

(Enid P.O.V.)

'All great adventures begin with a single moment of inspiration, and I am inspired!

Nothing can stop me now!

Except for the fact that I, realistically, have no idea what I want to do or where I want to go.

Thanks to the awesome upgrade, courtesy of Drac, I think I can do...well..anything.

It's a sobering thought.

Literally no one, outside of my pack, I feel like can stop me from ripping heads off of people's shoulders if I wanted to!

I'm going to need to keep a close eye on myself, just to make sure I don't go all Tang Lung on anybody. No matter how awesome that would be!

I bet my brother's are going to crap themselves when they realize how strong I am now.'

She couldn't help but flex her bitchin bicep, as she continued to sit on the edge of the bed, waiting for inspiration to strike and her adventure to begin.

"This is bullshit!"

However, she had never claimed to be the most patient individual.

She hopped off the bed and landed with her feet square on the floor. Her eyebrows drawn together.

"Forget waiting for an idea to come to you, Enid." She told herself, motivating herself like no one else could. "If adventure will not come to you, you have to go to it!"

Then, she was off.

Waltzing through the corridors and hallways, taking in the different sights, sounds, and scents, all of them painting a different picture or telling a different story.

None of which caught her attention.

That was until, her nose caught a faint whiff of something pungent.

A smell that, while not identifiable, certainly did not feel like it belonged.

So, she followed it.

Her nose guiding her legs, as she tracked her source of unease. Discovery at the tip of her fingers. Or nose.

It led her through the halls of the residences, past the common rooms, and all the way to the classrooms, until eventually it stopped at one.

She studied the closed door for a moment, her mind racing with the possibilities, unable to draw a conclusion without more information.

'It's Miss Thornhill's class!' She exclaimed in her genius mind, once she took a step back and looked at the exact class, whose door she had been staring at.

'A little peek won't hurt, right?' She asked no one.

As she raised her hand to turn the handle of the door knob, she paused.

Then, she stopped focusing completely on her nose and let her ears do what they do best.

She listened.

However, the only sound that could be heard, was a single heartbeat.

A steady one.

'Someone's in there!' She deduced like a boss.

'Is it Miss Thornhill? I haven't paid attention to the sound of her heart before. Is this it?' She thought, as she listened to the rhythm that is unique to each individual. 'Did she track that smell with her from the dorm rooms where she sleeps? Or is it just her scent?

I've never smelled her before. Could she smell that bad!

OMG, is it because she's a normie and my smell has been enhanced and this is the first time I've actually focused solely on my nose, so I picked it up?

Or am I being racist?

Wait, am I a racist!'

As Enid stood there, contemplating her place in the world and her stance on outcast/normie relations, it was not long until her ears picked up the steady beats of something other than the heart on the other side of the door.

A steady beat that she would recognize anywhere and at any time.

'Only one person walks like that!' She thought, as a smile spread across her pretty face. 'I think that's enough solo adventuring for today' She nodded to herself, satisfied with her foray into sleuthing like her roommate and set off down the corridor to go pop out and surprise said roommate with a skip in her silent steps.

It was only after she left that the occupant in the room turned their head towards the door, looking to see if they imagined that someone was there.



(A/N: Many additional chapters are on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter.)
