
Bright minds -185


[With Tony Stark]


Tony Stark couldn't wait to get back to his lab. The vibranium ingot Alexandra had given him felt like a treasure chest brimming with endless possibilities. He wasted no time in heading to his workshop, where he laid the ingot on his workbench and called out, "Jarvis, I need a full analysis on this."


"Certainly, sir," Jarvis responded. "Scanning now."


Tony watched as the holographic display came to life, detailing the unique properties of the vibranium. "This is incredible," he muttered. "The molecular structure is off the charts. It's no wonder It's referred to as a magical metal."


While this wasn't the first time Tony had Vibranium, there was just a massive difference between having a tiny gram worth and having this much, not to mention that this seemed to be even better than the last sample, purer, stronger.


Jarvis chimed in, "Indeed, sir. Vibranium's ability to absorb, store, and release kinetic energy is unparalleled. The potential applications for your suit are extensive."


Tony's mind raced with ideas. "Exactly, Jarvis. We need to think big here. If we incorporate this into the Mark suit, we could enhance its durability, energy absorption, and even power output. Start running simulations on integrating vibranium into the armor plating."


"Right away, sir. Initial results should be ready within the hour."


As Jarvis began processing the data, Tony couldn't resist the urge to experiment with the metal himself. He picked up the ingot and placed it under a laser cutter, watching as the beam sliced through the vibranium with precision. Despite its remarkable properties, the metal yielded to the high-intensity laser, allowing Tony to shape it as needed.


"Jarvis, I've been thinking," Tony said as he worked. "If we can harness the vibranium's energy-absorbing capabilities, we could create a self-sustaining energy loop for the suit. Imagine a reactor that gets more efficient the more it's used."


"A fascinating concept, sir. However, managing the energy flow and preventing overloads will require careful calibration."


Tony nodded, his hands deftly manipulating the vibranium. "Agreed. We'll need to develop a new type of arc reactor core, one that can handle the increased power output without compromising stability. Let's start by mapping out the energy pathways and designing a prototype."


"Understood, sir. I'll begin drafting the schematics."


As the hours passed, Tony lost himself in the work. The vibranium ingot slowly transformed under his hands, taking on the shape of a new arc reactor prototype. He could feel the excitement building within him—this was the kind of challenge he thrived on.


"Sir, the initial simulations are complete," Jarvis announced. "Integrating vibranium into the suit's armor plating would result in a 70% increase in durability and a 40% improvement in energy efficiency."


Tony's eyes lit up. "That's what I'm talking about, Jarvis! Let's get to work on the full integration. We need to redesign the entire suit, optimizing it for vibranium."


"Very well, sir. Shall I also begin developing the new arc reactor prototype?"


"Yes, and make sure we account for the energy loop concept. We need this to be as efficient as possible."


As the night wore on, Tony and Jarvis continued their meticulous work. They refined the armor plating, ensuring that each piece fit perfectly and maximized the vibranium's potential. The new arc reactor prototype began to take shape, a testament to their combined ingenuity.


Finally, after hours of relentless effort, Tony stepped back and admired their progress. "This is going to be a game-changer, Jarvis. With this new suit, we'll be ready for anything."


"Indeed, sir. The enhancements provided by the vibranium will significantly improve your capabilities in the field."


Tony couldn't help but smile, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. Alexandra's gift had opened up a world of possibilities, and he was determined to make the most of it. With the new suit and arc reactor, he would be better equipped to face whatever threats lay ahead, including the mysterious Skrulls.


"Jarvis, prepare the new suit for a test run. Let's see what this baby can do."


"Of course, sir. Initiating the test sequence now."


As Tony suited up and felt the power of the new armor coursing through him, he knew that this was just the beginning. The future was uncertain, but with the new vibranium-enhanced suit, he was more than ready to meet it head-on.


"I wonder if Future Tony had this stuff already? Was that the next step in the evolution of his tech? And just how much faster did I get here?" he asked excitedly, though sadly, no one could give him an answer.


Still, just having this far stronger suit made him feel much safer. He was sure that he could easily deal with that intruder from last time with this new suit.


Looking down at the last bits of vibranium he had left, he couldn't help but feel it still had many other possibilities. "Jarvis, I've been thinking about nanotech. With vibranium's unique properties, it could be the perfect material for advanced nanotechnology applications. Imagine a suit that can repair itself, adapt to different situations, and provide even more protection."


"An intriguing idea, sir," Jarvis responded. "Vibranium's versatility makes it well-suited for nanotech integration. It could allow for unprecedented adaptability and resilience in the suit's design."


Tony's mind raced with excitement. "Exactly! We could create nanobots that not only repair damage but also enhance the suit's capabilities on the fly. Let's start developing a prototype for vibranium-based nanotechnology."


"Right away, sir. Beginning preliminary designs and simulations."


Tony watched as the holographic displays showed various configurations and potential uses for vibranium-enhanced nanotech. The possibilities seemed endless, from self-repairing armor to adaptive weapon systems.


As the night continued, Tony and Jarvis refined their designs, pushing the boundaries of what was possible. The integration of vibranium into nanotechnology promised to revolutionize not just his suit, but potentially countless other applications as well.


"Jarvis, this is going to be incredible. Let's get started on building a prototype. I want to see just how far we can push this."


"Understood, sir. Initiating construction protocols."


As Tony looked at the schematics and the vibrant glow of the vibranium, he felt a surge of excitement and determination. The future was bright, and with vibranium and nanotechnology at his fingertips, Tony Stark was ready to forge a new path, one that would ensure he was prepared for any challenge that lay ahead.






While Stark was no doubt one of the brightest minds of his age, and by his own words at least, the brightest. That didn't mean the Foundation wasn't filled with bright minds; many of humanity's finest worked for the Foundation.


While there was a gap between the great minds of a place like the Marvel universe and the SCP universe, it wasn't one too great. Not to mention that Alexander had scouted a few bright minds into the Foundation, such as Bruce Banner and Hank Pym here at SITE-190.


Pym was truly a rare kind of genius; the Pym particle was truly a marvel of science, and its ability was worth being the legendary source of both the ant-man's superpower and time travel.


The brainwave technology that allowed for communication with ants was also nothing to scuff at. A whole host of impressive innovations came from Pym, though nothing compared to the Pym particle.


Still, since joining the Foundation he had done a few impressive things, and he was eager to learn more, eager to explore the unknown, perhaps a little too eager.


 Pym stood in one of SITE-190's research labs, a stern expression on his face. Before him was SCP-093, the enigmatic blue disc that had caused more than its share of headaches for the Foundation's containment teams. The rules around SCP-093 were strict, and for good reason; the object's ability to transport individuals to alternate realities was as fascinating as it was dangerous.


"I don't understand why we're not pushing the boundaries here," Pym muttered, more to himself than anyone else. "We have this incredible artifact, and yet we're tiptoeing around it like it's going to bite us."


Dr. Helena Carter, one of the senior researchers at the site, overheard Pym and approached him. "Hank, you know the protocols are in place for a reason. SCP-093's effects are unpredictable. We've had enough incidents to know that caution is necessary."


Pym turned to face her, frustration clear in his eyes. "Helena, with all due respect, we're missing out on a wealth of knowledge. If we could understand how SCP-093 works, we could potentially unlock secrets about alternate realities, maybe even find ways to control them. This could be the key to something extraordinary."


Helena sighed. "I get it, Hank. Really, I do. But we can't ignore the risks. The Foundation's primary goal is to secure, contain, and protect. Sometimes that means we have to limit our research to ensure safety."


Pym shook his head, clearly unsatisfied with the answer. "It's just frustrating. We have the brightest minds here, and yet we're shackled by these protocols. There's so much we could learn."


Helena placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know. But remember, pushing too far too fast can lead to disaster. We've seen it happen before. We need to find a balance between exploration and safety."


Pym nodded reluctantly. "I suppose you're right. But we should at least propose a more structured study, with enhanced safety measures. We can't just leave this thing sitting here."


Helena smiled. "Now that's a more reasonable approach. Let's draft a proposal and see if we can get approval for a controlled study. Who knows, maybe we can push the boundaries just a little."


Pym might have been the one to propose that idea, but in truth he didn't really care much for it. He truly felt that this was the only way to save his wife, and he wasn't about to give up because of a bit of red tape.


No, if they wouldn't allow him to do as he pleased, he had ways to get around them; he was tired of being held back by over-cautious fools.




Naturally, this plan of his was seen through almost as soon as it passed through his head. After all, he was under very tight surveillance since his loyalty to the Foundation did not exist. 


Yet, due to his rare mind and the specialised field of his study, which was the quantum realm, he was kept around, and everyone pretended to be blind and stupid. But the situation was reported to those in charge.


It was at SITE-009 that the report landed on the table of Alexander Ricci, O5-, The Architect, The master of dark operations, and leader of the Chaos Insurgency. A man who made many great and grave decisions and who now was asked to decide Hank Pym's fate.


 The report on Hank Pym's activities lay open before him, detailing the scientist's growing impatience and attempts to bypass the Foundation's stringent protocols. Alexander leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled, contemplating the potential risks and rewards.


Pym was undeniably a genius, his contributions to science unparalleled. The Pym Particle alone had revolutionized the understanding of size manipulation and opened doors to realms previously thought unreachable.


Yet, it seemed that him learning about SCP objects, and SCP-093 in particular had changed something within the aged widower. He had started to become reckless, having forsaken his caution.


Other than the report, another item rested on his desk, a small box, within three vails of Pym particles rested. It took the combined might of Darren Cross and Hank's entire company, including his daughter, years to crack the secret.


Yet for the Foundation, it wasn't all that difficult, not when there were plenty of chances to observe the particles in use or scan and study objects they had been used on. After taking control of Pym technology, they cracked the method of making them.


Alexander was the one who had invited Pym into the Foundation, and it would be his headache if he caused any problems. Was Pym worth it? That was the question Alexander was trying to answer.


"I will give you one last chance, Hank, don't fail me, or I will be rid of you." He finally whispered as he wrote up a directive for SITE-190, as well as the order to eliminate Pym should he fail his test. 


Hank just wasn't worth the trouble, not worth the risk, he was old now, set in his ways, as arrogant as Stark if not more, but far more difficult to manipulate. Not to mention Hank was a massive risk.


Yes, this world belonged to the SCP Foundation now, so now it was time for even Marvel superheroes to give way to Foundation personnel. While it would be a shame not to have an Ant-man, he could be replaced by an entire MTF using the Pym particle tech.



If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem
