind... His voice.



Like the resonance of a wall clock, heels covered in black boots marched along the cobbled road of an alley. It's owner unbothered about the creepiness and scantiness of this alley not until he sensed something strange.

An unusual feeling it was. The feeling of being followed. The environment suddenly became tense and Eradan could feel it. Hair raised and irritated, he halted on his steps. Who was this weirdo stalking him?


The very first thing that came to Eradan's mind. Really? He didn't think of that stud as a stalker. 'so bad he totally ruined my thoughts about him when I finally gave him a chance'.

Blue eyes inclined, moving to the right side. "I can't believe you're a stalker... What a shame." His voice resonated within this tranquil and eerie environment. Disturbing it's quienscence. A mocking method to bring his stalker to limelight. Eradan patiently awaited footsteps to resound behind him however, nothing was heard.

"Lucian...?" He called but no one answered. Eradan felt an unusual anomaly. A malicious aura. A strong killing instinct.


His icy orb was back in it's position as he took a slow turnaround. Before him stood a cast. It's silhouette shielding it's appearance; while it's arms were in a tower position.

Unanticipatedly, Eradan heard grunts.




Three more strange individuals alighted buoyantly. Their strange capes descending like wings of bats. What was going on? His cautiousness increased.

In circles, they began to move around the youth, displaying combat stances. Blue eyes darted around in response to their movement, while Eradan prepared himself in a combat stance.

Things were really going to get ugly.

It's your author here... Hey. I know I haven't been updating well and it's due to demotivation. No powerstones nor chapter comments. I promise to update daily if these are achieved. PS. Thanks to those who spared me powerstones. I'm really grateful @Keziah heaton and the rest... I love y'all.

Happy pride month #rainbow #rainbow

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