
Alaya 3

A/N: I can't believe this is this part of the top 10 after not updating for months xD, regardless thanks for the support.



He couldn't believe what he just witnessed with his own two eyes, his current boss is flirting (?!) With his former boss Alaya and actually succeeding!

Emiya couldn't describe how weird the scene he was looking at, he doesn't know what to feel about this, should be disgusted (?) Or look up to his current boss for successfully making the will of humanity blush?!

What kind of bullshit did he just stumbled upon? Times like this reminds him the reason why he wanted to commit suicide in the first place.

Either way looking at his boss flirting with Alaya reminds him eerily of him and Rin.

Quickly shook his head realizing what he was thinking, he couldn't think of her, not after what he did, he left her without saying anything and continued his path to become a 'Ally Of Justice' in the end, it wasn't worth it, that ideal is nothing more than a curse.

Instead of being a hero for someone important to him, he went and became a hero to a nameless masses who may or may not betrayed him and warrant his execution.

He thought bitterly as he once again reminded of his close allies betraying him, yet despite that he didn't hate them for executing him as he believes that it was his fault why it reached to this point because he was being foolish.

If could have been avoided if he explained it to them, he wouldn't have branded as a hectic and the make believe msster mind if he talk to his allies.

In the end it was his mistake, for he is a fool.

That's why he hated 'Emiya Shirou' with all of his being, a broken existence that should have died in the fire.

Either way, he can't watch this anymore, this wasn't part of his job not to mention this makes him feel uncomfortable.

When he accepted this job, he thought that he wouldn't have to deal with something like this, but he did but then again knowing his luck weird crap is bound to happen.

Simply because if your last name is 'Emiya' and a man, then your luck is bound to be shitty.

That's the golden rule of nasuverse.

The Emiya is simply fates favorite punching bags.

(A/N: Tell me honestly, is there a version of Emiya Shirou who doesn't have a shit luck? Except for fanfiction or Illya's of course.)


She doesn't know what has gotten into her, usually words like this have no effect on her, she should have been indifferent to this honeyed words, his praises and this was clearly a scheme to get into her good side for her to forget that this man in front of her stole what's rightfully hers.

However, even knowing that, for some reason she can't despite how utterly foolish she's being as his sweet words pleased her.

This isn't right, she was Alaya the will of humanity, she shouldn't act pathetic in front this man, but regardless of her logic right now, she can't simply beat the illogical thing known as 'emotions'.

She was no longer indifferent, as she feels things. "I suppose is it expected that I am beautiful as am the will of humanity."

Words that she wasn't meant to say we're coming out of her mouth, it was like her wasn't in control of her own body.

"Learn to be humble, but I can't exactly deny that your beautiful or else I would be a liar." The young man smiled as she replied.

Unconsciously her lips curved and smiled, this was the first time she smiled, yet this despite the wrongness of the situation, she couldn't help but feel that it isn't too bad.

"Flattery will get you nowhere." That's a lie, a very obvious one, the fact that she smiled is the proof that flattery could get you somewhere.

Maybe gaining a favor or two, from her and by her, the will of humanity, a power being above the gods from the past, gaining a favor from isn't easy at all, from all history of her existence, you could count in one hand of how many she gave her favor with.

Not even Gaia herself could gain a favor from her, that's how hard it is, but now that she gained a mortal body capable of making her feel emotions.

The first person to take advantage of her would surely gain her favor as she is very naive at the moment, actually no, more like a pushover.

If she were naive, she wouldn't have been aware that she was being manipulated, but she was very aware of that fact that's why she isn't 'naive' but a pushover as with her newfound emotions it's very easy to influence her.

The man only smiled at her reply, knowing that she's lying, but regardless of what he knew, he didn't say anything instead he asked. "By the way, I'm quite curious of how you found a door that leads to my shop."

Obviously lying isn't an option, as he would clearly see through her lies, not to mention she wasn't going to lie either way, as it's just a basic question that she has no problem answering. "I didn't found the door, it found me."

Alaya remembered a door suddenly appearing in her realm, at first she tried to destroy it, but proved to indestructible even with all of her might, so then she got curious and tried to analyze it's orgin but ultimately failing and because of that is the reason why she's inside.

The man look a bit surprised at her answer, like he didn't expect it to be what he had in mind, a moment after he mumbled. "I see.."

She frowned at bit and replied. "Do you have a problem with it?"

Quickly the man shook his head and answered. "No, no I don't, either way I haven't introduced myself properly haven't I? It's quite unprofessional of me."

The man smiled and bowed his head a bit and said. "The owner of this humble shop, Alexander Barthomeloi at your service."

From all the things she expect never in her life she expected this place to be a shop, to be fair her earlier guess is that this place is a hideout a separate realm away from her influence.

Because as soon as she stepped inside this place, she felt that the majority of her abilities were sealed, right now she was no weaker than an average human, physically at least.

But it's different when it comes to the supernatural, as she still has magic, and also the fact that she can call her counter guardian at any time.

Even so, she never felt so 'weak' in her entire life as a goddess of humanity, a strange concept for her mind to comprehend, but the odd part is that she doesn't mind.

Feeling powerless makes her feel things that she never felt before, she wonders if this was the majority of humankind feel at themselves.

She was supposed to be the will of humanity, but her understanding was nowhere near as magus thought her to be, perhaps with this experience in this mortal form, she would understand humanity which she couldn't before.

A chance to understand her subjects, to be human.

As she listened to his words, she thought the name Barthomeloi sounds familiar, and then remembered she deployed her counter guardian to that family multiple times when we're about to reach Root in a different timelines.

She couldn't risk as they threatened humankind usually, now looking at this man from the very same family that almost reached Root multiple times.

"You're a magician." It wasn't a question but a statement, as a magician is very different from a common magi.

"Indeed I am." The man- Alexander Barthomeloi, replied without hesitation along with a smile.

"You know I usually hunt your kind."

"I'm pretty much aware." Alexander shrugged.

"Are you not afraid that I would deploy my counter guardian to hunt you?" Alaya asked curiously.

"No, not at all but it would be a pain in the ass to deal with." Alexander replied with a defeated sigh.

Alaya 'hmmm'd' and thought of him as similar to that annoying vampire who uses the second magic to send some of the heroic spirit from the throne to a parallel world because he's bored.

When she tries to hunt him, he would always slip past her every damn time, that vampire is simply slipperier than any eel.

"How did you achieve your magic? I would have been alerted before you could complete it." Alaya stated.

Alexander pondered for a while before eventually answering. "I didn't achieve magic through the traditional way the magi does, I have help from a friend."

If that friend could help him achieve magic without her, the will of humanity must be powerful, possibly more powerful than her as much as her pride admits.

Alaya decided to ask. "What's the name of this friend of yours?"

Alexander replied almost instantly. "She goes by D-"


Ops? It seems that Alaya-chan has beef with D!
