
Chapter 2

Oxana Valentina Inaya Binti Ivan Hamza

She is an ordinary girl that is daring, sexy, pretty and an assassin. She has mixblood that is Ukrainian-Russian from her parents so she is really gorgeous. She is 23 years old. She was borned from a rich and humble family. She also a dancer. When she has some leisure time she practice dance in her studio.

She works as a personal assistant of Grant Hubert Cooperation. There's a reason why she works there. The reason is she needs to fulfill her task that is seduce the master named Raphael Autry Mateen until he falls so hard to her.

So, today is the first day work in there so she need to do her first step. She thinks that the master will falls easily to her but unknowingly the master is the coldest and dominant one. It gonna be hard for her but we see what will happen to both of them. Hehehe....

"Wow, the company is so huge, I guess must the CEO is good looking and young huh. Wait for me, baby. I'm coming to you. Semangat Oxana ! You can do it !. Oxana pun meneruskan langkahnya ke dalam cooperation tersebut untuk melapor diri pada hari pertama.

Apabila Oxana tiba di hadapan kaunter utama, penyambut tetamu itu menanya, "Hyeee, are u Oxana Valentina Inaya ? Oxana membalas, "Yes, it's me".

Penyambut tetamu tersebut berkata, "Come let me guide you to the master room (CEO room), the master already waiting for you."

Oxana rasa berdebar kerana dia tahu bahawa dia akan bekerja di bawah seorang lelaki yang paling kaya dan merupakan mafia yang paling digeruni di Perancis ni.

"I can do this, don't be afraid Oxana." Dia berkata di dalam hati untuk memberi semangat kepada dirinya untuk menghapuskan rasa gemuruhnya.

Apabila tiba di hadapan pintu master, dia pun mengetuk pintu master untuk memberi keizinan untuk masuk bagi melapor dirinya.

Raphael membalas, "Come in." Oxana dan Raphael pun bertentang mata dan masing-masing terpaku kemudian mereka berdehem untuk menghilangkan rasa kekok.

"Please sit here, Oxana. This is the your first day right ?" Raphael menanya sambil matanya tidak berlaih dari melihat wajah cantik Oxana. Dia terpaku dengan kecantikan luar biasa Oxana.

"Yeah, this is my first day, I want to introduce myself. My name is Oxana Valentina Inaya Binti Ivan Hamza. I am 23 years old. I have my degree certificate of secretarial course. I hope you can guide me to do my best in this job." Oxana berkata sambil mengawal rasa gemuruhnya kerana mata Raphael masih bertaut dengannya tanpa berkelip.

"Ada apa-apa ke kat muka aku ni ? Comot ke makeup aku hari ini ? Pandang muka aku macam nak terkam je. Risau kadang-kadang dengan si handsome ni." Oxana berkata dalam hatinya.

Raphael masih terpaku mendengar bibir seksi Oxana memperkenalkan dirinya. Hatinya rasa berdegup kencang seperti lari marathon. "Dah kenapa dengan aku ni eh?", Raphael bermonolog dalam hatinya.

Oxana melambai-lambai tangannya di hadapan masternya untuk menyedarkan lelaki tersebut dari berangan.

"Sorry my bad, thank you for your introduction. Okay so today, I will have my meeting with Mr. Ives Corbin at 11am. So I need you to be by my side to take notes some important things." Raphael sedaya upaya mengawal riak wajahnya di hadapan gadis tersebut untuk cover malu.

"Okay, master.", balas Oxana.

"Okay, you may go now. Do your work properly. If you have anything, you may go ask Beatrice.", terang Raphael.

Oxana pun meminta diri dan terus melangkah keluar untuk menjalankan tugasnya.

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