

A/N:If you want to donate or read up to 30 chapters ahead you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi

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We've spent the last two days in the ground, and we're running out of supplies, and if the mother doesn't go hunting today, I may have to kill her tomorrow. as I was thinking about that, the mother's glow started to go down the steep slope of the den.

" At last, she is going hunting, guys; get ready."

after she was out of my 5 km sensing range, we started going for the den, but I left the wolf pup and Berus behind since they couldn't climb a steep slope.

When I approached the slope, I turned my head up and measured its height. Shadowcats are excellent climbers, and it's not hard for them to climb such a steep slope every time. If I were an average person, it would be impossible for me to climb here, but I used Formotegon ( mold earth ) to create hollows on the slope, and a simple ladder was formed.

The moment I reached the top of the slope, the cub noticed me and fled into the den. It wasn't hard to get in by crouching since this den was big enough for the mother to get in. The cub started to growl and screech when she realized I was behind it, but the mother was too far away to hear it. It was trying to run from side to side as I approached it and was very agile, and I didn't have time to deal with it.

"Letagon (snare)"

it suddenly froze, and I grabbed it quickly; it was the size of a house cat. I tied the cub's feet, immediately descended the ladder, and headed to Berus. I went into the alcove and closed the wall. I had to bond with this baby instantly and get away from here before the mother returned.

I placed the shadowcat cub on my lap, holding it steady with one hand while placing the other on its head and starting the bonding spell. I was getting better at this every time I made a bond, and that connection took about half an hour and ended smoothly. The only result I didn't expect was that it took up almost half as much soul space as I thought. If my mana went up a bit more, I could make another bond, and I decided that my next bond would be the wolf pup.

" To finish the bonding, I have to give you a name; what should I name you? hmm..."

"Sith, ye, I'm going to name you Sith." the second I named her, mana started to go inside her. I could feel her negative emotions about me starting to turn positive, and she rubbed her head against my chest. Then I started rubbing her head, and she began to growl with a soft sound. It feels like how a cat would purr but not that cute, and it was wilder of a sound.

"Did our Lady Sith start to like me? But we don't have time to play here, need to go. We don't want to hurt your mother if she comes back."

When I talked about her mother, she started to think about her and got sad, but when I said we needed to go. Her sad thought was replaced by a determination to leave here.

"Inanis motu (traceless movement), volhen keli (the aspect of cat), volhen taur (the aspect of ox)" after buffing, I put Sith and Berus inside the training space and started running.


After two days of travel, we were out of the mountain range and returned to the barren forests beyond the wall. We were slowly making our way to The Wall; of course, even on the way back, I was constantly searching for a dire wolf using Promodynes ( locate animals ), but I had no luck.


Our raid party was coming in on a failed raid; this raid had started so well that our group of 40 men had easily crossed The Gorge under cover of darkness and looted a village on the other side of the wall. We were returning with our loot, but this time the damned crows were waiting for us at the gorge and ambushed us. We gave those crows hell but lost half of our men, I even lost my wolf, and we had to leave our loot behind to fight. We at least killed as many crows as we lost. But I had to find a new wolf.

I saw a black eagle in the distant sky as we went through the forest, and it looked almost as big as my eagle. Should I get that one?

"What is it?"

"a black eagle; I'm thinking of getting it."

he looked up in the direction I was showing and said,

"It doesn't look like an eagle. Are you sure?"

"Something that big, what could it be if not an eagle, and it is a black one? They are so rare."

I reached out and tried to take control of it, but the second I touched its consciousness, I was pushed back and fell on top of my ass. One of my men helped me get up and asked.

"What happened?"

"The eagle belongs to someone else, and that warg pushed me out."

" of course, we are going to follow that eagle, I want it, and I'm going to have it."


We were going back the way we came. Poe, Erebus, and their Murders were on the lookout as usual. I suddenly felt that Erebus was getting very angry, and I had a feeling that he was under attack. I immediately contacted him.

-Erebus, are you okay? What's going on?-

-Aermir, someone tried to touch my consciousness, and I pushed him back. It felt similar to your connection, but he was more aggressive. So, I didn't like it and kicked his ass back.-


it felt similar to the familiar connection; is it a warg? It must be; it is either a warg or a greenseer. Old Nan always said there were wargs among the wildlings, and it looks like it is true.

-Don't come back to us yet; I don't want them to know where we are.-

"Promodynes ( locate animals ) human."

I could sense them from about 5 km (3 miles) away when the magic took effect. They were between me and the wall, so I changed my direction to go around them. I started heading southeast, and they changed direction and continued to follow us.

-Erebus, can they still see you?-

-No, I'm flying close to the trees as you want; they can't see me from afar unless they're flying.-

I suddenly realized what was happening, and I connected to Erebus again and shared his sight.

-Is there any bird following you?-

he started looking around and found an eagle following him from a distance.

-can you kill it without getting hurt yourself?-

when I asked that, I could feel the fighting spirit inside him start to flare up, but I felt something else too. I could feel he was circulating mana in his body, but it wasn't moving around his heart in a circular motion like the mana heart. It was moving along his veins every time his heart pumped with the blood; mana would move too and feed his body with power.
