
Chapter 42: Six Months Later

Mykel was subjected to a solid month in the hospital while his doctor searched for an explanation as to how he came out of his coma. Just prior to Mykel stepping into Luca’s body, it seemed like they were on the verge of making the decision to take him off life support. They’d been confident that he wouldn’t wake up from the state he ended up in. The doctors had been right to believe that, of course, Mykel wasn’t going to mention that to anyone.

When they could find nothing wrong with him physically or medically, they had no choice but to finally release him from their care. It meant that Mykel would at last be free to search the city and find Desmond after waiting all that time. They’d spent enough time apart by now, he wondered if Desmond thought he might have died after all. The last time they saw each other hadn’t exactly been ideal.
